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Aspose.Words for Android via Java 24.9 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 245 improvements and fixes in this release. The most notable are:

  • Accessible PDF Export: Export documents to PDF/UA-2 format, ensuring accessibility for users with disabilities.
  • Enhanced XLSX Export: The exporter can now automatically detect the datetime format for seamless data export.
  • ActiveX Control Management: You can now modify properties of ActiveX type objects, providing greater control over their behavior.
  • Granular Markdown Export: The LinkExportMode property within MarkdownSaveOptions allows you to control how links are exported in Markdown format.
  • ActiveX Radio Button Interaction: Set the value of radio button ActiveX controls, enabling dynamic interactions.
  • ActiveX Checkbox Toggling: Easily set the checked state (checked or unchecked) of ActiveX checkboxes.
  • Chart Data Label Customization: Control the orientation and rotation of data labels within charts for enhanced presentation.
  • VBA Project Protection Check: A new public property VbaProject.IsProtected allows you to verify if a VBA project is protected.
  • Custom Number Style Format for List Levels: The public property ListLevel.CustomNumberStyleFormat now includes a setter, enabling you to define custom number styling for list levels.
  • Chart Customization: Precise control over chart axis tick label orientation and rotation.
  • Font Management: Expanded font information with EmbeddingLicensingRights property.
  • Document Structure: Efficiently clear section headers and footers while preserving watermarks.
  • Format Compatibility: Improved HTML and XAML export with backward compatibility for backslash and yen sign.
  • PDF Functionality: Enhanced PDF export with support for using SDT tags as form field names.
  • Document Conversion: Introduced a new LowCode.Converter class, designed to provide a set of methods for converting various types of documents with a single line of code.
  • Digital Signatures: Enabled digital signing of XPS documents using XpsSaveOptions.
  • Updated Bouncy Castle Library: Added new version of bc-fips and our jar can work with IBM VM without error.
  • Group Shape Insertion: Added new public methods DocumentBuilder.InsertGroupShape.
  • Structured Document Tag Insertion: Added a public API to insert StructuredDocumentTags using the DocumentBuilder class.
  • Enhanced Radial Chart Rendering: Implemented the rendering of graduations on radial charts.
  • Digital Signature Improvements: Added the ability to sign documents with XAdES-EPES level XML-DSig signatures.
  • Markdown Formatting: Incorporated an option to recognize underline formatting when loading Markdown documents.
  • Footnote/Endnote Separator Access: Provided public access to footnote/endnote separators.

Since the code base of ‘Aspose.Words for Android via Java’ matches the code of relevant .NET and Java versions, most of the changes, enhancements, and fixes included in the Aspose.Words for Java 24.7, Aspose.Words for Java 24.8 and Aspose.Words for Java 24.9 are also included in this ‘Aspose.Words for Android via Java’ 24.9.