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Aspose.Tasks for Java 23.12 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-11060Fix performance degradation when saving the specific project to XMLEnhancement
TASKSNET-11048Add validation which checks that calendar names are uniqueEnhancement
TASKSNET-4877Fix costs and durations rounding when reading a project from MPP and XML.Enhancement
TASKSNET-11037Fix ArgumentOutOfRangeException when trying to get Task.Status for the specific projectBug
TASKSNET-3826Fix incorrect formula’s field arguments are saved to XML format in some casesBug
TASKSNET-11045Fix View.BarStyles are not shown in MS Project when opening MPP saved by Aspose.TasksBug
TASKSNET-3366Fix MS Project2003 crashes when opening MPP file saved using WriteViewData optionBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.MPPSaveOptions.getWriteFilters()Gets a value indicating whether to write filter data when saving to MPP.
com.aspose.tasks.MPPSaveOptions.setWriteFilters( boolean )Sets a value indicating whether to write filter data when saving to MPP.
The following public methods were deleted:Description
com.aspose.tasks.TaskBaseline.setDurationFormat( byte )