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Aspose.Tasks for Java 6.6.0 Release Notes

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

Following changes have been made to the public API in Aspose.Tasks for Java 6.6.0.

The following public methods were added to existing classes:

ImageSaveOptions.getPixelFormatGets the format of the color data for each pixel in the image.
ImageSaveOptions.setPixelFormatSets the format of the color data for each pixel in the image.
ImageSaveOptions.getHorizontalResolutionGets the horizontal resolution in dpi.
ImageSaveOptions.setHorizontalResolutionSets the horizontal resolution in dpi.
ImageSaveOptions.getVerticalResolutionGets the vertical resolution in dpi.
ImageSaveOptions.setVerticalResolutionSets the vertical resolution in dpi.

The following public enumerated types were added:

PixelFormatSpecifies the format of the color data for each pixel in the image.