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Aspose.Tasks for Java 19.6 Release Notes


  • The support of Microsoft Project 2019 has been added.

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-2684Implement the support of MS Project 2019New Feature
TASKSNET-3032Fix using of CssStylePrefix for special caseBug
TASKSNET-3028Fix exception ‘The difference between start and finish date cannot be more than 50 years.’ after start date being setBug
TASKSNET-3024Fix reading of assignments from MS Project ServerBug
TASKSNET-3017Fix incorrect applying of occurrence number for recurrent tasksBug
TASKSNET-2994Fix missing hyperlinks after the MPP file being resavedBug
TASKSNET-2969Fix missed timephased data for material resource assignmentBug
TASKSNET-2738Fix contradiction between task.Get(Tsk.Duration).TimeUnit and task.Get(Tsk.DurationFormat) propertiesBug
TASKSNET-2686Fix a splitting of tasks after a resave in MPPBug
TASKSNET-2658Fix wrong output after the task has been splitBug