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Aspose.Total for C++ 23.10.0

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  • Date Added:
  • 21/11/2023


It contains most recent version of all C++ products.

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Version 23.10.0 NuGet Downloads

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It is a complete package of C++ libraries and on premise APIs to help you enhance your C++ native desktop and web applications to perform read, write, convert, and other processing operations on popular document formats without requiring Microsoft Office or Adobe automation. Aspose.Total for C++ package includes components to process word documents, PDF files, spreadsheets, presentations, emails, project files, and barcode images from within your C++ apps.

Aspose.BarCode for C++ (v23.10.0)

This C++ component enables your C++ native desktop and web applications to create new 1D, 2D and postal barcodes or recognize existing barcodes for 40+ barcode symbologies. Aspose.BarCode for C++ allows your applications to work with general barcode features, as well as barcode recognition, imaging, and utility features.

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.BarCode.Cpp -Version 23.10.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

Aspose.Cells for C++ (v23.10.0)

This C++ component enables your C++ desktop and web applications to load, save, convert, and perform other manipulation operations on Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice spreadsheets. Aspose.Cells for C++ allows you to work with rows, columns, data, formulas, pivot tables, worksheets, tables, charts, and drawing objects from within your own apps.

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.Cells.Cpp -Version 23.10.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

Aspose.Email for C++ (v23.6.0)

This C++ on-premise API written in native C helps you create email processing and management applications for Windows and Linux. Aspose.Email for C++ allows your apps to work with general email features, attachments, embedded objects, import/export, utility features, calendars, parsing, and advanced features. Supports SMTP, POP3, and IMAP.

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.Email.Cpp -Version 23.6.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

Aspose.Font for C++ (v23.10.0)

Aspose.Font for C++ is a native library that empowers your C++ applications to manipulate and process fonts (such as, TrueType, OpenType, Type1 etc.)

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.Font.Cpp -Version 23.10.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

Aspose.OCR for C++ (v23.10.0)

Aspose.OCR for C++ is a native OCR library for extracting text from images having different fonts and styles. Developers can save the time and effort involved in developing OCR software from scratch. API supports multiple image formats including BMP, JPG, and PNG.

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.Ocr.Cpp -Version 23.10.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

Aspose.Page for C++ (v23.10.0)

Aspose.Page for C++ is a standalone and reliable Postscript and XPS files processing and parsing library. It allows you to create, load, and manipulate XPS, PS, and EPS formats. Moreover, API provides the conversion of PS and EPS files to PDF and raster image formats including EMF, BMP, GIF, PNG, JPEG, and TIFF.

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.Page.Cpp -Version 23.10.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

Aspose.PDF for C++ (v23.10.0)

A C++ library that enhances your C++ desktop and web applications to create, process, manipulate, and convert PDF documents from within your C++ native apps, without installing Adobe Acrobat. You can work with PDF content, attachments, images, security, signatures, annotations, bookmarks, as well as forms, and much more.

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.PDF.Cpp -Version 23.10.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

Aspose.PUB for C++ (v23.10.0)

Aspose.PUB for C++ is a standalone and reliable Microsoft Publisher files processing and parsing library. Developers can easily read, and parse .pub formats. Furthermore, PUB to PDF conversion is one of its core features.

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.PUB.Cpp -Version 23.9.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

Aspose.Slides for C++ (v23.10.0)

It is a robust Microsoft PowerPoint® processing and manipulation on-premise API for your C++ native desktop and web applications. Aspose.Slides for C++ enables your applications to work with presentations, slides, multimedia, graphics, tables, text, paragraphs, OLE objects, and presentation security. Create, save, and convert Microsoft PowerPoint and OpenOffice presentation documents.

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.Slides.Cpp -Version 23.10.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

Aspose.Tasks for C++ (v23.10.0)

This C++ library allows your C++ applications to read, change and write Microsoft Project® documents as well as process and manipulate them from within your own apps, without installing any 3rd party tools. Aspose.Tasks for C++ enables your apps to work with project files, formulas, calendars, project tasks, baselines, project resources, currencies, VBA, and project conversion. Supports import/export of project data to Primavera format.

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.Tasks.Cpp -Version 23.10.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

Aspose.TeX for C++ (v23.10.0)

Aspose.TeX for C++ is a native C++ library that enables developers to add TeX manipulation to their C++ applications.

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.TeX.Cpp -Version 23.10.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

Aspose.Words for C++ (v23.9.0)

C++ on-premise API to enhance your C++ desktop and web apps to perform a wide range of document manipulation operations from within your apps, without installing any 3rd-party software. Supports layout engine, rendering, loading, saving, as well as comparing documents.

Install by providing Install-Package Aspose.Words.Cpp -Version 23.9.0 command in the Package Manager Console.

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