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Aspose.Tasks for C++ 24.1 Release Notes

Long-style includes

Since 23.8, Aspose.Tasks for C++ uses long-style includes to prevent header name clashing. Please refer to Aspose.Tasks for C++ 23.8 release notes to learn how to switch your project to use long-style includes. We’ll continue the short-style includes support until January, 2024, inclusive.

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-2948Fix existing graphical indicators are not preserved when MPP is opened and then saved by Aspose.TasksEnhancement
TASKSNET-11067Fix reading and writing of ExternalTaskId and ExternalTaskUidBug
TASKSNET-10822Fix extra empty resource is shown when opening MPP9 fileBug
TASKSNET-4874Fix incorrect calculation of Rsc.CostVariance for the specific versions of MPP filesBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.FilterCriteria.IsFieldValueGets whether the right-hand value of FilterCriteria is a field reference, not a constant value.
Aspose.Tasks.FilterCriteria.SetValueField(Aspose.Tasks.Field)Sets the field whose value will be compared with the value of the field specified by FieldName.