Aspose.Tasks for Python via .NET 24.4 provides feature enhancements for managing project tasks in Python applications on Windows x64 systems.
Enhanced CSV Export
The latest Python project management API release enables the convenient inclusion of field titles in your exported CSV files using the new FieldHelper.GetDefaultFieldTitle
method on 64-bit Windows machines. The following code example demonstrates how you can set up CSV export options and save an MPP file as CSV based on the Gantt Chart view of your project file using the newly added API member.
import aspose.tasks as tsk
project = tsk.Project("data/test.mpp")
options = tsk.saving.CsvOptions()
options.text_delimiter = tsk.saving.CsvTextDelimiter.TAB
view = project.default_view
options.view = tsk.visualization.ProjectView.get_default_gantt_chart_view()
for t in view.table.table_fields:
column_title = t.title if t.title else tsk.util.FieldHelper.get_default_field_title(t.field)
options.view.columns.append(tsk.visualization.GanttChartColumn(column_title, 10, t.field))"output.csv", options)
Refined Legend Control in PDFs
Get precise control over legend rendering in exported PDFs with the newly added LegendDrawingOptions
property in Aspose.Tasks for Python via .NET 24.4. You can choose to include legends on every page, after the last page, or define rendering based on the view settings.
This code example illustrates the property usage to render the legend on the exported PDF document pages on Windows x64 systems.
import aspose.tasks as tsk
project = tsk.Project("test.mpp")
view = project.views.get_by_name("&Gantt Chart")
view.page_info.legend.legend_on = tsk.visualization.Legend.AFTER_LAST_PAGE
so = tsk.saving.PdfSaveOptions()
so.legend_drawing_options = tsk.saving.LegendDrawingOptions.DEFINED_IN_VIEW
so.start_date = project.start_date
so.end_date = project.finish_date
so.view_settings = view
# The legend is rendered on each page."output.pdf", so)
Precise Material Resource Units
Developers can set variable consumption rates for material resources using the new ResourceAssignment.SetMaterialResourceUnits
method within their Python apps running on the Windows x64 platform.
This release of the project management Python API addresses several issues, such as improved handling of MPP file units, legends, and zero-duration tasks, and delivers performance enhancements for a more robust development experience.
You can view the list of all new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in this release by visiting Aspose.Tasks for Python via .NET 24.4 Release Notes.