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Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET 24.2 Release Notes

New Features and Enhancements

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-44236Converting math equations to LaTeXFeature
SLIDESNET-43218Displaying slide notes in generated HTML5 documentFeature
SLIDESNET-44394Preview image for the OLE object is replaced with the iconEnhancement
SLIDESNET-44381Loading the corrupted PPTX file throws PptxReadExceptionEnhancement
SLIDESNET-44353Glow effect barely visible in thumbnail for glowRadius smaller than 4Enhancement
SLIDESNET-44315Aspose.Slides does not support simultaneous animation after exporting videosEnhancement
SLIDESNET-44233The thickness of the connecting lines of the chart is thinnerEnhancement

Other Improvements and Changes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESPYNET-158Use Aspose.Slides for Net 24.2 featuresEnhancement
SLIDESPYNET-151Warning message appears when converting slides to imagesBug

Public API Changes

IMathParagraph.to_latex() method added

Added a new method IMathParagraph.to_latex(), which allows to convert math text to LaTeX format.


import aspose.slides as slides
import aspose.slides.mathtext as math

with slides.Presentation() as pres:
    slide = pres.slides[0]
    shape = slide.shapes.add_math_shape(50, 50, 200, 200)
    math_paragraph = shape.text_frame.paragraphs[0].portions[0].math_paragraph
    math_latex = math_paragraph.to_latex()

The output is:



Added a new HTML5 export options parameter Html5Options.notes_comments_layouting that allows you to convert a presentation with comments.


import aspose.slides as slides

with slides.Presentation("test.pptx") as pres:
    notes_comments_layouting = slides.export.NotesCommentsLayoutingOptions()
    notes_comments_layouting.notes_position = slides.export.NotesPositions.BOTTOM_TRUNCATED
    html5_options = slides.export.Html5Options()
    html5_options.output_path = "test_pptx"
    html5_options.notes_comments_layouting = notes_comments_layouting"index.html", slides.export.SaveFormat.HTML5, html5_options)