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Aspose.Words for .NET 5.2 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Words for .NET 5.2
- Save documents as MHTML (Single File Web Page). Save as OpenDocument (ODT). Over 50 issues fixed (see below).
We have over 50 fixes this time. Thank you all who waited for your patience.
Issue ID | Component | Summary |
565 | DOC | Add support for outline numbered lists |
1084 | DOC | Support comment date |
1118 | DOC | Pattern or texture fills are not saved to DOC |
1175 | DOC | TestChuckChanCrash Out.doc is too big |
1199 | DOC | Table borders are read incorrectly by Aspose.Words. |
1245 | DOC | Setting Document.ProtectionType to ReadOnly is lost after Save/Open. |
3392 | DOC | Saving large .doc to .xml gets match of time. |
3519 | DOC | “The document does not have a piece table” exception occurs during opening document. |
3533 | DOC | Bullets are not transferred correctly from rtf to doc. |
3560 | DOC | NullReferenceException in RunPrFiler during document open. |
3590 | DOC | Font is changed after populating data into bookmarks. |
3602 | DOC | “This property is only allowed for list styles” exception occurs during saving document. |
3622 | DOC | Paragraph indents are lost in styles. |
3633 | DOC | Document.RemoveMacros() method does not remove all macros from document. |
3914 | DOC | “Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException” exception occurs during opening document. |
4210 | DOC | “Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException” exception occurs during opening document. |
4212 | DOC | Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException” exception occurs during opening document. |
4254 | DOC | “NullReferenceException” occurs when try to save document with empty section. |
4324 | DOC | “Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException” exception occurs during opening document. |
4502 | DOC | OutOfMemoryException is thrown on document load |
4635 | DOC | Font.HighlightColor doesn’t work for DOCX documents. |
4825 | DOC | “Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException” exception occurs during opening document. |
4856 | DOC | “FileCorruptedException” exception occurs during opening document. |
4899 | DOC | OutOfMemoryException occurs when reading the document. |
4918 | DOC | “Unsupported version of the stylesheet” exception occurs during opening document. |
1364 | Documentation | Create a demo and tutorial that shows how to use Aspose.Words and Aspose.Network to create emails |
1385 | Documentation | Create a sample to save/load from database |
4882 | DOCX | “FileCorruptedException” occurs during opening DOCX file. |
352 | HTML | Research if it is possible to use MHTML to store images inside exported files. |
538 | HTML | Generate list numbers only when needed for HTML export. |
957 | HTML | Generate list numbers for paragraphs with Heading styles |
1287 | HTML | Add tests for export shapes to HTML |
4436 | HTML | Use ol.start during converting document to HTML. |
4464 | HTML | “System.NotSupportedException” exception occurs during saving document in HTML or AsposePdf format. |
4953 | HTML | List items are exported as ordinary paragraphs if belong to H1…H6 styles |
5016 | HTML | Export correct standard HTML bullets to HTML |
500 | Model | Join runs of same formatting on request. |
4881 | Model | “System.ArgumentException” exception occurs during creating DocumentBuilder or saving document. |
4905 | Model | Consider paragraph break font direct formatting in list label properties calculation. |
4826 | SET field should not be output to PDF | |
4861 | Implement Watermark image effect via Opacity attribute in PDF | |
4892 | “ArgumentNullException” exception occurs during saving document in AsposePdf format. | |
923 | Rendering | Dash patterns and offsets work badly in PDF |
1004 | Rendering | Fix squares in TestText WMF to PDF output |
1033 | Rendering | Hatches look bigger than needed in PDF |
4648 | Rendering | Dotted pen is rendered to PDF incorrectly |
4650 | Rendering | Hatch brushes are rendered as black to PDF |
4654 | Rendering | Hatched pen is not rendered correctly to PDF |
4665 | Rendering | Rotated text rendered to PDF in wrong place |
4666 | Rendering | WMF is rendered clipped from sides in PDF |
4211 | RTF | “Number of cells does not match the number of cells properties.” Exception occurs during opening document. |
4265 | RTF | Some built in styles are lowercase, yet others are camel case. |
4305 | RTF | “System.IO.EndOfStreamException” occurs during saving document. |