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Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 23.6 Release Notes
Major Features
There are 87 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:
- Implemented an ability to save documents as XLSX.
- Added support of Advanced Typography in WMF, EMF and EMF+ rendering.
- Added public property (PageInfo.Colored) indicating whether the page is in color or not.
- Added a new way of dynamic HTML insertion for LINQ Reporting Engine.
- Implemented ability to set fill, stroke and callout formatting for chart data labels.
- Added a new LowCode methods intended to merge a variety of different types of documents into a single output document.
Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release
Expand to view the full list of issues.
- Support advanced typography in EMF
- Add feature to update Chart X-Axis data
- Consider providing a property indicating whether page is colored or not in PageInfo
- Support table-column data bands and conditional blocks
- Update metered license checking code to support plugins
- Improve venture license mechanism
- Issue a warning if the XML document being loaded is in fact a FB2 book
- Fix minor code issues
- Invalid CMYK color space in PDF/A-1b
- Persian text does not render correctly in output PDF
- DOCX to PDF conversion issue with Arabic text rendering
- Content position in table’s cell is different in output DOCX and BMP
- Arabic Words in Embedded Excel Sheet Object Distorted in Rendered Document
- DOCX to DOCX merging issue
- Chinese text in Visio embedded drawing object rotated upon rendering
- DOC to DOCX merging issue
- DOCX to DOCX merging issue with tables
- FileCorruptedException is thrown upon loading MHTML document
- Support the “callout” data labels
- Y-axis major units are not the same as in MS Word after rendering
- DOCX to PDF: Code hangs at Save
- ODT to ODT merging issue
- Positions of shapes inside group shape are incorrect after rendering.
- .NET 6 app consumes all available memory to convert one page of DOCX file to PNG
- DOCX merging issue, layout is wrong
- DOC merging issue
- Images don’t preserve hyperlinks when they are saved using the HtmlFixedSaveOptions
- Arabic text in metafile is rendered improperly
- Series line width is incorrect after rendering chart
- Trailing spaces become underlined after conversion to PDF
- Extra page occurs while merging documents
- EMF in document - wrong font and bracket orientation when saved to PDF or HTML
- Persian text rendering issue
- Formatting of hyperlinks inside IF field is changed after updating fields
- DOCX to PDF merging issue
- Add feature to merge PDF documents without parsing to flow document model
- DOCX merging issue, layout is incorrect
- Field type XValue should be replaced by x-value
- DOCX to PDF: Incorrect spacing around line objects
- Inserting EMF: Wrong character spacing in Arabic text
- Comparing documents throws “System.InvalidOperationException”
- Detecting changes using Range.Revision lasts much longer than custom node
- Width of inline fraction became larger after converting to PDF
- API hang representing document layout
- Use ResourceLoadingCallback when external resource are loaded upon updating fields
- Unexpected occurrence of Paragraph.LeftIndent during Docx-Html-Docx roundtrip
- Last list item missing when converting to PDF
- Keep original font metrics on substitution (Word 2013 vs Word 2019) - Inaccurate line spacing after font fallback
- The argument out of range exception occurs while rendering the document with a chart
- DOCX to PDF loses alternate text
- Formatting of PDF document is damaged
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException on conversion DOCX to MD
- InvalidOperationException is thrown upon importing node with KeepSourceFormatting
- SDT data is incorrect after rendering document
- Incorrect table text direction on conversion to PDF
- Incorrect line-relative shape positions
- Pie chart converted incorrectly to HTML
- LINQ Reporting Engine - Unexpected hyperlink formatting while inserting HTML
- Chinese hieroglyph is changed after rendering document
- Compare method throws ‘Cannot insert a node of this type at this location’ exception
- Implement removing signature in ODF Text Document Template
- Aspose.Words compares documents with and without SDT differently than MS Word
- Document is still in compatibility mode after OptimizeFor (Word2019)
- Content position in table’s cell is different in output DOCX and PDF
- Discrepancy between MS Word and Aspose.Words compare
- Items are missed in INDEX after updating fields
- Cannot insert a node of this type at this location error on attemp to append DOCX to DOCX
- FileCorruptedException: ‘The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.’
- Call doc.UpdateFormat(LoadFormat.Pdf) after loading is finished
- Cache product name in MeteredBillingService
- Arabic text distorts during EMF to PDF conversion
- Korean text of chart is overlapped in output PDF
- System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException : empty image
- Implement internal version of Merge feature
- IndexOutOfBoundsException raised on header footer specific combination of getHeadersFooters().linkToPrevious
- DOC to PDF File conversion - Bullet (solid circle) converted to (square)
- Odd behavior of CompatibilityOptions.OptimizeFor method with empty document
- Provide a way to make Document.MergeDocuments public
- Fix parameters fill when switch operation after request
- Venture license not working when loading Azw3
- Document is not rendered correctly in Aspose API
- Part of content is moved to the next page
- Bookmark.Text set to empty string does not remove all content from bookmarks spanned several rows
- Numbering issue for Text file
- Office blocks Ole Objects inserted by Aspose
- Line overlaps the text after rendering SVG
- FieldPageRef has the wrong page number when saving with Optimize for Word 2019 option
Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes
This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 23.6. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as regression and modifies the existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.
Added ability to remove digital signatures from OTT
Implemented removing digital signatures from OTT using Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureUtil.RemoveAllSignatures method.
Use Case
This use case explains how to remove digital signatures from OTT. Please see the following code example to learn how to use such a method:
from aspose.words.digitalsignatures import DigitalSignatureUtil
DigitalSignatureUtil.remove_all_signatures("", "")
Added a new warning during reading FB2 format
The corresponding warning will be added during reading a FB2 book.
The original file load format is FB2, which is not supported by Aspose.Words. The file is loaded as an XML document.
Added a new way of dynamic HTML insertion for LINQ Reporting Engine
Starting from Aspose.Words 23.6, you can use the HTML tag to insert HTML dynamically to your documents using LINQ Reporting Engine. This new way of HTML insertion provides more options to control formatting of an HTML block being inserted.
By default, HTML content is formatted by deriving styles of a template document. Template syntax for this is as follows.
<<html [html_text_expression]>>
However, you can keep source HTML formatting for content being inserted (to make it look like in a browser) by using the sourceStyles switch as follows.
<<html [html_text_expression] -sourceStyles>>
Added a property indicating whether the page is in color or not
Implemented a new PageInfo.colored property indicating whether the page is in color or not.
def colored(self) -> bool:
'''Returns ``True`` if the page contains colored content.'''
Use Case
This use case explains how to check that the particular page of the document is not colored. Please see the following code example to learn how to use such a property:
from aspose.words import Document
doc = Document("in.docx")
# Check that the first page of the document is not colored.
self.assertEqual(doc.get_page_info(0).colored, False)
Evaluating this property causes internal rendering of the document, which can affect performance. Although, if further rendering of the document is supposed, then the necessary values are most likely already in the cache.
Added new public property LayoutOptions.KeepOriginalFontMetrics
We have changed the default behavior of Aspose.Words during font substitution to copy the behavior introduced in Microsoft Word 2019. Previously, the metrics of the original font were used in some cases. Now the metrics of the substitution font is used in all cases by default.
The keep_original_font_metrics property has been added to the LayoutOptions class.
def keep_original_font_metrics(self) -> bool:
'''Gets or sets an indication of whether the original font metrics should be used after font substitution.
Default is ``True``.'''
Use Case
This use case explains how to return the previous behavior. Please see the following code example to learn how to use such a property:
from aspose.words import Document
doc = Document("in.docx")
doc.layout_options.keep_original_font_metrics = True"out.pdf")
Implemented ability to save documents as XLSX
The following changes have been made to the API:
A new class XlsxSaveOptions has been implemented. A new item Xlsx has been added to the SaveFormat class. A new item Xlsx has been added to the WarningSource class.
class XlsxSaveOptions(aspose.words.saving.SaveOptions):
'''Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the :attr:`aspose.words.SaveFormat.XLSX`
To learn more, visit the `Specify
Save Options <>` documentation article.'''
def __init__(self):
def save_format(self) -> aspose.words.SaveFormat:
'''Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
Can only be :attr:`aspose.words.SaveFormat.XLSX`.'''
def save_format(self, value: aspose.words.SaveFormat):
def compression_level(self) -> aspose.words.saving.CompressionLevel:
'''Specifies the compression level used to save document.
The default value is :attr:`CompressionLevel.NORMAL`.'''
def compression_level(self, value: aspose.words.saving.CompressionLevel):
class SaveFormat:
'''Indicates the format in which the document is saved.'''
class WarningSource:
'''Specifies the module that produces a warning during document loading or saving.'''
Use Case
This use case explains how to save document as XLSX. Please see the following code example to learn how to use such a property:
from aspose.words import Document
doc = Document("input.docx");"output.xlsx");
Implemented ability to set fill, stroke and callout formatting for chart data labels
The format properties of the ChartFormat type have been added to the ChartDataLabel and ChartDataLabelCollection classes.
class ChartDataLabel:
'''Represents data label on a chart point or trendline.
To learn more, visit the `Working with Charts <>` documentation article.
def format(self) -> aspose.words.drawing.charts.ChartFormat:
'''Provides access to fill and line formatting of the data label.'''
class ChartDataLabelCollection:
'''Represents a collection of :class:`ChartDataLabel`.
To learn more, visit the `Working with Charts <>` documentation article.'''
def format(self) -> aspose.words.drawing.charts.ChartFormat:
'''Provides access to fill and line formatting of the data labels.'''
The new class type ChartShapeType has been implemented and the shape_type property of this type has been added to the ChartFormat class.
class ChartShapeType:
'''Specifies the shape type of chart elements.'''
class ChartFormat:
'''Represents the formatting of a chart element.
To learn more, visit the `Working with Charts <>` documentation article.'''
def shape_type(self) -> aspose.words.drawing.charts.ChartShapeType:
'''Gets or sets the shape type of the parent chart element.
Currently, the property can only be used for data labels.'''
def shape_type(self, value: aspose.words.drawing.charts.ChartShapeType):
Use Case
This use case explains how to format data labels as callouts. Please see the following code example to learn how to use such a properties:
from aspose.words import Document, DocumentBuilder
from aspose.pydrawing import Color
from aspose.words.drawing.charts import ChartType, ChartShapeType
doc = Document()
builder = DocumentBuilder(doc)
shape = builder.insert_chart(ChartType.COLUMN, 432, 252)
chart = shape.chart
# Delete default generated series.
# Add new series.
series = chart.series.add("AW Series 1", ["AW Category 1", "AW Category 2", "AW Category 3", "AW Category 4"],
[100, 200, 300, 400])
# Show data labels.
series.has_data_labels = True
series.data_labels.show_value = True
# Format data labels as callouts.
format = series.data_labels.format
format.stroke.color = Color.gray
format.shape_type = ChartShapeType.WEDGE_RECT_CALLOUT"Callouts.docx")
Use Case
This use case explains how to set fill and stroke formatting to data labels. Please see the following code example to learn how to use such a properties:
from aspose.words import Document, DocumentBuilder
from aspose.pydrawing import Color
from aspose.words.drawing.charts import ChartType
doc = Document()
builder = DocumentBuilder(doc)
shape = builder.insert_chart(ChartType.COLUMN, 432, 252)
chart = shape.chart
# Delete default generated series.
# Add new series.
series = chart.series.add("AW Series 1", ["AW Category 1", "AW Category 2", "AW Category 3", "AW Category 4"],
[100, 200, 300, 400])
# Show data labels.
series.has_data_labels = True
series.data_labels.show_value = True
# Set fill and stroke for all data labels.
format = series.data_labels.format
format.stroke.color = Color.dark_green
series.data_labels.font.color = Color.yellow
# Change fill and stroke of an individual data label.
labelFormat = series.data_labels[0].format
labelFormat.stroke.color = Color.dark_blue
Supported table-column data bands and conditional blocks for LINQ Reporting Engine
The following sections of the engine’s documentation were added or updated to describe the change (see attachments):
Starting from this version, LINQ Reporting Engine supports table-column data bands and conditional blocks making it possible to affect table columns in addition to table rows while filling a table template with data. This enables you to build tables growing horizontally or even in the both directions - vertically and horizontally - depending on bound data. Also, showing or hiding a table column depending on a condition becomes available in this release as well.
Removed obsolete property Fill.On
The following obsolete public property is removed from Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill class.
We also decided to leave obsolete property Fill.Color along with a new Fill.ForeColor, as these two methods have slightly different behavior in regarding transparency.
def color(self) -> aspose.pydrawing.Color:
'''Gets or sets a Color object that represents the foreground color for the fill.
This property preserves the alpha component of the System.Drawing.Color,
unlike the :attr:`Fill.fore_color` property, which resets it to fully opaque color.'''
def fore_color(self) -> aspose.pydrawing.Color:
'''Gets or sets a Color object that represents the foreground color for the fill.
This property resets the alpha component of the System.Drawing.Color to fully
opaque color unlike the :attr:`Fill.color` property, which preserves it.'''
def fore_color(self, value: aspose.pydrawing.Color):
Use Case
This use case explains how to work with Fill color and visibility. Please see the following code example to learn how to use such a properties:
from aspose.words import DocumentBuilder
from aspose.words.drawing import ShapeType
from aspose.pydrawing import Color
builder = DocumentBuilder()
shape = builder.insert_shape(ShapeType.BALLOON, 300, 300)
# Set color with transparency.
shape.fill.color = Color.from_argb(128,
# Fill.color preserves alpha component of the color.
print(f"Fill.color: [A={shape.fill.color.a}, R={shape.fill.color.r}, G={shape.fill.color.g}, "
# Fill.fore_color ignores alpha component of the color.
print(f"Fill.fore_color: [A={shape.fill.fore_color.a}, R={shape.fill.fore_color.r}, G={shape.fill.fore_color.g}, "
# Use Fill.visible instead of obfuscated Fill.on property to determine fill visibility.
print(f"Fill.Visible: {shape.fill.visible}")
# Make fill invisible.
shape.fill.visible = False
print(f"Fill.Visible: {shape.fill.visible}")
/* This code produces the following output:
Fill.color: [A=128, R=255, G=0, B=0]
Fill.fore_color: [A=255, R=255, G=0, B=0]
Fill.Visible: True
Fill.Visible: False
Added a new LowCode methods intended to merge a variety of different types of documents into a single output document
Added a new LowCode.Merger class, which represents a group of methods intended to merge a variety of different types of documents into a single output document.
The following overloads were provided:
class Merger:
'''Represents a group of methods intended to merge a variety of different types of documents into a single output document.
The specified input and output files or streams, along with the desired merge and save options,
are used to merge the given input documents into a single output document.
The merging functionality supports over 35 different file formats.'''
def merge(self, output_file: str, input_files: list[str]) -> None:
'''Merges the given input documents into a single output document using specified input and output file names.
:param output_file: The output file name.
:param input_files: The input file names.
By default :attr:`MergeFormatMode.KEEP_SOURCE_FORMATTING` is used.'''
def merge(self, output_file: str, input_files: list[str], save_format: aspose.words.SaveFormat, merge_format_mode: aspose.words.lowcode.MergeFormatMode) -> None:
'''Merges the given input documents into a single output document using specified input output file names and the final document format.
:param output_file: The output file name.
:param input_files: The input file names.
:param save_format: The save format.
:param merge_format_mode: Specifies how to merge formatting that clashes.'''
def merge(self, output_file: str, input_files: list[str], save_options: aspose.words.saving.SaveOptions, merge_format_mode: aspose.words.lowcode.MergeFormatMode) -> None:
'''Merges the given input documents into a single output document using specified input output file names and save options.
:param output_file: The output file name.
:param input_files: The input file names.
:param save_options: The save options.
:param merge_format_mode: Specifies how to merge formatting that clashes.'''
def merge(self, input_files: list[str], merge_format_mode: aspose.words.lowcode.MergeFormatMode) -> aspose.words.Document:
'''Merges the given input documents into a single document and returns :class:`aspose.words.Document` instance of the final document.
:param input_files: The input file names.
:param merge_format_mode: Specifies how to merge formatting that clashes.'''
def merge(self, output_stream: io.BytesIO, input_streams: list[io.BytesIO], save_format: aspose.words.SaveFormat) -> None:
'''Merges the given input documents into a single output document using specified input output streams and the final document format.
:param output_stream: The output stream.
:param input_streams: The input streams.
:param save_format: The save format.'''
def merge(self, output_stream: io.BytesIO, input_streams: list[io.BytesIO], save_options: aspose.words.saving.SaveOptions, merge_format_mode: aspose.words.lowcode.MergeFormatMode) -> None:
'''Merges the given input documents into a single output document using specified input output streams and save options.
:param output_stream: The output stream.
:param input_streams: The input streams.
:param save_options: The save options.
:param merge_format_mode: Specifies how to merge formatting that clashes.'''
def merge(self, input_streams: list[io.BytesIO], merge_format_mode: aspose.words.lowcode.MergeFormatMode) -> aspose.words.Document:
'''Merges the given input documents into a single document and returns :class:`aspose.words.Document` instance of the final document.
:param input_streams: The input streams.
:param merge_format_mode: Specifies how to merge formatting that clashes.'''
Added a new MergeFormatMode class, which specifies how formatting is merged when combining multiple documents.
class MergeFormatMode:
'''Specifies how formatting is merged when combining multiple documents.'''
Use Case
This use case explains how to merge multiple documents (DOCX, PDF, DOC, RTF) into a single PDF document. Please see the following code example to learn how to use such a simple low-code method:
from aspose.words.lowcode import Merger
# Merges multiple documents(DOCX, PDF, DOC, RTF) into a single PDF document.
Merger.merge("out.pdf", ["in.docx", "in.pdf", "in.doc", "in.rtf"])