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Aspose.Tasks for Java 6.5.0 Release Notes
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
Following changes have been made to the public API in Aspose.Tasks for Java 6.5.0.
The following public classes were added: | |
Name | Description |
Filter | Represents a filter in Project. This class is a member of the Filters collection. |
FilterCriteria | Defines the criteria that tasks or resources must meet to be displayed in MSP view. |
Filters | A collection of Filter objects. |
GanttBarStyle | Represents a bar style used by MSP in Gantt Chart view. |
GanttChartView | Represents a GanttChart view. This class inherits from View class. |
Gridlines | Represents grid lines that appear in a GanttChart view. |
Group | Represents a group definition. This class is a member of the Project.ResourceGroups collection or the Project.TaskGroups collection. |
GroupCriteria | A collection of GroupCriterion objects. |
GroupCriterion | Represents a criterion in a group definition. This class is a member of the GroupCriteria collection. |
Groups | A collection of Group objects. |
ProgressLines | Represents progress lines in a Gantt Chart view. |
RecurringIntervals | Represents recurring intervals used in progress lines of a Gantt Chart view. |
Table | Represents a table in Project. This class is a member of the Tables collection. |
TableField | Represents a field of a table in Project. This class is a member of the TableFields list. |
TableFields | A list of TableField objects. |
TableTextStyle | Represents a text style in a view table. This class inherits from TextStyle class. |
Tables | A collection of Table objects. |
View | Represents a view in Project. This class is a member of the Views collection. |
Views | A collection of View objects. |
The following public enumerated types were added: | |
Name | Description |
BackgroundPattern | Specifies background pattern used in text styles. |
DateLabel | Specifies the display format for date and time labels in a timescale tier. |
Field | Specifies a resource or task field in Project. |
FilterComparisonType | Specifies the type of comparison made between Field and Value that acts as selection criteria for the filter. |
FilterOperation | Specifies how the criterion established with Field, Test, and Value relates to other criteria in the filter. |
GanttBarEndShape | Specifies the start or end shape of a task bar on a Gantt chart. |
GanttBarFillPattern | Specifies a fill pattern used in the middle shape of a Gantt bar. |
GanttBarMiddleShape | Specifies a middle shape used in a Gantt bar. |
GanttBarSize | Specifies the height of a Gantt bar. |
GanttBarType | Specifies the Gantt bar type. |
GroupOn | Specifies the type of grouping. |
Interval | Specifies recurring intervals to display progress lines at. |
ItemType | Specifies the type of an item. |
RecurringInterval.DayType | Specifies a day type used in progress lines. |
TimescaleUnit | Specifies the unit of time for any tier of a timescale in a Gantt chart or other timephased view. |
ViewScreen | Specifies the screen type for a view. |
|The following public methods were added to existing classes:|| |Name|Description| |Filters Project.getTaskFilters()|Gets all the task-based filter definitions of a project.| |Filters Project.getResourceFilters()|Gets all the resource-based filter definitions of a project.| |Views Project.getViews()|Gets all the views of a project.| |Tables Project.getTables()|Gets all the tables of a project.| |Groups Project.getTaskGroups()|Gets all the task-based group definitions of a project.| |Groups Project.getResourceGroups()|Gets all the resource-based group definitions of a project.|