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Aspose.Slides for .NET 24.3 Release Notes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-44173PPTX to PDF/A in FIPS Compliant Environment: Windows Platform FIPS Cryptographic Validation ErrorInvestigation
SLIDESNET-44447Hyperlinks in the exported PDF are shifted to the rightEnhancement
SLIDESNET-44448Saving the presentation to a PPT hangsBug
SLIDESNET-44444Shape is cropped when saving it as an SVG imageBug
SLIDESNET-44439PPTX to PDF: Text invertedBug
SLIDESNET-44436After exporting PPTX to PDF, the German umlaut becomes boldBug
SLIDESNET-44434Some text is not displayed in the output SVG imageBug
SLIDESNET-44428FontsManager.GetSubstitutions method throws KeyNotFoundExceptionBug
SLIDESNET-44426wk: Exception when getting thumbnail from the shapeBug
SLIDESNET-44417Function NUMBERVALUE is not supportedBug
SLIDESNET-44416Header/Footer text is out of bounds when exporting PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-44411Name of the embedded Excel sheet is changed in exported PDFBug
SLIDESNET-44407?Reading animation group failed? error appears when loading the PPT fileBug
SLIDESNET-44403Font size becomes smaller and font color turns blue when converting PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-44402Regression: PPTX to PDF: Chart renders out of boundsBug
SLIDESNET-44398FontsLoader static class does not release custom fonts after ClearCache method callBug
SLIDESNET-44378Failed to read password protected PPTX fileBug
SLIDESNET-44363NullReferenceException occurs when loading the PPT fileBug
SLIDESNET-44356File name of OLE object is displayed incorrectly in exported PDF documentBug
SLIDESNET-44330Text in PDF is getting very small when converting from PPTX graphicsBug
SLIDESNET-44326PPTX to PDF: Memory consumption on LinuxBug
SLIDESNET-44324Text and shadow are displayed incorrectly when converting slides to imagesBug
SLIDESNET-43674The IHyperlink.ExternalUrl property shows the wrong valueBug
SLIDESNET-43089Icon titles of embedded documents are distorted when converting PPTX to PDFBug

Public API Changes added

Added a new property IHyperlink.ExternalUrlOriginal, which represents a hyperlink that is set for this portion without regard to the actual content of the portion.

PowerPoint behaves specifically for links and their corresponding text in a portion. It allows to create text for the hyperlink in the form of a valid URL, different from the real address of the link. In this case, when you view the link in the edit window, it will be changed to match the text portion. This property represents the original value of the hyperlink.

How the original link is lost:

How the original link is lost:


using (var presentation = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
    var portion = ((AutoShape)presentation.Slides[0].Shapes[1]).TextFrame.Paragraphs[0].Portions[0];
    var externalUrll = portion.PortionFormat.AsIHyperlinkContainer.HyperlinkClick.ExternalUrl; // fake
    var externalUrlOriginal = portion.PortionFormat.AsIHyperlinkContainer.HyperlinkClick.ExternalUrlOriginal; // real