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Aspose.Slides for Python 23.3 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET 23.3
Key | Summary | Category | Related Documentation |
SLIDESPYNET-89 | Use Aspose.Slides for Net 23.3 features | Enhancement | |
SLIDESPYNET-74 | Shapes from an SVG image are imported as a black rectangle | Bug |
Public API Changes
Animation timing settings: Rewind when done playing - Timing.rewind has been added
The ITiming.rewind attribute has been added to specify whether an effect will rewind after playing.
with slides.Presentation("demo.pptx") as presentation:
# Gets the effects sequence for the first slide
effectsSequence = presentation.slides[0].timeline.main_sequence
# Gets the first effect of the main sequence.
effect = effectsSequence[0]
# Turns the effect Timing/Rewind on.
effect.timing.rewind = True
Trim Video Settings: VideoFrame trim_from_end and trim_from_start have been added
and VideoFrame.trim_from_start
have been added to manage Trim Video settings.
with slides.Presentation() as pres:
slide = pres.slides[0]
with open("video.mp4", "rb") as in_file:
video = pres.videos.add_video(in_file)
videoFrame = slide.shapes.add_video_frame(0, 0, 100, 100, video)
# sets the trimming start time to 1sec
videoFrame.trim_from_start = 1000
# sets the triming end time to 2sec
videoFrame.trim_from_end = 2000
ChartDataPoint.index property has been added
To allow you determine what parent’s children collection this data point applies to, the ChartDataPoint.index
property has been added.
with slides.Presentation("pres.pptx") as presentation:
chart = presentation.slides[0].shapes[0]
for dataPoint in chart.chart_data.series[0].data_points:
print(f"Point with index {dataPoint.index} is applied to {dataPoint.value}")