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Aspose.Tasks for Python via .NET 24.4 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-11146Remove rounding when reading Asn.Units from MPPEnhancement
TASKSNET-11134Enhance usability of export to CSV formatEnhancement
TASKSNET-11142Fix incorrect work of material assignment shown by MS Project when project.WorkFormat is set to TimeUnitType.DayBug
TASKSNET-11097Fix setting PageInfo.Legend.LegendOn is not applied when project is renderedBug
TASKSNET-11148Fix incorrect writing of zero duration tasks which can lead to incorrect dates shown when project is recalculated in MS ProjectBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public types were added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.LegendDrawingOptionsSpecifies the possible options used when rendering view’s legend.
Aspose.Tasks.UnexpectedFileFormatExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when file format has unexpected format or structure.
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.ResourceAssignment.SetMaterialResourceUnits(System.Double,Aspose.Tasks.RateScaleType)Sets units for assignment of a material resource with variable material consumption.
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveOptions.LegendDrawingOptionsGets or sets a value which define how to render a legend. Default value is LegendDrawingOptions.OnEveryPage.
Aspose.Tasks.UnexpectedFileFormatException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)Initializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.Util.FieldHelper.GetDefaultFieldTitle(Aspose.Tasks.Field)Returns a default title of the specific field.
The following public methods and properties were deleted:Description
The following public enumerations were added:Description
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.LegendDrawingOptions.NoLegendNo legend is rendered.
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.LegendDrawingOptions.AfterLastPageThe legend is rendered on a separate page after the last page of the project’s pages.
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.LegendDrawingOptions.OnEveryPageThe legend is rendered on every page.
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.LegendDrawingOptions.DefinedInViewThe legend is rendered according to View.PageInfo.Legend.LegendOn property of the rendered View.
The following public enumerations were deleted:Description

Examples and additional notes

Related issue: TASKSNET-11146 - Remove rounding when reading Asn.Units from MPP.

Assignments of a material resource can have a variable consumption rate which means that the quantity of the material resource depends on the duration of the assignment. Method ResourceAssignment.SetMaterialResourceUnits(double units, RateScaleType rateScaleType) was added to ease setting of the variable consumption rate.

For example, to set “3 units per week” rate, SetMaterialResourceUnits(3D, RateScaleType.Week) can be called. Prior to 24.4, the same result could be achieved by calling

a.Units = 3D / 40; a.RateScale = RateScaleType.Week;

Related issue: TASKSNET-11097 - Fix setting PageInfo.Legend.LegendOn is not applied when project is rendered.

Boolean property SaveOptions.LegendOnEachPage was replaced by more versatile LegendDrawingOptions property with 4 allowed values: NoLegend - the legend is not rendered, AfterLastPage - the legend is rendered on a separate page after the last page of the project’s pages, OnEveryPage - the legend is rendered on every page, DefinedInView - the legend is rendered according to View.PageInfo.Legend.LegendOn property of the rendered View.

import aspose.tasks as tsk

project = tsk.Project("test.mpp")
view = project.views.get_by_name("&Gantt Chart")
view.page_info.legend.legend_on = tsk.visualization.Legend.AFTER_LAST_PAGE

so = tsk.saving.PdfSaveOptions()
so.legend_drawing_options = tsk.saving.LegendDrawingOptions.DEFINED_IN_VIEW
so.start_date = project.start_date
so.end_date = project.finish_date
so.view_settings = view

# The legend is rendered on each page."output.pdf", so)
import aspose.tasks as tsk

project = tsk.Project("test.mpp")
view = project.views.get_by_name("&Gantt Chart")

so = tsk.saving.PdfSaveOptions()
so.legend_drawing_options = tsk.saving.LegendDrawingOptions.NO_LEGEND
so.start_date = project.start_date
so.end_date = project.finish_date
so.view_settings = view

# The legend is rendered on each page."output.pdf", so)

Related issue: TASKSNET-11134 - Enhance usability of export to CSV format.

FieldHelper.GetDefaultFieldTitle(Field field) methods was added which can be useful in some scenarios where field title is required. In the following example we take Gantt Chart view of the current project and set up CsvOptions so the exported CSV file has the same fields as Gantt Chart.

import aspose.tasks as tsk

project = tsk.Project("data/test.mpp")
options = tsk.saving.CsvOptions()
options.text_delimiter = tsk.saving.CsvTextDelimiter.TAB

view = project.default_view
options.view = tsk.visualization.ProjectView.get_default_gantt_chart_view()

for t in view.table.table_fields:
    column_title = t.title if t.title else tsk.util.FieldHelper.get_default_field_title(t.field)
    options.view.columns.append(tsk.visualization.GanttChartColumn(column_title, 10, t.field))"output.csv", options)