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Aspose.Tasks for Python via .NET 24.11 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-3334Implement a macro (VBA) removal operationNew Feature
TASKSNET-11170Add writing of Group definitions to MPP formatNew Feature
TASKSNET-11330Add “GroupAssignments” property to Group classEnhancement
TASKSNET-11329Fix reading of GroupCriterion.GroupOn, GroupCriterion.GroupInterval properties in some casesBug
TASKSNET-11323Fix writing of baseline’s TimephasedData for summary tasksBug
TASKSNET-11297Fix System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added exception when opening the specific MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-11270Fix font size is not applied when TextStyle is overriden in SaveOptions.TextStylesBug
TASKSNET-11136Fix reading/writing of Task.IsRollup property for MSP 2010 formatBug
TASKSNET-11047Fix task progress is not shown when opening MPP file saved by Aspose.Tasks using MS ProjectBug
TASKSNET-11328Fix saving of fonts for MPP9-MPP16 formats when the user adds a text style or group which uses font previously not added to a projectBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added:Description
aspose.tasks.Group.group_assignmentsGets or sets a value indicating whether assignments should be grouped instead of tasks.
aspose.tasks.saving.MPPSaveOptions.write_groupsGets or sets a value indicating whether to write groups data when saving a project to MPP for format.
aspose.tasks.saving.MPPSaveOptions.clear_vbaGets or sets a value indicating whether to remove existing VBA macros data when saving a project to MPP format.

Examples and additional notes

Related issue: TASKSNET-3334 - Implement a macro (VBA) removal operation.

MPPSaveOptions.clear_vba property can be used to specify that VBA macros should be removed when saving a project to MPP format:

project = aspose.tasks.Project("fileWithVBA.mpp")
save_options = aspose.tasks.saving.MPPSaveOptions()
save_options.clear_vba = True"cleared.mpp", save_options)

Related issue: TASKSNET-11170 - Add writing of Group definitions to MPP format.

Starting with this release group data can be written to an MPP (MS Project 2003 and newer formats) file. Please note that MPPSaveOptions.WriteGroups property should be set to true in order to write group data. Otherwise, original group data will persist.

import aspose.tasks as tsk

p = tsk.Project()
group = tsk.Group() = "My new task group"
group.maintain_hierarchy = True
group.show_summary = True

criterion = tsk.GroupCriterion()
criterion.field = tsk.Field.TASK_DURATION1
criterion.font = tsk.visualization.FontDescriptor("Comic Sans MS", 13.0, tsk.visualization.FontStyles.ITALIC)
criterion.group_on = tsk.GroupOn.DURATION_MINUTES
criterion.start_at = 5
criterion.group_interval = 3.0
criterion.pattern = tsk.BackgroundPattern.DARK_DIAGONAL_LEFT

criterion2 = tsk.GroupCriterion()
criterion2.field = tsk.Field.TASK_PERCENT_COMPLETE
criterion2.font = tsk.visualization.FontDescriptor("Bodoni MT", 17.0, tsk.visualization.FontStyles.BOLD)
criterion2.group_on = tsk.GroupOn.PCT199
criterion2.pattern = tsk.BackgroundPattern.LIGHT_DITHER
group.group_assignments = True


save_options = tsk.saving.MPPSaveOptions()
save_options.write_groups = True"output.mpp", save_options)