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Aspose.Tasks for C++ 19.9 Release Notes
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.Tasks for C++ 19.9 version.
Aspose.Tasks for C++ has been launched. It allows you to read and write Microsoft Project MPP/XML files without using Microsoft Project software.
API Features
Aspose.Tasks for C++ offers a wide arrange of features for creating, reading, manipulating and saving project files:
- Read, change and write Microsoft Project documents
- Read MPP projects (native Microsoft Project format) and XML project formats. Microsoft Project 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 MPP formats are supported
- Create, update and write projects in XML project format
- Read MPP project files, update their summary information and write them in original MPP format
- Read MPP project files and convert them to XML format using Aspose.Tasks for C++ (the XML can be manipulated by implementing a custom XML parser)
- Change main project settings like schedule type, start and finish dates
- Change default project settings like default standard rate, default overtime rate, default task type, default fixed cost accrual, etc.
- Manage extended attributes
- Define weekdays for the project
- Define weekdays for calendars and calendar exceptions
- Read and write calendars for tasks and resources
- Manage task baseline scheduling and duration
- Handle constraints on tasks
- Create and manage links between tasks
- Read, change and create tasks, milestone, estimated critical or effort driven tasks
- Manage resources costs and variances
- Access assignment costs and budget
- Support for the encoding of MPX files
- Resource prefix implementation for nested resources
- Support of setting CSS prefix for HTML export
- Set custom date format while exporting to PDF format
Supported Microsoft Project Versions
- 2003
- 2007
- 2010
- 2013
- 2016
- 2019
Limitations and API Differences
Aspose.Tasks for C++ is based on the .NET version of the API and provides strictly the same functionality as Aspose.Tasks for .NET provides, excluding the following:
- Aspose.Tasks for C++ does not support printing of any kind.
- Aspose.Tasks for C++ does not support Project Online (PWA)
- Aspose.Tasks for C++ does not support database I/O access of any kind.
- Aspose.Tasks for C++ does not support EMF/WMF format, neither itself nor as Project file inclusions. The library can not handle Project files that contain EMF/WMF inclusion correctly.