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Aspose.Tasks for Java 22.2 Release Notes
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.Tasks for Java 22.2.
All Changes
Key | Summary | Issue Type |
TASKSNET-10433 | Fix ShowProjectSummaryTask public API | Enhancement |
TASKSNET-10309 | Change return type of *Slack properties to System.TimeSpan | Enhancement |
TASKSNET-4835 | Rename members of SaveFileFormat enum to camel case | Enhancement |
TASKSNET-10431 | Fix rendering of timescale to fit it to page’s width | Bug |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following public methods and properties were deleted: |
com.aspose.tasks.SplitPart.getIndex |
The following public classes were added: | Description |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta | Represents a difference between two timestamps. |
The following public methods and properties were added: | Description |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.#ctor(int,int,int) | Initializes new instance of TimeDelta to the specified number of hours, minutes and seconds. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.#ctor(int,int,int,int,int) | Initializes new instance of TimeDelta to the specified number of days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.add(com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta) | Returns a new TimeDelta object whose value is a sum of this and other instance. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.clone | Creates and returns a copy of this object. |,com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta) | Compares two TimeDelta values and returns an integer that indicates whether the first value is shorter than, equal to, or longer than the second value. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.compareTo(com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta) | Compares this instance to a specified TimeDelta object and returns an integer that indicates whether this instance is shorter than, equal to, or longer than the TimeSpan object. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.equals(com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta) | Indicates whether some other time span is equal to this one. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.equals(java.lang.Object) | Indicates whether some other object is “equal to” this one. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.equals(com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta,com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta) | Checks two instances for equality. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.fromDays(double) | Returns a TimeDelta that represents a specified number of days (rounded to the nearest millisecond). |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.fromHours(double) | Returns a TimeDelta that represents a specified number of hours (rounded to the nearest millisecond). |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.fromMilliseconds(double) | Returns a TimeDelta that represents a specified number of milliseconds (rounded to the nearest millisecond). |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.fromMinutes(double) | Returns a TimeDelta that represents a specified number of minutes (rounded to the nearest millisecond). |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.fromSeconds(double) | Returns a TimeDelta that represents a specified number of seconds (rounded to the nearest millisecond). |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getDays | Returns the days component of the time interval, represented by this instance. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getHours | Returns the hours component of the time interval, represented by this instance. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getMilliseconds | Returns the milliseconds component of the time interval, represented by this instance. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getMinutes | Returns the minutes component of the time interval, represented by this instance. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getSeconds | Returns the seconds component of the time interval, represented by this instance. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getTotalDays | Returns the value of the current instance expressed in whole and fractional days. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getTotalHours | Returns the value of the current instance expressed in whole and fractional hours. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getTotalMilliseconds | Returns the value of the current instance expressed in whole and fractional milliseconds. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getTotalMinutes | Returns the value of the current instance expressed in whole and fractional minutes. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getTotalSeconds | Returns the value of the current instance expressed in whole and fractional seconds. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.hashCode | Returns a hash code value for the object. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.negate | Returns a new TimeDelta whose value is the negated value of this instance. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.parse(java.lang.String) | Converts the string representation of a time interval to its TimeDelta equivalent. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.subtract(com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta) | Returns a new TimeDelta object whose value is a difference between this and other instances. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.toString | Returns a string representation of the object. |
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.tryParse(java.lang.String,com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta[]) | Converts the string representation of a time interval to its TimeDelta equivalent and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded. |
The following public enumerations were added: | Description |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Mpp | MPP format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Xml | XML format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Html | HTML format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Bmp | BMP format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Png | PNG format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Jpeg | JPEG format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Pdf | PDF format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Tiff | TIFF format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Xps | XPS format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Xaml | XAML format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Svg | SVG format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Csv | CSV format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Txt | Text format (tab delimited). |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Xlsx | OOXML (Excel 2007). |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PrimaveraP6Xml | Primavera P6 Xml format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PrimaveraXer | Primavera PM XER format. |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Mpx | MPX format. |
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.FreeSlackTimeSpan | Represents the FreeSlack (Task) field. |
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.TotalSlackTimeSpan | Represents the TotalSlack (Task) field. |
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.StartSlackTimeSpan | Represents the StartSlack (Task) field. |
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.FinishSlackTimeSpan | Represents the FinishSlack (Task) field. |
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.START_SLACK_TIME_SPAN | The duration between the Early Start and Late Start dates. |
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.FINISH_SLACK_TIME_SPAN | The duration between the Early Finish and Late Finish dates. |
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.FREE_SLACK_TIME_SPAN | The time that a task can be delayed without delaying any successor tasks. |
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.TOTAL_SLACK_TIME_SPAN | The time (in tenths of a minute) a task’s finish date can be delayed without delaying the project’s finish date. |
Members marked as obsolete
The following members were marked as obsolete and will be deleted after version 22.6:
Member | What to use instead (if applicable) |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.MPP | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Mpp |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.XML | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Xml |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.HTML | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Html |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.BMP | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Bmp |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PNG | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Png |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.JPEG | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Jpeg |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PDF | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Pdf |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.TIFF | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Tiff |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.XPS | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Xps |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.XAML | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Xaml |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.SVG | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Svg |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.CSV | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Csv |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.TXT | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Txt |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.XLSX | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Xlsx |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PrimaveraP6XML | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PrimaveraP6Xml |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PrimaveraXER | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PrimaveraXer |
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.MPX | com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.Mpx |
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.START_SLACK | com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.START_SLACK_TIME_SPAN |
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.FINISH_SLACK | com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.FINISH_SLACK_TIME_SPAN |
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.FREE_SLACK | com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.FREE_SLACK_TIME_SPAN |
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.TOTAL_SLACK | com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.TOTAL_SLACK_TIME_SPAN |