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Aspose.Tasks for .NET 22.12 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-10724Fix escaping of text values when writing project to XER format.Enhancement
TASKSNET-10717Add LinkLagTimeSpan property to TaskLink.Enhancement
TASKSNET-3704Fix cost calculations for case when multiple rates are effective on a day.Enhancement
TASKSNET-10723Fix System.FormatException when reading a project from XER fileBug
TASKSNET-10722Fix creation of external task linksBug
TASKSNET-10721Fix addition of new table for a project saved without a template fileBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.Task.ExternalUidGets or set the external task’s Unique identifier when the task is external.
Aspose.Tasks.TaskLink.LinkLagTimeSpanGets or sets lag duration, depending on LagFormat.
The following public enumerations were added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.TaskKey.ExternalUidRepresents the Unique Id of external task.
Aspose.Tasks.Tsk.ExternalUidContains the external task’s Unique identifier when the task is external.

Examples and additional notes

Related issue: TASKSNET-10722 - Fix creation of external task links

New task’s property was added : Tsk.ExternalUid. MS Project requires Unique Id of External task to be set in order to properly link tasks between projects.

The following example shows how to create cross-project task link:

Project project = new Project();
var summary = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Summary Task");

Task t2 = t2 = summary.Children.Add("External Task");
t2.Set(Tsk.ExternalTaskProject, "ExternalProject.mpp");
t2.Set(Tsk.ExternalId, 1);
t2.Set(Tsk.ExternalUid, 2); // External task's Unique Id should be set.
t2.Set(Tsk.IsExternalTask, true);
t2.Set(Tsk.IsManual, new NullableBool(false));
t2.Set(Tsk.IsSummary, false);

Task t = summary.Children.Add("Task");
TaskLink link = project.TaskLinks.Add(t2, t);
link.IsCrossProject = true;
link.LinkType = TaskLinkType.FinishToStart;
link.CrossProjectName = "ExternalProject.mpp\\\\1"; // <- here external task's Id is used.