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Aspose.Tasks for Java 24.12 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-11302Add an ability to customize font of text labels of task bars in Gantt chartEnhancement
TASKSNET-11226Fix TimescaleTier.Alignment is not taken into account when rendering timescale date labelsEnhancement
TASKSNET-11355Fix TimescaleTier time period is rendered incorrectly at the border of the pagesBug
TASKSNET-11347Fix empty column is inserted at index 26 when saving a project to XLSX formatBug
TASKSNET-11282Fix incorrect position of task bars when rendering Gantt ChartBug
TASKSNET-11277Fix gridline`s NormalColor is not applied when rendering Gantt chartBug
TASKSNET-11246Fix calculation of a formula which reference Baseline2 Start \ Baseline2 Finish fieldsBug
TASKSNET-11225Fix missing timescale text label when timescale’s start is not aligned with timescale unit’s startBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.TimescaleTier.getRenderLabelOnEachPage()Gets flag that defines whether date labels should be rendered on each page when a time period spans over several pages.
com.aspose.tasks.TimescaleTier.setRenderLabelOnEachPage( boolean )Sets flag that defines whether date labels should be rendered on each page when a time period spans over several pages.
The following public methods were deleted:Description
com.aspose.tasks.SaveOptions.setLegendOnEachPage( boolean )

Examples and additional notes

Related issue: TASKSNET-11226 - Fix TimescaleTier.Alignment is not taken into account when rendering timescale date labels

Prior to 24.12 labels in timescale in Gantt chart were rendered with “Center” alignment. Now labels are rendered according to TimescaleTier.Alignment (TimescaleTier.getAlignment()/TimescaleTier.setAlignment( int )) property.

The following code snippet demostrates how to adjust ‘TimescaleTier.Alignment’ setting:

Project project = new Project("input.mpp");
View view = project.getViews().getByName("&Gantt Chart");
GanttChartView ganttChartView = view instanceof GanttChartView ? (GanttChartView) view : null;

if (ganttChartView == null) {


PdfSaveOptions so = new PdfSaveOptions();
so.setViewSettings(ganttChartView);"output.pdf", so);