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Aspose.Words for .NET 25.2 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 111 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • List Management: Introduced the ListCollection.AddSingleLevelList() method for improved list handling.
  • Font Features: Added the Font.NumberSpacing property for enhanced typographic control.
  • AI-Powered Text Processing: Enabled text summarization using Anthropic generative language models.
  • Expanded Format Support: Added compatibility for Microsoft Works document format.
  • PDF Improvements: Enhanced PDF logical structure with support for TOA, BIBLIOGRAPHY, and INDEX fields.

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

Expand to view the full list of issues.
WORDSNET-24837Support MSO properties during import stylesNew Feature
WORDSNET-27576Add possibility to summarize text using ClaudeNew Feature
WORDSNET-26904Consider exposing FontAttr.OpenTypeNumSpacingNew Feature
WORDSNET-26149Allow creating a single level lists through public APINew Feature
WORDSNET-27626Include the NET90 DLL in our NuGet packageNew Feature
WORDSNET-3201Consider supporting WPS (Microsoft Works) format in Aspose.WordsNew Feature
WORDSNET-6633Support OpenType text shapingNew Feature
WORDSNET-27684DOCX to HTML: Support for preserving HTML commentsEnhancement
WORDSNET-24820Support MSO properties during import listsEnhancement
WORDSNET-27756Enable SaveOptions.ProgressCallback when saving to HTML based formatsEnhancement
WORDSNET-21706Missing support for wpsBug
WORDSNET-27721Missed glyph is rendered, while MS Word renders bulletBug
WORDSNET-25413The distance between characters in Chinese text is smaller than it should beBug
WORDSNET-20606DOC to HtmlFixed conversion issue with text renderingBug
WORDSNET-20516Year from date is lost after DOC to HtmlFixed conversionBug
WORDSNET-19708Year number is missing from rendered documentBug
WORDSNET-27813Shape position is incorrect after renderingBug
WORDSNET-20899A Chinese Word is pushed to next line in rendered documentBug
WORDSNET-12096Support the “Compress only punctuation” optionBug
WORDSNET-17763DOCX to PDF conversion issue with text positionBug
WORDSNET-19764A Blank Page & Chinese Text Lines Have different Left position in PDFBug
WORDSNET-13879DOC to HtmlFixed conversion issue with English and Chinese wordsBug
WORDSNET-21321Incorrect text wrapping applied at the end of line - Chinese Word to PDFBug
WORDSNET-24084Incorrect wrapping of Chinese textBug
WORDSNET-16934Text box content renders partially in PDFBug
WORDSNET-26430Incorrect line wrapping in Chinese textBug
WORDSNET-23691DOCX to PDF: text shifted to next pageBug
WORDSNET-25928Chinese text is wrapped improperly and part of content is moved to the next pageBug
WORDSNET-26288Chinese text wrapping differs from MS WordBug
WORDSNET-24382DOCX to PDF: Wrong character spacing/positioning upon conversionBug
WORDSNET-21387Incorrect Chinese Text Wrapping causes additional Page in PDFBug
WORDSNET-21558A Chinese punctuation character moves left from its original position in rendered documentBug
WORDSNET-24381DOCX to PDF: Wrong character spacing/positioning upon conversionBug
WORDSNET-26645Incorrect text formatting with conversion to PDFBug
WORDSNET-26110Part of content is moved to the next pageBug
WORDSNET-24048Japanese text is wrapped incorrectlyBug
WORDSNET-22745DOCX to PDF: Text get transfered to new lineBug
WORDSNET-18498Double quotation marks move to next line in PDFBug
WORDSNET-27812NullReferenceException is thrown upon rendering documentBug
WORDSNET-23983DOCX to PDF: Text is missing from table cellBug
WORDSNET-27174Different paragraph location after conversion to PDFBug
WORDSNET-27669MathML is incorrectly importedBug
WORDSNET-22749PaperSize does not change after setting preferred language to GermanBug
WORDSNET-23982Incorrect rendering of underline text inside Math EquationsBug
WORDSNET-24208Incorrect rendering of underline text if there are mathematical operators in the formulaBug
WORDSNET-24209Text underlining is rendered with breaksBug
WORDSNET-27707Output cannot be saved as Html, HtmlFixed, Svg or XamlFixed in LowCodeBug
WORDSNET-27809Incorrect image backgroundBug
WORDSNET-27638Add support of ChartDataLabelLocationMode.AbsoluteBug
WORDSNET-26179Subscript position is incorrect upon rendering OfficeMathBug
WORDSNET-27755Deleted revision lines are not displayed after conversion to PDFBug
WORDSNET-27450Implement import of MSO HTML lists with picture bulletsBug
WORDSNET-25376Page size is changed after open/save documentBug
WORDSNET-27162Bibliography and Table of Authorities are not properly tagged when saving to PDFBug
WORDSNET-25455Text is wrapped improperly upon renderingBug
WORDSNET-16274Bangla characters are not rendered correctly in output PDFBug
WORDSNET-18190DrawingML to Png conversion issue with bi-directional textBug
WORDSNET-17743Marathi language text renders incorrectly in PDFBug
WORDSNET-17740Bengali text renders incorrectly in PDFBug
WORDSNET-27708NullReferenceException is thrown upon rendering document to imageBug
WORDSNET-27695Hidden rows are visible after renderingBug
WORDSNET-27734Paragraphs are not numbered after appending documents with ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting modeBug
WORDSNET-27702IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown upon rendering documentBug
WORDSNET-27692Incorrect row alignment on rtf to docx conversionBug
WORDSNET-27656Auto color is improperly detected in the shape with gradientBug
WORDSNET-25702Text in table cell is wrapped incorrectly and is partially hiddenBug
WORDSNET-27312System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load library HarfBuzz.dllBug
WORDSNET-27515Borders lost after conversion to HTMLBug
WORDSNET-27678Font size is changed after importing nodes with ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormattingBug
WORDSNET-27752Whitespace is lost while loading HTMLBug
WORDSNET-27710REF field formatting is incorrect after updating fieldsBug
WORDSNET-27673Field formatting is incorrect after updating fieldsBug
WORDSNET-27714Document comparison shows incorrect revisionBug
WORDSNET-27774ExtractPages(0,1) returns two pages in the result documentBug
WORDSNET-27649Converting RTF to PDF adds extra blank pageBug
WORDSNET-27733NullReferenceException is thrown upon rendering documentBug
WORDSNET-27732NullReferenceException is thrown upon converting to PDFBug
WORDSNET-27731NullReferenceException is thrown upon renderingBug
WORDSNET-27730Exception is thrown upon rendering documentBug
WORDSNET-27729Upon rendering document Exception is thrownBug
WORDSNET-27728NullReferenceException is thrown upon rendering document to imageBug
WORDSNET-27727NullReferenceException is thrown upon rendering document to PDFBug
WORDSNET-27726NullReferenceException upon rendering documentBug
WORDSNET-27725NullReferenceException is thrown upon rendering documentBug
WORDSNET-27790Korean text is rendered improperlyBug
WORDSNET-27490Content shifted to previous page while converting DOCX->HTML->PDFBug
WORDSNET-27711Exception on .NET StandardBug
WORDSNET-26727Table header is shifted left after renderingBug
WORDSNET-27474Images size is incorrect if set resolution in HtmlSaveOptionsBug
WORDSNET-27754Paragraph borders are lost after open/save using Aspose.WordsBug
WORDSNET-27545List numbering is incorrect after importing HTMLBug
WORDSNET-27615Mail Merge incorrect resultBug
WORDSNET-18876Overlap text when convert word to PDF - Thai LanguageBug
WORDSNET-26178Italic text is rendered as regular in OfficeMathBug
WORDSNET-17817Three level thai language rendering issue when converting HTML to PDF formatBug
WORDSNET-17747Lao language text renders incorrectly in PDFBug
WORDSNET-27429The formula looks incorrect after exporting to SVG and HtmlFixedBug
WORDSNET-16835Myanmar, Nepali, and Sinhala fonts are not rendered properly in output PDFBug
WORDSNET-16498Thai Font Rendering Problem in WindowsBug
WORDSNET-27788A question mark is rendered instead of a non-printable symbolBug
WORDSNET-27658Spacing between heading and content is incorrect after upending document with ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting modeBug
WORDSNET-25556ZIP file is detected as TEXT by FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormatBug
WORDSNET-25555SVGZ file is detected as TEXT by FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormatBug
WORDSNET-25554WMZ file is detected as TEXT by FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormatBug
WORDSNET-25553EMZ file is detected as TEXT by FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormatBug
WORDSNET-25557Binary files are detected as TEXT by FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormatBug
WORDSNET-26649lzma compressed binary archive is detected as TXT by Aspose.WordsBug
WORDSNET-23251Order of lists in numbering.xml is different after comparing the same document several times.Bug
WORDSNET-19705Numbering inconsistency during appending documentsBug
WORDSNET-15283Left indent of list items is changed when Html is appended to DOCBug
WORDSNET-27712FileCorruptedException is thrown upon loading DOCX documentBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words 25.2. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as regression and modifies the existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.

Added new public method ListCollection.AddSingleLevelList()

Related issue: WORDSNET-26149

A new public method AddSingleLevelList() has been added to ListCollection class:

/// <summary>
/// Creates a new single level list based on the predefined template and adds it to the list collection in the document.
/// </summary>
public List AddSingleLevelList(ListTemplate listTemplate)

This use case explains how to work with AddSingleLevelList() method:

Added new public property Font.NumberSpacing

Related issue: WORDSNET-26904

A new public method NumberSpacing has been added to Font class:

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the spacing type of the numeral being displayed.
/// </summary>
public NumSpacing NumberSpacing { get; set; }

This use case shows how to set the spacing type of the numeral:

Added possibility to summarize text using Anthropic generative language models

Related issue: WORDSNET-27576

Implemented new public class in Aspose.Words.AI namespace:

/// <summary>
/// An abstract class representing the integration with Anthropic’s AI models within the Aspose.Words.
/// </summary>
public abstract class AnthropicAiModel : AiModel, IAiModelText
and added new enumerations into Aspose.Words.AI.AiModelType enumeration:

/// <summary>
/// Claude 3.5 Sonnet generative model type.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Claude 3.5 Haiku generative model type.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Claude 3 Opus generative model type.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Claude 3 Sonnet generative model type.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Claude 3 Haiku generative model type.
/// </summary>

So far implemented only method Aspose.Words.AI.IAiModelText.Summarize

Added support for MicrosoftWorks document format

Related issue: WORDSNET-21706

Implemented basic MS Works parser that now allow properly detect MS Works documents and load text content.

Added new public enum members:
