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Aspose.Tasks for Java 8.5.0 Release Notes

Major Features

We have supported several important features this release. Ability to extract objects embedded in task or resource view form, page settings writing into mpp format, reading Header and Footer data from MPP files have been implemented. One bug has been fixed. Please, see details below.

All Changes

Issue TypeKeySummary
New FeatureTASKS-16019Read Header and Footer data from MPP files.
New FeatureTASKS-33987Adding Extended Attributes to ResourceAssignment for visibility in MSP
New FeatureTASKS-33968Support MPX format for reading.
EnhancementTASKS-30859Custom Fields should ignore invalid characters
TaskTASKS-27144Ability to extract objects embedded in task or resource view form
TaskTASKS-34043TASKS-27144 Implement embedded Bitmap Image extraction from views.
TaskTASKS-34042TASKS-33909 Implement PageSettings writing to mpp
BugTASKS-34056Wrong calculation of assignment units after changing the task duration

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public classes were added:

Class nameDescription
BorderSpecifies the border types.
HeaderFooterInfoRepresents header or footer data which is present in views and used for printing.
LegendSpecifies the pages on which the legend appears.
OleObjectRepresents an object which is inserted into the mpp file.
OleObjectCollectionRepresents a collection containing the instances of the OleObject class.
PageInfoRepresents page setup data which is present in mpp file format and used for printing.
PageLegendRepresents a page legend which is used for project printing.
PageMarginsRepresents page margins for printing.
PageSettingsRepresents printing settings for a page of project view.
PageViewSettingsRepresents printing settings for a project view.
ParseErrorArgsProvides data for the ParseErrorCallback delegate.
ParseErrorCallbackRepresents a method callback to handle parse errors that can happen when reading xml data.

The following public fields were added to existing classes:

Field NameDescription
com.aspose.tasks.FileFormat.MPXMPX file format

The following public methods were added to existing classes:

Method NameDescription
com.aspose.tasks.Project.getOleObjectsReturns a collection containing the instances of the OleObject class which are linked or embedded to this project file.
com.aspose.tasks.View.getPageInfoRepresents page setup data which is present in mpp file format.