Generate compelling presentations within your Python applications on Linux using the dynamic features of Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET 24.7. This update offers a range of valuable features and improvements to elevate your presentation development experience.
Conveniently Embed Files in Exported PDFs
Power up your Python presentations by integrating additional files into the PDFs during the export process using this release of the Python library for manipulating presentations. Here is how to use this feature in Python.
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation("pres.pptx") as pres:
options = slides.export.PdfOptions()
options.include_ole_data = True"pres.pdf", slides.export.SaveFormat.PDF, options)
Security Boost on Linux
Cater to any security threats in advance by getting rid of the integrated VBA projects, OLE objects, or ActiveX controls when loading the presentations on Linux-powered machines, as illustrated in this code example.
import aspose.slides as slides
load_options = slides.LoadOptions()
load_options.delete_embedded_binary_objects = True
with slides.Presentation("malware.ppt", loadOptions) as pres:"clean.ppt", slides.export.SaveFormat.PPT)
Password-protect Your Presentations
We provide refined handling of your password-protected PowerPoint presentations with Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET 24.7 and guarantee secure document access.
Add Accurate Slide Numbers
Ensure clarity by eliminating uncertainty for your end users with error-free slide number counting. Keep out comment pages for accurate presentation navigation on Linux systems.
Enhance Layout Slides with Placeholders
Inserting placeholder shapes into the layout slides was never easier! Add placeholders, such as charts, content, text, pictures, tables, and more to your layout slides. The following code example demonstrates the feature usage.
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation() as pres:
# Getting the Blank layout slide
layout = pres.layout_slides.get_by_type(slides.SlideLayoutType.BLANK)
# Getting the placeholder manager of the layout slide
placeholder_manager = layout.placeholder_manager
# Adding different placeholders to the Blank layout slide
placeholder_manager.add_content_placeholder(10, 10, 300, 200)
placeholder_manager.add_vertical_text_placeholder(350, 10, 200, 300)
placeholder_manager.add_chart_placeholder(10, 350, 300, 300)
placeholder_manager.add_table_placeholder(350, 350, 300, 200)
# Adding the new slide with Blank layout
new_slide = pres.slides.add_empty_slide(layout)"placeholders.pptx", slides.export.SaveFormat.PPTX)
You can view the list of all new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in this release by visiting Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET 24.7 Release Notes.