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Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 24.12 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 50 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Enhanced Data Labeling: Added the ability to customize the placement of data labels.
  • Advanced Text Translation: Enabled text translation using Google’s generative language models.
  • Low-Code Document Processing: Introduced new LowCode classes like Comparer, MailMerger, Replacer etc. offering a set of methods that strike a perfect balance between simplicity and flexibility for document processing.

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

Expand to view the full list of issues.
  1. Provide ability to skip loading linked OLE objects
  2. Consider exporting paragraphs inside textbox shapes as paragraphs to PDF structure
  3. Provide API to change Chart’s Data Label Position to Center, Inside End, Inside Base or Outside End
  4. Add possibility to translate text using Google generative language model
  5. Add feature to change Data Label Shape and Position
  6. Consider adding MailMergeCleanupOptions to remove whole table without data
  7. Provide API to reset table style
  8. Harfbuzz signed library
  9. After split document to pages then append them together we get sections break after each page
  10. ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown upon comparing documents
  11. Decimal and group separators are rendered improperly when HarfBuzzTextShaperFactory is used
  12. An extra page on RTF to PDF conversion
  13. Chinese punctuation characters overlap each other
  14. Part of content in Chinese document is moved to next page
  15. Korean Numbering is changed to Arabic after rendering
  16. STYLEREF field in the document header is rendered improperly
  17. Indentation issue after SetMapping()
  18. ArgumentException is thrown upon updating fields
  19. Redundant form field is rendered in IF field condition
  20. Exception when saving Aspose.Words.Document created by ExtractPages in the different thread
  21. Exception when using cloned Aspose.Words.Document objects in the multithreaded environment
  22. Content is shifted after extracting page
  23. InvalidOperationException is thrown upon comparing document
  24. Font of TOC is changed after updating
  25. InvalidCastException is thrown upon loading DOTX document
  26. Make a more accurate calculation of the text height so that the text is not cut off inside the cell and there is no empty space
  27. The type initializer for ‘Aspose.Words.Pdf2Word.PdfDocumentReaderPlugin’threwanexception
  28. System.ArgumentException: Requested type member cannot be found on Androind
  29. Document becomes corrupted after open/save DOCX document
  30. List items numbering is incorrect after adding new items
  31. Axis labels are cut off after rendering
  32. commentExtensible lost their content after open/save
  33. Corrupted file is loaded as TXT by Aspose.Words
  34. InvalidOperationException is thrown upon rendering document
  35. Table layout is broken after loading RTF document
  36. NullReferenceException is thrown upon calling UpdateFields
  37. TestHistogramChart is red on .NET Standard
  38. Compare result does not match MS Word output
  39. Duplicated hyperlinks are saved as a single Relationship in DOCX
  40. ArgumentOutOfRangeException is raised while summarizing a document in OpenAi
  41. StackOverflowException is thrown upon updating fields
  42. Document.Revisions.AcceptAll() slow performance
  43. Part of content is missed after importing MHTML
  44. Incorrect first page Header after DOCX->HTML->DOCX conversion
  45. Latter bounding boxes are overlapping in PDF
  46. Formula field is updated improperly in “ru-Ru” culture
  47. DOCX to PDF - Image Rendering Discrepancies
  48. DOCX to PDF: Inconsistent Page Breaks
  49. Border is rendered around shape
  50. Image quality degrades when soft edge effect is applied to shape

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 24.12. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as regression and modifies the existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.

Added ability to define position of data labels

The following new properties have been added to the ChartDataLabel and ChartDataLabelCollection classes:

This use case explains how to set position of data labels:

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
# Insert column chart.
shape = builder.insert_chart(chart_type=aw.drawing.charts.ChartType.COLUMN, width=432, height=252)
chart = shape.chart
series_coll = chart.series
# Delete default generated series.
# Add series.
series = series_coll.add(series_name='Series 1', categories=['Category 1', 'Category 2', 'Category 3'], values=[4, 5, 6])
# Show data labels and set font color.
series.has_data_labels = True
data_labels = series.data_labels
data_labels.show_value = True
data_labels.font.color = aspose.pydrawing.Color.white
# Set data label position.
data_labels.position = aw.drawing.charts.ChartDataLabelPosition.INSIDE_BASE
data_labels[0].position = aw.drawing.charts.ChartDataLabelPosition.OUTSIDE_END
data_labels[0].font.color = aspose.pydrawing.Color.dark_red + 'Charts.LabelPosition.docx')

This use case demonstrates how to adjust the position of data labels in a doughnut chart:

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
chart_width = 432
chart_height = 252
shape = builder.insert_chart(chart_type=aw.drawing.charts.ChartType.DOUGHNUT, width=chart_width, height=chart_height)
chart = shape.chart
series_coll = chart.series
# Delete default generated series.
# Hide the legend.
chart.legend.position = aw.drawing.charts.LegendPosition.NONE
# Generate data.
data_length = 20
total_value = 0
categories = [None for i in range(0, data_length)]
values = [None for i in range(0, data_length)]
i = 0
while i < data_length:
    categories[i] = f'Category {i}'
    values[i] = data_length - i
    total_value = total_value + values[i]
    i += 1
series = series_coll.add(series_name='Series 1', categories=categories, values=values)
series.has_data_labels = True
data_labels = series.data_labels
data_labels.show_value = True
data_labels.show_leader_lines = True
# The Position property cannot be used for doughnut charts. Let's place data labels using the Left and Top
# properties around a circle outside of the chart doughnut.
# The origin is in the upper left corner of the chart.
title_area_height = 25.5  # This can be calculated using title text and font.
doughnut_center_y = title_area_height + (chart_height - title_area_height) / 2
doughnut_center_x = chart_width / 2
label_height = 16.5  # This can be calculated using label font.
one_char_label_width = 12.75  # This can be calculated for each label using its text and font.
two_char_label_width = 17.25  # This can be calculated for each label using its text and font.
y_margin = 0.75
label_margin = 1.5
label_circle_radius = chart_height - doughnut_center_y - y_margin - label_height / 2
# Because the data points start at the top, the X coordinates used in the Left and Top properties of
# the data labels point to the right and the Y coordinates point down, the starting angle is -PI/2.
total_angle = -math.pi / 2
previous_label = None
i = 0
while i < series.y_values.count:
    data_label = data_labels[i]
    value = series.y_values[i].double_value
    label_width = None
    if value < 10:
        label_width = one_char_label_width
        label_width = two_char_label_width
    label_segment_angle = value / total_value * 2 * math.pi
    label_angle = label_segment_angle / 2 + total_angle
    label_center_x = label_circle_radius * math.cos(label_angle) + doughnut_center_x
    label_center_y = label_circle_radius * math.sin(label_angle) + doughnut_center_y
    label_left = label_center_x - label_width / 2
    label_top = label_center_y - label_height / 2
    # If the current data label overlaps other labels, move it horizontally.
    if previous_label != None and math.fabs( - label_top) < label_height and (math.fabs(previous_label.left - label_left) < label_width):
        # Move right on the top, left on the bottom.
        is_on_top = total_angle < 0 or total_angle >= math.pi
        factor = None
        if is_on_top:
            factor = 1
            factor = -1
        label_left = previous_label.left + label_width * factor + label_margin
    data_label.left = label_left
    data_label.left_mode = aw.drawing.charts.ChartDataLabelLocationMode.ABSOLUTE = label_top
    data_label.top_mode = aw.drawing.charts.ChartDataLabelLocationMode.ABSOLUTE
    total_angle = total_angle + label_segment_angle
    previous_label = data_label
    i += 1 + 'Charts.DoughnutChartLabelPosition.docx')

Added possibility to translate text using Google generative language models

Added a new public method translate into Aspose.Words.AI.IAiModelText interface:

Also, added a new public enumeration language into Aspose.Words.AI namespace:

This use case explains how to translate document using Google generative model:

doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + "Document.docx")
api_key = system_helper.environment.Environment.get_environment_variable("API_KEY")
# Use Google generative language models.
model =
translated_doc = model.translate(doc, + "AI.AiTranslate.docx")

LowCode.Comparer class was introduced

Added a new LowCode.Comparer class, which represents a group of methods intended to compare the documents.

This use case explains how to compare documents:

first_doc = MY_DIR + 'Table column bookmarks.docx'
second_doc = MY_DIR + 'Table column bookmarks.doc', v2=second_doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.CompareDocuments.1.docx', author='Author', date_time=datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1)), v2=second_doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.CompareDocuments.2.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, author='Author', date_time=datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1))
compare_options = aw.comparing.CompareOptions()
compare_options.ignore_case_changes = True, v2=second_doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.CompareDocuments.3.docx', author='Author', date_time=datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1), compare_options=compare_options), v2=second_doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.CompareDocuments.4.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, author='Author', date_time=datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1), compare_options=compare_options)

This use case demonstrates how to compare documents loaded through streams:

with + 'Table column bookmarks.docx',, as first_stream_in:
    with + 'Table column bookmarks.doc',, as second_stream_in:
        with + 'LowCode.CompareStreamDocuments.1.docx',, as stream_out:
  , v2=second_stream_in, output_stream=stream_out, save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, author='Author', date_time=datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1))
        with + 'LowCode.CompareStreamDocuments.2.docx',, as stream_out:
            compare_options = aw.comparing.CompareOptions()
            compare_options.ignore_case_changes = True
  , v2=second_stream_in, output_stream=stream_out, save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, author='Author', date_time=datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1), compare_options=compare_options)

LowCode.MailMerger class was introduced

Added a new LowCode.MailMerger class, which represents a group of methods intended to fill template with data using simple mail merge and mail merge with regions operations.

This use case explains how to perform a simple mail merge operation using a pre-defined document template:

doc = MY_DIR + 'Mail merge.doc'
field_names = ['FirstName', 'Location', 'SpecialCharsInName()']
field_values = ['James Bond', 'London', 'Classified']
aw.lowcode.MailMerger.execute(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.MailMerge.1.docx', field_names=field_names, field_values=field_values)
aw.lowcode.MailMerger.execute(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.MailMerge.2.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, field_names=field_names, field_values=field_values)
mail_merge_options = aw.lowcode.mailmerging.MailMergeOptions()
mail_merge_options.trim_whitespaces = True
aw.lowcode.MailMerger.execute(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.MailMerge.3.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, mail_merge_options=mail_merge_options, field_names=field_names, field_values=field_values)

This use case explains how to execute a mail merge operation with data loaded from a stream:

field_names = ['FirstName', 'Location', 'SpecialCharsInName()']
    field_values = ['James Bond', 'London', 'Classified']
    with + 'Mail merge.doc',, as stream_in:
        with + 'LowCode.MailMergeStream.1.docx',, as stream_out:
            aw.lowcode.MailMerger.execute(input_stream=stream_in, output_stream=stream_out, save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, field_names=field_names, field_values=field_values)
        with + 'LowCode.MailMergeStream.2.docx',, as stream_out:
            mail_merge_options = aw.lowcode.mailmerging.MailMergeOptions()
            mail_merge_options.trim_whitespaces = True
            aw.lowcode.MailMerger.execute(input_stream=stream_in, output_stream=stream_out, save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, mail_merge_options=mail_merge_options, field_names=field_names, field_values=field_values)

LowCode.Replacer class was introduced

Added a new LowCode.Replacer class, which represents a group of methods intended to find and replace text in the document.

This use case explains how to use replace:

doc = MY_DIR + 'Footer.docx'
pattern = '(C)2006 Aspose Pty Ltd.'
replacement = 'Copyright (C) 2024 by Aspose Pty Ltd.'
options = aw.replacing.FindReplaceOptions()
options.find_whole_words_only = False
aw.lowcode.Replacer.replace(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.Replace.1.docx', pattern=pattern, replacement=replacement)
aw.lowcode.Replacer.replace(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.Replace.2.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, pattern=pattern, replacement=replacement)
aw.lowcode.Replacer.replace(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.Replace.3.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, pattern=pattern, replacement=replacement, options=options)

This use case explains how to use replace:

pattern = '(C)2006 Aspose Pty Ltd.'
    replacement = 'Copyright (C) 2024 by Aspose Pty Ltd.'
    with + 'Footer.docx',, as stream_in:
        with + 'LowCode.ReplaceStream.1.docx',, as stream_out:
            aw.lowcode.Replacer.replace(input_stream=stream_in, output_stream=stream_out, save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, pattern=pattern, replacement=replacement)
        with + 'LowCode.ReplaceStream.2.docx',, as stream_out:
            options = aw.replacing.FindReplaceOptions()
            options.find_whole_words_only = False
            aw.lowcode.Replacer.replace(input_stream=stream_in, output_stream=stream_out, save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, pattern=pattern, replacement=replacement, options=options)

LowCode.Splitter class was introduced

Added a new LowCode.Splitter class, which represents a group of methods intended to split the documents into parts using different criteria.

This use case explains how to split document:

with + 'Big document.docx',, as stream_in:
            options = aw.lowcode.splitting.SplitOptions()
            options.split_criteria = aw.lowcode.splitting.SplitCriteria.PAGE
            stream = aw.lowcode.Splitter.split(input_stream=stream_in, save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, options=options)

This use case explains how to split document:

doc = MY_DIR + 'Big document.docx'
options = aw.lowcode.splitting.SplitOptions()
options.split_criteria = aw.lowcode.splitting.SplitCriteria.PAGE
aw.lowcode.Splitter.split(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.SplitDocument.1.docx', options=options)
aw.lowcode.Splitter.split(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.SplitDocument.2.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, options=options)

This use case explains how to extract pages from the document:

with + 'Big document.docx',, as stream_in:
        with + 'LowCode.ExtractPagesStream.docx',, as stream_out:
            aw.lowcode.Splitter.extract_pages(input_stream=stream_in, output_stream=stream_out, save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, start_page_index=0, page_count=2)

This use case explains how to extract pages from the document:

doc = MY_DIR + 'Big document.docx'
aw.lowcode.Splitter.extract_pages(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.ExtractPages.1.docx', start_page_index=0, page_count=2)
aw.lowcode.Splitter.extract_pages(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.ExtractPages.2.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, start_page_index=0, page_count=2)

This use case explains how to remove blank pages from the document:

with + 'Blank pages.docx',, as stream_in:
        with + 'LowCode.RemoveBlankPagesStream.docx',, as stream_out:
            aw.lowcode.Splitter.remove_blank_pages(input_stream=stream_in, output_stream=stream_out, save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX)

This use case explains how to remove blank pages from the document:

doc = MY_DIR + 'Blank pages.docx'
aw.lowcode.Splitter.remove_blank_pages(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.RemoveBlankPages.1.docx')
aw.lowcode.Splitter.remove_blank_pages(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.RemoveBlankPages.2.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX)

LowCode.Watermarker class was introduced

Added a new LowCode.Watermarker class, which represents a group of methods intended to insert watermarks into the documents.

This use case explains how to insert text watermark into the document:

doc = MY_DIR + 'Big document.docx'
watermark_text = 'This is a watermark'
aw.lowcode.Watermarker.set_text(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.WatermarkText.1.docx', watermark_text=watermark_text)
aw.lowcode.Watermarker.set_text(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.WatermarkText.2.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, watermark_text=watermark_text)
watermark_options = aw.TextWatermarkOptions()
watermark_options.color =
aw.lowcode.Watermarker.set_text(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.WatermarkText.3.docx', watermark_text=watermark_text, options=watermark_options)
aw.lowcode.Watermarker.set_text(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.WatermarkText.4.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, watermark_text=watermark_text, options=watermark_options)

This use case explains how to insert image watermark into the document:

doc = MY_DIR + 'Document.docx'
watermark_image = IMAGE_DIR + 'Logo.jpg'
aw.lowcode.Watermarker.set_image(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.SetWatermarkImage.1.docx', watermark_image_file_name=watermark_image)
aw.lowcode.Watermarker.set_image(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.SetWatermarkText.2.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, watermark_image_file_name=watermark_image)
options = aw.ImageWatermarkOptions()
options.scale = 50
aw.lowcode.Watermarker.set_image(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.SetWatermarkText.3.docx', watermark_image_file_name=watermark_image, options=options)
aw.lowcode.Watermarker.set_image(input_file_name=doc, output_file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'LowCode.SetWatermarkText.4.docx', save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, watermark_image_file_name=watermark_image, options=options)

This use case explains how to insert text watermark into the document:

watermark_text = 'This is a watermark'
with + 'Document.docx',, as stream_in:
    with + 'LowCode.WatermarkTextStream.1.docx',, as stream_out:
        aw.lowcode.Watermarker.set_text(input_stream=stream_in, output_stream=stream_out, save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, watermark_text=watermark_text)
    with + 'LowCode.WatermarkTextStream.2.docx',, as stream_out:
        options = aw.TextWatermarkOptions()
        options.color =
        aw.lowcode.Watermarker.set_text(input_stream=stream_in, output_stream=stream_out, save_format=aw.SaveFormat.DOCX, watermark_text=watermark_text, options=options)