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Aspose.Words for .NET 24.8 (DLLs only)

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File Details

  • Downloads:
  • 1
  • File Size:
  • 132.3MB
  • Date Added:
  • 7/8/2024


This ZIP file contains the Aspose.Words for .NET 24.8 and .NET Standard 2.0 assemblies. The assemblies are the same as in the MSI installer of the product of the same version. Download this if you want to use Aspose.Words without the MSI installer, for example because you cannot run MSI installers on Mono.

File Details

Develop high-performance C# and VB.NET applications with the ability to manipulate Word documents with Aspose.Words for .NET 24.8 (DLLs-only). The DLLs package offers convenient integration with your existing .NET projects.

Visually Appealing Charts

Enjoy greater control over the visual appeal of charts with the newly added options for axis label orientation and rotation in this release of the .NET Words API. The following code sample illustrates the orientation and rotation of the axis tick labels.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// Insert a column chart.
Shape shape = builder.InsertChart(ChartType.Column, 432, 252);
AxisTickLabels xTickLabels = shape.Chart.AxisX.TickLabels;
AxisTickLabels yTickLabels = shape.Chart.AxisY.TickLabels;

// Set axis tick label orientation and rotation.
xTickLabels.Orientation = ShapeTextOrientation.VerticalFarEast;
xTickLabels.Rotation = -30;
yTickLabels.Orientation = ShapeTextOrientation.Horizontal;
yTickLabels.Rotation = 45;

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Charts.TickLabelsOrientationRotation.docx");


Manipulate Fonts

Fetch detailed font information and utilize the EmbeddingLicensingRights property for accurate font handling, as highlighted in this code example.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
FontSettings settings = FontSettings.DefaultInstance;
FontSourceBase source = settings.GetFontsSources()[0];

// Get the list of available fonts.
IList<PhysicalFontInfo> fontInfos = source.GetAvailableFonts();
foreach (PhysicalFontInfo fontInfo in fontInfos)
    if (fontInfo.EmbeddingLicensingRights != null)


Refined Document Structure

Seamlessly remove section headers and footers when preserving important document elements, such as watermarks, using Aspose.Words for .NET 24.8. Check out the following C# code sample to learn more about the feature usage.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Header and footer types.docx");

// Add a plain text watermark.
doc.Watermark.SetText("Aspose Watermark");

// Make sure the headers and footers have content.
HeaderFooterCollection headersFooters = doc.FirstSection.HeadersFooters;
Assert.AreEqual("First header", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.HeaderFirst].GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual("Second header", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.HeaderEven].GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual("Third header", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.HeaderPrimary].GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual("First footer", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.FooterFirst].GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual("Second footer", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.FooterEven].GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual("Third footer", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.FooterPrimary].GetText().Trim());

// Removes all header and footer content except watermarks.

headersFooters = doc.FirstSection.HeadersFooters;
Assert.AreEqual("", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.HeaderFirst].GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual("", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.HeaderEven].GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual("", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.HeaderPrimary].GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual("", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.FooterFirst].GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual("", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.FooterEven].GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual("", headersFooters[HeaderFooterType.FooterPrimary].GetText().Trim());
Assert.AreEqual(WatermarkType.Text, doc.Watermark.Type);

// Removes all header and footer content including watermarks.
Assert.AreEqual(WatermarkType.None, doc.Watermark.Type);


Matchless Format Export

You can experience accurate HTML and XAML export with backward compatibility for special characters using the latest version of the .NET library. This C# code snippet showcases how to replace the backslash character with Yen sign in the output HTML document.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Korean backslash symbol.docx");

// By default, Aspose.Words mimics MS Word's behavior and doesn't replace backslash characters with yen signs in
// generated HTML documents. However, previous versions of Aspose.Words performed such replacements in certain
// scenarios. This flag enables backward compatibility with previous versions of Aspose.Words.
HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
saveOptions.ReplaceBackslashWithYenSign = true;

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.ReplaceBackslashWithYenSign.html", saveOptions);


Accuracy in PDF Processing

Empower PDF output inside your C# word-processing applications by leveraging SDT tags as form field names. This sample code demonstrates the feature usage.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Form fields.docx");

PdfSaveOptions saveOptions = new PdfSaveOptions();
saveOptions.PreserveFormFields = true;
// When set to 'false', SDT control Id property is used as a name of form field in PDF.
// When set to 'true', SDT control Tag property is used as a name of form field in PDF.
saveOptions.UseSdtTagAsFormFieldName = true;

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "PdfSaveOptions.SdtTagAsFormFieldName.pdf", saveOptions);


High-quality Conversions

Speed up document conversions with the newly introduced LowCode.Converter class and simplify cross-format transformations, as shown in this code example.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Converter.Convert(MyDir + "Document.docx", ArtifactsDir + "LowCode.Convert.pdf");

Converter.Convert(MyDir + "Document.docx", ArtifactsDir + "LowCode.Convert.rtf", SaveFormat.Rtf);

OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions { Password = "Aspose.Words" };
Converter.Convert(MyDir + "Document.doc", ArtifactsDir + "LowCode.Convert.docx", saveOptions);


Beefed Up Protection

Aspose.Words for .NET v24.8 enables safeguarding your documents with unmatched digital signing for XPS files. The following code sample illustrates specifying signature options when saving an XPS document in C#.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.docx");

CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.Create(MyDir + "morzal.pfx", "aw");
DigitalSignatureDetails digitalSignatureDetails = new DigitalSignatureDetails(
    new SignOptions() { Comments = "Some comments", SignTime = DateTime.Now });

XpsSaveOptions saveOptions = new XpsSaveOptions();
saveOptions.DigitalSignatureDetails = digitalSignatureDetails;

Assert.AreEqual(certificateHolder, digitalSignatureDetails.CertificateHolder);
Assert.AreEqual("Some comments", digitalSignatureDetails.SignOptions.Comments);

doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "XpsSaveOptions.XpsDigitalSignature.docx", saveOptions);


You can view the list of all new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in this release by visiting Aspose.Words for .NET 24.8 Release Notes.
