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Aspose.Words for .NET 16.1.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for .NET 16.1 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 133 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Implemented auto-fit table grid calculation for several classes of tables
  • EMF+ images now can be rendered without the GDI+ 
  • Comments rendering improved
  • Word 6.0 binary DOC files are supported now
  • Added public methods for inserting signature lines
  • Added ability to configure document hyphenation options
  • Added capability to get mail merge regions hierarchy
  • Added more public classes and methods to work with fields in a document
  • Font sources can now be specified for each document instance
  • Implemented line counting (Document.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Lines)

All Changes

WORDSNET-10588Text is overlapped after conversion from Docx to PdfBug
WORDSNET-11410Inserting one document into another causes indent issueBug
WORDSNET-11532ODT to Pdf conversion issue with frame layoutBug
WORDSNET-11953BuiltInDocumentProperties.Lines returns incorrect number of linesBug
WORDSNET-12017/noExtraLineSpacing + suppressBottomSpacing/ Word Compatibility Options lost when creating PDFBug
WORDSNET-12235Content cutting from left edge, Table disappears from top and unwanted rows appear in PDFBug
WORDSNET-12291/noExtraLineSpacing + suppressBottomSpacing/ Docx to Pdf conversion issue with text positionBug
WORDSNET-12415RTF to Html conversion issue with Shape’s textBug
WORDSNET-12493/FloaterList.GetIndexAtOrAfterComparer.IsThisOrder/ System.InvalidOperationException during saving to PDFBug
WORDSNET-12546HeaderFooter contents are not exported to HtmlBug
WORDSNET-12602MailMerge.CleanupOptions change TOC into Hyperlink fieldsBug
WORDSNET-12615Aspose.Words loads text with two fonts into one RunBug
WORDSNET-12632TestDefect3873 contrast sidebar is rendered incorrectly.Bug
WORDSNET-12633TestDefect3873 shadow size is incorrectBug
WORDSNET-12657Table header row truncates in PDFBug
WORDSNET-12665Image Shadow lost during open/save a RTFBug
WORDSNET-12676Shape size is different in output RTF and DocxBug
WORDSNET-12681Position of shapes are changed in output PdfBug
WORDSNET-12737Newline characters inside URLs prevent HTML import from loading resourcesBug
WORDSNET-12749Content moves to previous page and behind picture in PDFBug
WORDSNET-12752Unable to open cloned document in MS OfficeBug
WORDSNET-12757Set ShapeBase.HRef to empty string does not remove hyperlinkBug
WORDSNET-12796Incorrect series interval values in charts in exported HTMLBug
WORDSNET-12797Incorrect series interval values and Primary and Secondary vertical Axis Titles are replaced in charts in exported HTMLBug
WORDSNET-12829Incorrect inline shape width returned by ActualBoundsBug
WORDSNET-12837Incorrect font on wml to docx conversionBug
WORDSNET-12838Incorrect spacing after paragraph on wml to docx conversionBug
WORDSNET-12851Rtf to Pdf conversion issue with font renderingBug
WORDSNET-12885Table header getting truncated in the output PDFBug
WORDSNET-12888Shape (text) rotation is lost after conversion from Docx to PdfBug
WORDSNET-12896Chines text overlaps in same paragraph in output HtmlFixedBug
WORDSNET-12905UpdateFields produces TOC that is different to WordBug
WORDSNET-12906Docx to Doc/Pdf conversion issue with Vertical axis of chartBug
WORDSNET-12907Horizontal axis of chart are changed after saving Docx to Doc/PdfBug
WORDSNET-12915Position of Korean text is changed in output PdfBug
WORDSNET-12924Html to Docx/Pdf conversion issue with text renderingBug
WORDSNET-12926System.InvalidOperationException in GetStartPageIndexBug
WORDSNET-12936Shape.SizeInPoints changes on GetShapeRenderer() callBug
WORDSNET-12940Content is scattered in Aspose.Words generated DOCBug
WORDSNET-12941/FloaterList.GetIndexAtOrAfterComparer.IsThisOrder/ Aspose.Words generates a corrupt PDF fileBug
WORDSNET-12953Text effect is lost after conversion from Docx to HtmlFixedBug
WORDSNET-12955Document.WarningCallback returns incorrect outputBug
WORDSNET-12959Table’s row width is increased after removing another rowBug
WORDSNET-12999/noExtraLineSpacing/ Docx to Pdf conversion issue with text position according to line numbersBug
WORDSNET-13007Page numbers are not visible after DOCM to PDFBug
WORDSNET-3238Incorrect behaviour for text:start-value attribute of list itemBug
WORDSNET-3447Font is changed during open/save.Bug
WORDSNET-6439Comments are rendering incorrectly in PDFBug
WORDSNET-6703Doc to ePub conversion, incorrect outputBug
WORDSNET-10909BuiltInDocumentProperties.Lines return incorrect valueEnhancement
WORDSNET-11686Display warnings for fonts replaced using FontSettings.addFontSubstitutesEnhancement
WORDSNET-12166A big negative value of ‘margin-left’ causes image part hiding after exporting from DOCX to HTML.Enhancement
WORDSNET-12557Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference (XXE).Enhancement
WORDSNET-12883Tables misaligned in rendered PDFEnhancement
WORDSNET-12930Enhancement in WORDSNET-1432Enhancement
WORDSNET-5394Consider providing Aspose.Words.dll built for .NET 4.0Enhancement
WORDSNET-9240Table column widths are calculated incorrectly during renderingEnhancement
WORDSNET-11687/pre-word97/ Support reading for Word6.0/Word95 documents.Exception
WORDSNET-12504/FloaterList.GetIndexAtOrAfterComparer.IsThisOrder/ System.InvalidOperationException is thrown while saving Doc to image/pdfException
WORDSNET-12578/FloaterList.GetIndexAtOrAfterComparer.IsThisOrder/ Document.PageCount throws System.InvalidOperationExceptionException
WORDSNET-12689Document.Save throws System.NullReferenceExceptionException
WORDSNET-12762Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a DOCXException
WORDSNET-12822/FloaterList.GetIndexAtOrAfterComparer.IsThisOrder/ Document.PageCount throws System.InvalidOperationExceptionException
WORDSNET-12842Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a DOCXException
WORDSNET-12880NullReferenceException occurs when saving to PDFException
WORDSNET-12881System.OutOfMemoryException during DOCX to PDF conversionException
WORDSNET-12889Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs upon loading a DOCException
WORDSNET-12890System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during open/save a DOCXException
WORDSNET-12902System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during rendering to PDFException
WORDSNET-12910System.IndexOutOfRangeException occurs during rendering to PDFException
WORDSNET-12911System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during rendering to PDFException
WORDSNET-12913System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during rendering to PDFException
WORDSNET-12914System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during rendering to PDFException
WORDSNET-12928Document.UpdatePageLayout throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionException
WORDSNET-12931Document.Save throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException while saving Docx to Doc/PdfException
WORDSNET-12957System.NullReferenceException is thrown while saving Docx to PdfException
WORDSNET-12966System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while re-saving DocxException
WORDSNET-12988/FloaterList.GetIndexAtOrAfterComparer.IsThisOrder/ Document.GetPageInfo throws System.InvalidOperationExceptionException
WORDSNET-12992System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during rendering to PDFException
WORDSNET-13000System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during rendering to PDFException
WORDSNET-10186Table column widths are calculated incorrectly during renderingFeature
WORDSNET-10366Table nested inside SDT is not rendering correctly in fixed page formatsFeature
WORDSNET-10534Reduction of vertical spacing between two Tables results in incorrect Document.PageCount valueFeature
WORDSNET-10609Table width calculation problem in PDFFeature
WORDSNET-10694Formatting of table is lost after conversion from Docx to PdfFeature
WORDSNET-10852Document.PageCount returns wrong valueFeature
WORDSNET-10926When changing the page layout, table in footer is not resizing in PDFFeature
WORDSNET-10978Add feature to import font properties from based on style when font properties are not definedFeature
WORDSNET-10983StructuredDocumentTag is missing after conversion from Docx to PdfFeature
WORDSNET-11007Table does not render correctly in output Pdf fileFeature
WORDSNET-11208Support signature line (not digital signature) in Word documentsFeature
WORDSNET-11349Different Word and PDF output when table auto fit is set to trueFeature
WORDSNET-11368Add option in HtmlFixedSaveOptions to export FORMCHECKBOX as <input type=“checkbox”>Feature
WORDSNET-11375Add option in HtmlFixedSaveOptions to export FORMDROPDOWN into select, option tagsFeature
WORDSNET-11746/pre-word97/ Support pre-Word97 formatFeature
WORDSNET-11801Provide way to use Aspose’ hyphenation functionality when no input document is involvedFeature
WORDSNET-11835Doc to Pdf conversion issue with Cell’s text renderingFeature
WORDSNET-12006Incorrect table width in PDF saved from DOCXFeature
WORDSNET-12045Provide option to check document for automatic hyphenationFeature
WORDSNET-12058Text overlaps the Shape while saving docx to pdfFeature
WORDSNET-12115Implement public fields API v2.0 (add support for building arbitrary fields and field arguments)Feature
WORDSNET-12143MyriadPro font not rendered correctly in output EMFFeature
WORDSNET-12309Support merge fields’ table hierarchy as XML nodeFeature
WORDSNET-12321Allow to specify font sources per documentFeature
WORDSNET-12443Table header does not render correctly in output PdfFeature
WORDSNET-12738Add feature to preserve mustache tags if field is not usedFeature
WORDSNET-12945Add to public fields API “RemoveFormField” methodFeature
WORDSNET-12960Cell’s width is changed in output PdfFeature
WORDSNET-12967Add to public API feature to replace mustache tags with corresponding merge fieldsFeature
WORDSNET-1570Import floating objects from HTMLFeature
WORDSNET-2338Allow enabling “Auto Hyphenate” option on a document.Feature
WORDSNET-253Add capability to replace hyperlinks with other onesFeature
WORDSNET-2726One table column is missed upon rendering.Feature
WORDSNET-3334Table width in multicolumn document is incorrect upon renderingFeature
WORDSNET-3881/pre-word97/ Support loading pre-Word97 formatFeature
WORDSNET-427Allow retrieving merge field names for a particular region.Feature
WORDSNET-4464Large pictures it table are truncated at right.Feature
WORDSNET-4499Update Barcode fieldsFeature
WORDSNET-4694Table narrows when rendering to pdf.Feature
WORDSNET-5193Width of table is incorrect, when width is specified in percents.Feature
WORDSNET-6242Table cells are not wide enough, causing the text to wrap incorrectly.Feature
WORDSNET-6670Vertical text position in TextBox becomes Horizontal during renderingFeature
WORDSNET-7496Widths of cells and tables are not correct in PNGFeature
WORDSNET-7739Table does not resize itself when rendered to fixed formatsFeature
WORDSNET-8014Table width is incorrect in PDFFeature
WORDSNET-8317Word to PDF issue with table rendering, the table gets squeezedFeature
WORDSNET-9330Table column widths are calculated incorrectly during renderingFeature
WORDSNET-9344Text overlap after conversion from Docx to PdfFeature
WORDSNET-9557Table column widths are calculated incorrectly during renderingFeature
WORDSNET-5092Full document traverse for each seq field degrades UpdateFields() performance.Performance
WORDSNET-12830RTF to Doc/Docx/Pdf conversion issue with content positionRegression
WORDSNET-12886Font size not preserved during open/save a RTFRegression
WORDSNET-12944Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading RTFRegression