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Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 24.11 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 96 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Text Summarization: Integrated support for document summarization using OpenAI and Google generative language models.
  • Data Formatting: Added the ability to get and set format codes for chart data.
  • PDF Export Customization: Introduced a new option to control the rendering of PDF choice form field borders.
  • Document Properties: Added properties to access extended document properties.
  • ActiveX Control Customization: Enabled setting captions for ActiveX controls.
  • PDF Export Refinements: Enhanced PDF export by including table title properties as PDF logical structure element titles.
  • Histogram Chart Enhancements: Improved histogram chart rendering by allowing for a specified number of bins and labels.

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

Expand to view the full list of issues.
  1. Provide an option to control form fields border formatting
  2. Add possibility to set caption of CommandButton ActiveX control
  3. Support for displaying numbers as decimals in Aspose.Words Charts
  4. Provide information about document metadata
  5. Allow specifying inserted/deleted cells color in RevisionOptions
  6. Support rendering emphasis marks
  7. Data labels rendering for histogram charts
  8. Embed custom fonts in SaveFormat.PCL
  9. Provide option to save to PCL instead of PCLXL
  10. Add possibility to summarize text using OpenAI and Google generative language models
  11. DOCX to PCL conversion font spacing and bold issue
  12. Analyze what it takes to add Aspose.Wods for .NET in SQL Server 2014
  13. Analyze what it takes to add Aspose.Wods 20.10 in SQL Server 2016
  14. Rendering histograms if the number of bins parameter is specified
  15. Make dependency to Aspose.Words.Pdf2Word.dll explicit
  16. DOC to JPG - Chinese characters lose under dot
  17. Emphasis marks are lost after converting from DOCX
  18. Chinese glyphs are lost after converting to PCL
  19. Comment replies spearated
  20. IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown upon rendering document
  21. Part of content is moved to next page
  22. Exception is thrown upon loading DOCX document
  23. FileNotFoundException is thrown upon loading DOCX document
  24. DOCX to PDF: FieldToc.UpdatePageNumbers() fails to update page numbers in some files
  25. Font size is changed after appending document
  26. Text content is missed after loading PDF
  27. LISTNUM with French name of the list is updated improperly
  28. Exception when rendering a bar chart with “invert if negative”
  29. Shape is shifted upon rendering
  30. Shape position is incorrect after rendering
  31. Image is lost after conversion from DOCX to PDF
  32. Instead of being cropped, the image is vertically compressed during rendering on .NET Standard
  33. OfficeMath formula is rendered improperly
  34. Gif background becomes black after rendering to HtmlFixed
  35. Floating table position in header is incorrect after rendering
  36. Part of content is moved to previous page
  37. LINQ Reporting Engine - Issues with horizontal tables
  38. LINQ Reporting Engine - Not all empty paragraphs are removed in cells
  39. Content of Word document is shifted up to previous page after calling AppendDocument
  40. Links are broken in a document imported from CHM
  41. Application hangs when trying to load CHM file
  42. TOC is updated improperly
  43. Webpage to MHTML conversion produces blank document
  44. Footer is missing when loading a DOCX
  45. FileLoadException is thrown upon loading PDF
  46. InvalidOperationException upon updating page layout after removing paragraph
  47. Missing border for alternative rows in table
  48. Incorrect chart rendering after conversion to PDF
  49. Loading the chm file into the Model takes a very long time
  50. Custom document properties are lost after open/save DOCX document
  51. The document can be unprotected without entering password after open/save DOCX document
  52. HTML inserted in Content Control not positioned correctly
  53. Aspose.Words hangs upon rendering document with hyphenation
  54. InvalidOperationException on Save with XML Mapping
  55. Grouping group shapes resets inner group shapes dimensions
  56. A redundant page is shown when ExtractPages method is used to extract single page
  57. ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown upon using ExtractPages method
  58. Improve list items behavior when ExtractPages method is used
  59. Children count returned by GetChildNodes is incorrect for nested SDTs
  60. NullReferenceException is thrown upon inserting HTML into SDT
  61. Aspose.Words produced corrupted RTF
  62. FileCorruptedException is thrown upon loading DOCX document
  63. UpdateFields raises ‘IndexOutOfRangeException’
  64. Incorrect field update for IF field
  65. AutoColor is incorrect in the filled TextBox.
  66. Bookmark missing after SDT mapping from inline CC
  67. RevisionGroup.Text is empty for changed section break.
  68. LINQ Reporting Engine - Issue with background color in cells
  69. Line between points is not rendered in line chart.
  70. Blank text in revision with modified number of columns
  71. FileCorruptedException is thrown upon loading DOCX document.
  72. StackOverflowException is thrown upon converting DOC to JPEG
  73. Incorrect cell margin reported by document model
  74. Error: “Unable to Read Beyond End of Stream” During File Conversion
  75. Bookmark is lost after comparing documents.
  76. System.InvalidOperationException when opening WordOpenXMLMinimal
  77. Preserve table caption and description in PDF
  78. SDT is lost after loading document
  79. Consider using soft-hyphen instead of hard-hyphen for hyphenation symbol
  80. Pdf2Word - Text is missing after conversion
  81. Shape.Bounds returned by Aspose.Words is not correct for rotated shape in group shape
  82. Text wrapping problem in generated PDF
  83. Paragraphs are rendered on previous pages in output PDF
  84. DOCX to PDF conversion issue with shape position
  85. Compressed files are detected as TEXT documents
  86. Corrupted file is loaded as Text document when load from stream
  87. .ts Video file is detected as Text
  88. Rar achieve is detected as TXT
  89. Aspose.Words keeps allocating memory after processing the doucment
  90. Insufficient quality of icons when saving DOCX to PNG and JPEG compared to original and PDF
  91. IRM protection wasn’t unlocked
  92. Bookmark is moved outside the cell after inserting formfield
  93. RTF to PDF Symbol Change
  94. Text is missing
  95. Wrapped shapes positioned incorrectly in MS Word 2013 mode
  96. Image in a header, disappears when save a docx to PDF

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 24.11. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as regression and modifies the existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.

Added ability to get/set format code of chart data

The FormatCode public property has been added to the ChartXValueCollection, ChartYValueCollection and BubbleSizeCollection classes.

This use case explains how to set format code to chart data collections:

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
# Insert a Bubble chart.
shape = builder.insert_chart(chart_type=aw.drawing.charts.ChartType.BUBBLE, width=432, height=252)
chart = shape.chart
# Delete default generated series.
series = chart.series.add(series_name='Series1', x_values=[1, 1.9, 2.45, 3], y_values=[1, -0.9, 1.82, 0], bubble_sizes=[2, 1.1, 2.95, 2])
# Show data labels.
series.has_data_labels = True
series.data_labels.show_category_name = True
series.data_labels.show_value = True
series.data_labels.show_bubble_size = True
# Set data format codes.
series.x_values.format_code = '#,##0.0#'
series.y_values.format_code = '#,##0.0#;[Red]\\-#,##0.0#'
series.bubble_sizes.format_code = '#,##0.0#' + 'Charts.FormatCode.docx')

Added new public option PdfSaveOptions.RenderChoiceFormFieldBorder

A new public option RenderChoiceFormFieldBorder has been added in PdfSaveOptions class.

This use case explains how to pecify whether to render PDF choice form field border:

doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Legacy drop-down.docx')
save_options = aw.saving.PdfSaveOptions()
save_options.preserve_form_fields = True
save_options.render_choice_form_field_border = True + 'PdfSaveOptions.RenderChoiceFormFieldBorder.pdf', save_options=save_options)

Added possibility to summarize text using OpenAI and Google generative language models

Implemented new public members in Aspose.Words.AI namespace.

This use case explains how to generate summary for document using OpenAi generative model:

first_doc = aw.Document(MyDir + "Big document.docx")
second_doc = aw.Document(MyDir + "Document.docx")
api_key = os.getenv("API_KEY")
# Use OpenAI or Google generative language models.
model =
options =
options.summary_length =
one_document_summary = model.summarize(first_doc, options) + "AI.AiSummarize.One.docx")
options.summary_length =
multi_document_summary = model.summarize([first_doc, second_doc], options) + "AI.AiSummarize.Multi.docx")

Added properties to get extended document properties

Following read-only properties has been added to BuiltInDocumentProperties class.

Please note that these properties is only supported for DOC and DOCX document formats and for other document formats false value will always be returned.

This use case explains how to use these new properties:

doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Extended properties.docx')

Add possibility to set caption of ActiveX control

Added a new public setter to Forms2OleControl.Caption property.

This use case explains explains how to change Caption of ActiveX control:

builder = aw.DocumentBuilder()
button1 = aw.drawing.ole.CommandButtonControl()
button1.caption = 'Button caption'
shape = builder.insert_forms_2_ole_control(button1)
self.assertEqual('Button caption', shape.ole_format.ole_control.as_forms2_ole_control().caption)

Modified RevisionOptions and RevisionColor classes

It is now possible to specify color for the insert and delete revisions for table cells.

Properties InsertCellColor and DeleteCellColor were added.

Also new standard colors were added to the RevisionColor enumeration.

This use case explains explains how to specify color for the insert and delete revisions for table cells:

doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Cell revisions.docx')
doc.layout_options.revision_options.insert_cell_color = aw.layout.RevisionColor.LIGHT_BLUE
doc.layout_options.revision_options.delete_cell_color = aw.layout.RevisionColor.DARK_RED + 'Revision.RevisionCellColor.pdf')