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Aspose.Tasks for C++ 24.3 Windows

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  • 1
  • File Size:
  • 197.98MB
  • Date Added:
  • 30/3/2024


It contains Aspose.Tasks for C++ 24.3 Windows-only binaries.

File Details

Aspose.Tasks for C++ 24.3 brings a set of enhancements specifically tailored for your development environment. Augment your C++ project management apps with our API and integrate full-featured solutions on the Windows platform.

Key Highlights

  • Improved Handling of Non-Standard MPP Files: Aspose.Tasks for C++ 24.3 tackles quirky MPP file structures created by MS Project 16 on Windows, ensuring seamless data processing within your C++ applications.
  • Strengthened Task & Resource Management: This update enhances how C++ developers can manage tasks and resource Guids within XML formats on Windows. Experience improved data integrity and avoid potential issues with project data.
  • Time-Phased Data for Material Resources: The C++ API supports precise handling of time-phased data for material resource assignments. This translates to more accurate project planning and resource allocation.
  • Consistent Data Across Saves: Save your projects with confidence! Repetitive saving to MPP and XML formats on Windows no longer results in empty assignment GUIDs, effectively maintaining data consistency within your C++ projects.

Additional Updates

  • Calculations of dependent properties, which determine how completing one task affects others, are now even more accurate, especially for tasks marked as 100% complete.
  • You can now set ActualFinish dates even for tasks with zero duration on Windows, providing a more comprehensive picture of your project schedule.

You can view the list of all new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in this release by visiting Aspose.Tasks for C++ 24.3 Release Notes.
