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Aspose.Slides for .NET 24.9 Release Notes

New Features and Improvements

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-44675Regression: PPT to XPS - Image quality decreaseBug
SLIDESNET-44659Failed to extract the animation direction from effect optionsBug
SLIDESNET-44613PresentationFactory.GetPresentationText does not return text from notes and commentsEnhancement
SLIDESNET-43348Exporting to Html5 throws “Index was out of range” exception.Bug
SLIDESNET-43221Text highlighting is missing when converting PPTX to HTML5Bug
SLIDESNET-44658ArgumentException occurrs when converting PPTX to GIFBug
SLIDESNET-44660Loading the PPTX file throws PptxReadExceptionBug
SLIDESNET-44661Regression: Function ISERR not supported on ChartDataWorkbook.CalculateFormulas();Bug
SLIDESNET-44662Regression: ChartDataWorkbook.CalculateFormulas() issuesBug
SLIDESNET-44673PPTX to XPS - Formula is not displayed correctlyBug
SLIDESNET-44578Chart data table is missing when converting PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-44643Regression: PPTX to PNG: GetThumbnail() does not render image properlyBug
SLIDESNET-44645White text becomes black when the slide is clonedBug
SLIDESNET-44401Loading the PPTX file with a chart throws PptxReadExceptionBug
SLIDESNET-44634Gradients are not displayed when converting PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-43220Hyperlinks do not have the right color after converting PPTX to HTML5Bug
SLIDESNET-44580Line breaks are replaced with comma when converting PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-44542Table width and height are returned incorrectlyBug
SLIDESNET-44587Remove the deprecated AddVideo(Stream stream) methodEnhancement
SLIDESNET-43730Remove cropped areas from images and set DPIFeature

Public API Changes

New Enum Members: EffectType.FloatUp and EffectType.FloatDown Have Been Added

New members have been added to the EffectType enum: FloatUp, which is an alias for the existing type Ascend, and FloatDown, which is an alias for the existing type Descend. The following example demonstrates how these aliases will work:

EffectType type = EffectType.Descend;
Console.WriteLine(type == EffectType.Descend); // Should return 'true'
Console.WriteLine(type == EffectType.FloatDown); // Should return 'true'

type = EffectType.FloatDown;
Console.WriteLine(type == EffectType.Descend); // Should return 'true'
Console.WriteLine(type == EffectType.FloatDown); // Should return 'true'

type = EffectType.Ascend;
Console.WriteLine(type == EffectType.Ascend); // Should return 'true'
Console.WriteLine(type == EffectType.FloatUp); // Should return 'true'

type = EffectType.FloatUp;
Console.WriteLine(type == EffectType.Ascend); // Should return 'true'
Console.WriteLine(type == EffectType.FloatUp); // Should return 'true'

IPictureFillFormat.CompressImage Method Has Been Added

This method compresses an image by reducing its size based on the shape size and specified resolution, with the option to delete cropped areas. It adjusts the picture’s size and resolution similarly to PowerPoint’s Picture Format -> Compress Pictures -> Resolution feature. The following example demonstrates how to use the CompressImage method to reduce the size of an image in a presentation by setting a target resolution and removing cropped areas:

using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation("demo.pptx"))
     ISlide slide = presentation.Slides[0];

     // Get the PictureFrame from the slide
     IPictureFrame picFrame = slide.Shapes[0] as IPictureFrame;

     // Compress the image with a target resolution of 150 DPI (Web resolution) and remove cropped areas
     bool result = picFrame.PictureFormat.CompressImage(true, 150f);
     // Check the result of the compression
     if (result)
         Console.WriteLine("Image successfully compressed.");
         Console.WriteLine("Image compression failed or no changes were necessary.");

ISlideText.CommentsText Property Has Been Added

A new CommentText property has been added to the ISlideText interface. This property allows you to retrieve the comment text using the PresentationFactory.Instance.GetPresentationText method. The following example demonstrates how to retrieve comment text from a presentation:

IPresentationText presentationText = PresentationFactory.Instance.GetPresentationText("Presentation.pptx", TextExtractionArrangingMode.Unarranged);

for (int i = 0 ; i < presentationText.SlidesText.Length ; i++)
    Console.WriteLine("Comments for slide {0} : {1}\n", i+1, presentationText.SlidesText[i].CommentsText);

Note: You can retrieve comment text only in the TextExtractionArrangingMode.Unarranged mode.

Obsolete IVideoCollection.AddVideo Method Has Been Removed

The method AddVideo(Stream stream) has been removed from the VideoCollection class and the IVideoCollection interface. Please use the AddVideo(Stream stream, LoadingStreamBehavior loadingStreamBehavior) method instead.