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Aspose.Tasks for .NET 20.11 Release Notes
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.Tasks for .NET 20.11.
All Changes
Key | Summary | Issue Type |
TASKSNET-4520 | Add support for “Clear” operation for project’s OleObjects collection | Enhancement |
TASKSNET-4497 | Refactor API for CalendarExceptions | Enhancement |
TASKSNET-4444 | Add an API for getting a count of consumed bytes \ credits when Metered license is used | Enhancement |
TASKSNET-3896 | Add API for saving more than 1 page to MemoryStream | Enhancement |
TASKSNET-3895 | Implement writing of displayed time units for assignment’s Duration* extended attributes | Enhancement |
TASKSNET-3854 | Enhance reading of dates in evaluation mode | Enhancement |
TASKSNET-4506 | Fix missing embedded OLE image in resaved project | Bug |
TASKSNET-4499 | Fix incorrect TimephasedData.Uid in TimephasedData items returned by task.GetTimephasedData() method | Bug |
TASKSNET-4485 | Fix adding of CalendarException broke MPP file | Bug |
TASKSNET-4439 | Fix invalid order of null tasks after project’s recalculation | Bug |
TASKSNET-3723 | Fix absent TDs for cost resources | Bug |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following behavior was changed:
Days on which calendar exceptions are effective are no longer added to calendar.WeekDays collection.
Consider a project with a calendar in which at least one calendar exception is defined:
Project project = new Project("CalendarWithExceptions.mpp");
Calendar calendar = project.Calendars.GetByUid(1);
Before ver. 20.11: days on which the exceptions were effective were added to calendar.WeekDays collection (with DayType ‘Exception’) along with the “regular” WeekDays.
After ver. 20.11 (including ver. 20.11): calendar.WeekDays contain only “regular” WeekDays. You can use CalendarException.GetExceptionDates() method in order to determine on which days the given calendar exception is effective.
Project project = new Project("CalendarWithExceptions.mpp");
Calendar calendar = project.Calendars.GetByUid(1);
CalendarException calendarException = calendar.Exceptions[0];
foreach (var date in calendarException.GetExceptionDates())
The following public types were added: | Description |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.IPageSavingCallback | Represents a callback that is called when each page in multi page document is saved to a separate stream. |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.PageSavingArgs | This class represents set of data that related to saving of a document’s page to a stream. |
Aspose.Tasks.Util.TreeAlgorithmBase<T> | A base class for implementations of <see cref=“T:Aspose.Tasks.Util.ITreeAlgorithm<T> |
The following public types were deleted: | Description |
Aspose.Tasks.TaskXMLParsingFinished |
The following public methods and properties were added: | Description |
Aspose.Tasks.AssignmentBaseline.#ctor | Initializes a new instance of the |
Aspose.Tasks.Baseline.#ctor | Initializes a new instance of the |
Aspose.Tasks.CalendarException.GetExceptionDates | Returns dates on which the calendar exception is applicable. |
Aspose.Tasks.Metered.GetConsumptionCredit | Gets consumption credit. |
Aspose.Tasks.Metered.GetConsumptionQuantity | Gets consumption file size. |
Aspose.Tasks.OleObjectCollection.Clear | Clears the collection. In order to persist these changes project.Save should be called with ’new MPPSaveOptions { WriteViewData = true }’ argument. |
Aspose.Tasks.Project.GetDuration(System.TimeSpan,Aspose.Tasks.TimeUnitType) | Gets |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.PageSavingCallback | Gets or sets a user-defined callback which is used to get an output stream for each rendered page. |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.IPageSavingCallback.PageSaving(Aspose.Tasks.Saving.PageSavingArgs) | The method to be called when a page is saved to a stream. |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.IPageSavingCallback.OnFinish | Method which will be called when all pages are written. |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.PageSavingCallback | Gets or sets a user-defined callback which is used to get an output stream for each rendered page. |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.PageSavingArgs.PageNumber | Gets a number of page to be written. |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.PageSavingArgs.KeepStreamOpen | Gets or sets a value indicating whether rendering routine should keep |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.PageSavingArgs.Stream | Gets or sets a stream for writing a page. |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.PageSavingCallback | Gets or sets a user-defined callback which is used to get an output stream for each rendered page. |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SvgOptions.PageSavingCallback | Gets or sets a user-defined implementation callback which is used to get an output stream for each rendered page. |
Aspose.Tasks.TaskBaseline.#ctor(Aspose.Tasks.Task) | Initializes a new instance of the |
The following public methods and properties were deleted: | Description |
Aspose.Tasks.AvailabilityPeriod.ParentResource | |
Aspose.Tasks.Calendar.#ctor(System.String) | |
Aspose.Tasks.Calendar.MakeStandardCalendar | |
Aspose.Tasks.Calendar.Make24HourCalendar | |
Aspose.Tasks.Calendar.MakeNightShiftCalendar | |
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveOptions.ShowProjectSummaryTask | |
Aspose.Tasks.Visualization.GanttBarStyle.ShowFor |