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Aspose.Tasks for .NET 20.12 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-4518Save project documents with password protectionNew Feature
TASKSNET-4500Add an ability to read and write Activity_Id (task_code in XER) for Primavera XML, XER and DB formatsEnhancement
TASKSNET-4120Add reading of timescale settings and rendering of custom timescales for Task Usage and Resource Usage viewsEnhancement
TASKSNET-4561Fix exception when trying to access TimephasedData for assignment of material resourceBug
TASKSNET-4554Fix “NullReferenceException” when trying to render the specific project to HTMLBug
TASKSNET-4553Fix incorrectly read / written colors in View.TableTextStyles for MSP 2007 format.Bug
TASKSNET-4548Fix System.OverflowException when trying to save password-protected projectBug
TASKSNET-4547Fix “Index was outside the bounds of the array.” exception when open document MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-4544Fix “Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter ‘index’)” exception when get pages count MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-4543Fix ‘Stream does not support reading’ exception when saving to HTMLBug
TASKSNET-4526Fix ResourceAssignments are not read from password protected files for MSP 2010+ filesBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.MPPSaveOptions.ProtectionPasswordGets or sets a password which is used to protect a resulting MPP file. Currently is supported for MS Project 2010 and newer formats.
Aspose.Tasks.UsageView.TimescaleSizePercentageGets or sets a percentage to reduce or enlarge the spacing between units on the timescale tier.
Aspose.Tasks.UsageView.BottomTimescaleTierGets or sets settings of view’s bottom timescale tier.
Aspose.Tasks.UsageView.MiddleTimescaleTierGets or sets settings of view’s middle timescale tier.
Aspose.Tasks.UsageView.TopTimescaleTierGets or sets settings of view’s top timescale tier.

|The following public enumeration members were added:|Description| | Aspose.Tasks.TaskKey.ActivityId | Represents the ActivityId field (only applicable to Primavera projects). | | Aspose.Tasks.Tsk.ActivityId | Represents activity id field - a task’s unique identifier used by Primavera. (only applicable to Primavera projects). |

|The following public types were deleted:|Description| | Aspose.Tasks.ProjectXMLCreationFinished | Not used anymore. | | Aspose.Tasks.ProjectXMLParsingStarted | Not used anymore. | | Aspose.Tasks.TaskXMLCreationFinished | Not used anymore. |

|The following public methods and properties were deleted:|Description| | Aspose.Tasks.ExtendedAttributeDefinition.CreateLookupDefinition | Replaced by more specific CreateLookupTaskDefinition and CreateLookupResourceDefinition. | | Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveOptions.TimescaleTier | View’s TopTimescaleTier, MiddleTimescaleTier, BottomTimescaleTier properties should be used instead. | | Aspose.Tasks.View.Index | Not used anymore. |