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Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET 24.5 Release Notes

New Features and Enhancements

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-44522API returns wrong Excel sheet namesInvestigation
SLIDESNET-44420Set a default font size for all text boxes on all the slidesFeature
SLIDESNET-44282Set the transparency for tablesFeature

Other Improvements and Changes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESPYNET-167Use Aspose.Slides for Net 24.5 featuresEnhancement
SLIDESPYNET-132Background is missing when rendering the cloned slideBug

Public API Changes

ShapeElement and ShapeUtil members declared as obsolete Modern API

The following methods and properties are declared as obsolete and will be removed in version 24.8:

EnumerableFrameArgs.get_frame() return value type replaced to IImage

The return type of the get_frame method for the EnumerableFrameArgs class was replaced to IImage from Bitmap. This is required as a part of the Modern API transition.

ICellFormat.transparency and ITableFormat.transparency properties added

New property transparency added to the ICellFormat and ITableFormat. It represents the transparency of the fill color.


import aspose.slides as slides

with slides.Presentation("pres.pptx") as presentation:
    table = presentation.slides[0].shapes[0]
    table.table_format.transparency = 0.5