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Aspose.Tasks for Java 21.8 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSJAVA-489FIPs Compliant version of Bouncy Castle usage in APIsEnhancement
TASKSJAVA-1448Some locales are not supportedBug
TASKSJAVA-1411Wrong results for the material resource in MPPBug
TASKSNET-3629Fix disappearing of a task after an active view changeBug
TASKSNET-10275Fix Invalid Tsk.Id when blank line is insertedBug
TASKSNET-10278Fix tasks are not shown in MS Project when opening result of “CopyTo” methodBug
TASKSNET-10276Fix task lines are shown incorrectly when blank line is inserted for MPP 2003 and 2008Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.OleObject.IdGets the object id.
com.aspose.tasks.Task.moveToSibling(com.aspose.tasks.Task)Moves the current task at the same Outline Level before the specified task.
com.aspose.tasks.WorkWeek.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
The following public methods and properties were deleted:Description

Examples and additional notes

Since this version Aspose.Tasks for Java uses only security providers, which approved by FIPS.

Related issue: Fix Invalid Tsk.Id when blank line is inserted

Overload of Task.moveToSibling method was added. The new method accepts Task instead of Task’s Id as a parameter:

Project project = new Project("test.mpp");
Task task = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("New task");