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Aspose.Words for .NET 15.1.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for .NET 15.1 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 75 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Fields Public API

New public API members for structured document tags

OpenDocument (ODT) import/export fidelity improvements

Rendering of spacing and kerning in WordArt supported

HTML export/import improved for better round-tripping

Comment numbering in rendering

All Changes

WORDSNET-10655Left margin is being exported wrongly during Word-HTML-WORD roundtripsBug
WORDSNET-10880Text is missing from SmartArt when Docx is exported to PdfBug
WORDSNET-10882Docx to Pdf conversion issue with image renderingBug
WORDSNET-10920DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml ignore list numbersBug
WORDSNET-11012Line break is lost after conversion from Doc to TxtBug
WORDSNET-11186The words have been shifted to the next line after the merging of documentsBug
WORDSNET-11187Blank pages are added after merging documentsBug
WORDSNET-11188Cell Widths not Preserved, Words Moved to Next Lines and Blank Pages in Merged DocumentBug
WORDSNET-11195UpdateFields does not function on CardText switch for larger numbersBug
WORDSNET-11202Paragraph SpaceBefore is imported incorrectly in Aspose.Words DOMBug
WORDSNET-11215Content moving to the next line in merged documentBug
WORDSNET-11216Table cell content splitting to multiple lines after mergeBug
WORDSNET-11217Content moving to the next line in merged documentBug
WORDSNET-11218Text splitting to 2 lines after mergeBug
WORDSNET-11219Page break issue on merged documentBug
WORDSNET-11226Docx to PDF conversion issue with equation fieldsBug
WORDSNET-11237Textbox position is changed after conversion from Docx to HtmlBug
WORDSNET-11240Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading DocxBug
WORDSNET-11245Document.UpdateFields issue with relative file reference in INCLUDETEXTBug
WORDSNET-11270Font of list numbering looks wrong in generated PDFBug
WORDSNET-11279Docx to Pdf conversion issue with table’s renderingBug
WORDSNET-11280Docx to Pdf conversion issue with table’s row heightBug
WORDSNET-11286Doc to txt conversion issue with uppercase letterBug
WORDSNET-11300UpdateFields does not correctly handle StyleRef field with \s switchBug
WORDSNET-11316Text in DML TextBox truncates in generated PDFBug
WORDSNET-11317Document.PageCount throws System.InvalidOperationException while using multi threadingBug
WORDSNET-11319Hebrew text does not render correctly in output PdfBug
WORDSNET-11356Docx to pdf conversion issue chart renderingBug
WORDSNET-5505HTML table borders are rendered incorrectlyBug
WORDSNET-9126IE8 does not open HtmlFixed file correctlyBug
WORDSNET-10280Provide a way in API to update page numbers only for TOCEnhancement
WORDSNET-11185Cell widths are not preserved when appending to another documentEnhancement
WORDSNET-11194Support comment numberingEnhancement
WORDSNET-11200RTF->Html->RTF conversion issue with sub list items indentationEnhancement
WORDSNET-11201RTF->Html->RTF conversion issue with space between list label and list textEnhancement
WORDSNET-11293Position of Dml textboxes is incorrect.Enhancement
WORDSNET-11311Expose HtmlSaveOptions.ExportRoundtripInformation as public proprertyEnhancement
WORDSNET-11333Position of footer contents is changed after conversion from Doc to PdfEnhancement
WORDSNET-3448Font is changed during open/save.Enhancement
WORDSNET-4361Extra empty page is added to the document during rendering.Enhancement
WORDSNET-4413List numbering in repeated region continues instead of restartingEnhancement
WORDSNET-4849OpenOffice hangs when open ODT document produced by Aspose.Words.Enhancement
WORDSNET-6495Doc to HTML conversion issue with merged cell in the tableEnhancement
WORDSNET-6516HTM to Doc conversion issue with textEnhancement
WORDSNET-7477Docx to Fixed file format conversion issue with footnoteEnhancement
WORDSNET-9539Support spacing and kerning in WordArt texts.Enhancement
WORDSNET-9578Incorrect page count during Docx to Pdf conversionEnhancement
WORDSNET-9579Incorrect page count during Doc to Pdf conversionEnhancement
WORDSNET-10545System.NullReferenceException is thrown while converting RTF to PDFException
WORDSNET-10751System.NullReferenceException is thrown while convertnig RTF to PdfException
WORDSNET-11052System.ArgumentException is thrown while re-saving DocxException
WORDSNET-11111System.InvalidOperationException is thrown while using multi threadingException
WORDSNET-11178MailMerge.Execute throws System.NullReferenceExceptionException
WORDSNET-11239Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading DotxException
WORDSNET-11285MailMerge.Execute throws System.InvalidOperationExceptionException
WORDSNET-11290Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading HTMLException
WORDSNET-11294WORDSNET-10697 has not resolved in v14.12Exception
WORDSNET-11328System.ArgumentException occurs during rendering a DOCXException
WORDSNET-11374System.InvalidOperationException is thrown while using multi threadingException
WORDSNET-1088Support importing li.value from HTMLFeature
WORDSNET-11032Add freature for new ImportFormatMode (Keep Source Formatting Smart)Feature
WORDSNET-11292Text auto-fit does not work properly with vertical text.Feature
WORDSNET-2532Add “style:paragraph-properties” -> “style:auto-text-indent” import/exportFeature
WORDSNET-2973Consider adding an ability to export documents to HTML page by page.Feature
WORDSNET-3225Make it possible to create Fields using DOM (without using DocumentBuilder).Feature
WORDSNET-4321Implement public field API (V1.0)Feature
WORDSNET-6101Public fields API - Implement field typesFeature
WORDSNET-6502Allow programmatic access to Checked/Unchecked state of SDT CheckboxFeature
WORDSNET-8644Allow to create StructuredDocumentTag of type CheckboxFeature
WORDSNET-11337Conversion of RTF to HtmlFixed page by page is slower than in 14.8.0Performance
WORDSNET-10888A table row is not preserved when importing HTMLRegression
WORDSNET-11347Mail Merge fields do not merge when MailMerge.FieldMergingCallback is usedRegression
WORDSNET-11361Performance regression in Save to HTML/Fixed HTML in 14.11 and 14.12Regression
WORDSNET-3769Formatting of a table is incorrect after converting MHTML. 
WORDSNET-5729Digitally Signed PDF Documents throws exception “The object identifier is poorly formatted”