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Aspose.Tasks for C++ 20.9 Release Notes

Aspose.Tasks for C++ is based on the .NET version of the API and provides strictly the same functionality as Aspose.Tasks for .NET provides, excluding printing, database I/O operations, and EMF/WMF format support.

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-4285Implement a check that file is encryptedNew Feature
TASKSNET-4311Improve resource deletion execution timeEnhancement
TASKSNET-4365Add and ability to assign a cost to the Resource Assignment in manual calculation modeEnhancement
TASKSNET-4308Fix incorrect ActualStart of manual assigned tasksBug
TASKSNET-4278Fix incorrect calculation of time-phased data for assignment’s remaining workBug
TASKSNET-4270Fix recalculation of assignments’ work and time-phased data for the task with Type = “FixedWork” when task’s duration is changedBug
TASKSNET-4269Fix “A generic error occurred in GDI+” exception while rendering MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-4256Fix invalid generated TimephasedData for assignments of Fixed Duration tasksBug
TASKSNET-4371Fix incorrect reading of MPP with a large number of long assignmentsBug
TASKSNET-4370Fix bad performance while deleting of resources when CalculationMode.Manual is setBug
TASKSNET-4363Fix task’s assignments are not visible in Task usage viewBug
TASKSNET-4189Fix an issue with a file modification and resavingBug
TASKSNET-4154Fix invalid recalculated Start and Finish values for assignment with zero durationBug
TASKSNET-4350Fix missing ActualFinishBug
TASKSNET-4063Fix CryptographicException while save into PDF with encryption detailsBug
TASKSNET-4350ActualFinish is showing as NA for some tasksBug
TASKSNET-4390Fix file resaved with Aspose.Tasks cannot be opened by MSP 2016Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public property was added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.ProjectFileInfo.IsPasswordProtectedGets a value indicating whether a project is password protected.
The following public types were deleted:Description
Aspose.Tasks.ProjectOnlineReaderReplaced by ProjectServerManager type.
The following public methods and properties were deleted:Description
Aspose.Tasks.Value.NumberValueReplaced with NumericValue (decimal) property