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Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 24.2 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 80 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Introduced new public properties for enhanced style management.
  • Added the capability to specify SvgSaveOptions during rendering using ShapeRenderer.Save() and OfficeMathRenderer.Save() methods.
  • Enhanced functionality to retrieve the actual text of reference marks for footnotes and endnotes.
  • Continued extending the DrawingML Chart API capabilities.
  • Added an ability to preserve empty lines while loading Markdown files.

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 24.2. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as regression and modifies the existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.

Added an ability to preserve empty lines while loading Markdown files.

Implemented new public classes with a new public property:

class MarkdownLoadOptions(aspose.words.loading.LoadOptions):
    """Allows to specify additional options when loading :attr:`aspose.words.LoadFormat.MARKDOWN` document into a :class:`aspose.words.Document` object."""

    def preserve_empty_lines(self) -> bool:
        """Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to preserve empty lines while load a :attr:`aspose.words.LoadFormat.MARKDOWN` document.
        The default value is ``False``.
        Normally, empty lines between block-level elements in Markdown are ignored. Empty lines at the beginning and
        end of the document are also ignored. This option allows to import such empty lines."""
    def preserve_empty_lines(self, value: bool):
from aspose.words import Document
import os
import io
from aspose.words.loading import MarkdownLoadOptions

md_text = f"{os.linesep}Line1{os.linesep}{os.linesep}Line2{os.linesep}{os.linesep}"
stream = io.BytesIO(str.encode(md_text))

load_options = MarkdownLoadOptions()
load_options.preserve_empty_lines = True
doc = Document(stream, load_options)

Introduced new public properties for enhanced style management.

A new public properties priority, unhide_when_used and semi_hidden has been added to class Style.

def semi_hidden(self) -> bool:
    """Gets/sets whether the style hides from the Styles gallery and from the Styles task pane."""

def semi_hidden(self, value: bool):

def unhide_when_used(self) -> bool:
    """Gets/sets whether the style used in the current document unhides from the Styles gallery and from the Styles task pane.
    True when the used style should be shown in the Styles gallery."""

def unhide_when_used(self, value: bool):

def priority(self) -> int:
    """Gets/sets the integer value that represents the priority for sorting the styles in the Styles task pane."""

def priority(self, value: int):
from aspose.words import Document, StyleIdentifier

doc = Document()
style_title = doc.styles.get_by_style_identifier(StyleIdentifier.SUBTITLE)

if style_title.priority == 9:
    style_title.priority = 10

if not style_title.unhide_when_used:
    style_title.unhide_when_used = True

if style_title.semi_hidden:
    style_title.semi_hidden = True"Styles.StylePriority.docx")

Added NodeRendererBase.Save() methods that accept SvgSaveOptions.

New public methods has been added to class NodeRendererBase allowing to pass SvgSaveOptions:

def save(self, file_name: str, save_options: aspose.words.saving.SvgSaveOptions) -> None:
    """Renders the shape into an SVG image and saves into a file.
    :param file_name: The name for the image file. If a file with the specified name already exists, the existing file is overwritten.
    :param save_options: Specifies the options that control how the shape is rendered and saved. Can be ``None``."""

def save(self, stream: io.BytesIO, save_options: aspose.words.saving.SvgSaveOptions) -> None:
    """Renders the shape into an SVG image and saves into a stream.
    :param stream: The stream where to save the SVG image of the shape.
    :param save_options: Specifies the options that control how the shape is rendered and saved. Can be ``None``.
                         If this is ``None``, the image will be saved with the default options."""
from aspose.words import Document, NodeType
from aspose.words.saving import SvgSaveOptions, SvgTextOutputMode

doc = Document("Office math.docx")
math = doc.get_child(NodeType.OFFICE_MATH, 0, True).as_office_math()
options = SvgSaveOptions()
options.text_output_mode = SvgTextOutputMode.USE_PLACED_GLYPHS
math.get_math_renderer().save("SvgSaveOptions.Output.svg", options)

Added public property appearance to the StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart class.

A new public property appearance has been added to class StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart:

def appearance(self) -> aspose.words.markup.SdtAppearance:
    """Gets or sets the appearance of the structured document tag."""

def appearance(self, value: aspose.words.markup.SdtAppearance):
from aspose.words import Document, NodeType
from aspose.words.markup import SdtAppearance

doc = Document("Multi-section structured document tags.docx")
tag = doc.get_child(NodeType.STRUCTURED_DOCUMENT_TAG_RANGE_START, 0,

if tag.appearance == SdtAppearance.HIDDEN:
    tag.appearance = SdtAppearance.TAGS

Added public property Footnote.actual_reference_mark and public method Document.update_actual_reference_marks.

An ability to get the actual text of reference marks for footnotes and endnotes has been implemented.

The following new public members have been added to the Footnote and Document classes:

class Footnote
    def actual_reference_mark(self) -> str:
        """Gets the actual text of the reference mark displayed in the document for this footnote.
        To initially populate values of this property for all reference marks of the document, or to update
        the values after changes in the document that might affect the reference marks, you must execute the
        :meth:`aspose.words.Document.update_actual_reference_marks` method.
        Updating fields (:meth:`aspose.words.Document.update_fields`) may also be necessary to get the correct result."""

class Document
    def update_actual_reference_marks(self) -> None:
        """Updates the :attr:`aspose.words.notes.Footnote.actual_reference_mark` property of all footnotes and endnotes in the document.
        Updating fields (:meth:`Document.update_fields`) may be necessary to get the correct result."""
from aspose.words import Document, NodeType

doc = Document("Footnotes and endnotes.docx")
footnote = doc.get_child(NodeType.FOOTNOTE, 1, True).as_footnote()
self.assertEqual("1", footnote.actual_reference_mark)

Continued extending the DrawingML Chart API capabilities.

A new class AxisTickLabels has been implemented. The properties related to axis tick mark labels have been marked as obsolete in the ChartAxis class and moved to the new class. A property tick_labels of the AxisTickLabels type has been added to the ChartAxis class.

Also the ability to set font formatting for tick mark labels has been implemented: a new AxisTickLabels.font property has been added.

And a format property, which allows defining line formatting for an axis and fill for tick mark labels, has been added to the ChartAxis class.

class AxisTickLabels:
    """Represents properties of axis tick mark labels."""
    def position(self) -> aspose.words.drawing.charts.AxisTickLabelPosition:
        """Gets or sets the position of the tick labels on the axis.
        The property is not supported by MS Office 2016 new charts."""
    def position(self, value: aspose.words.drawing.charts.AxisTickLabelPosition):
    def offset(self) -> int:
        """Gets or sets the distance of the tick labels from the axis.
        The property represents a percentage of the default label offset.
        Valid range is from 0 to 1000 percent inclusive. The default value is 100%.
        The property has effect only for category axes. It is not supported by MS Office 2016 new charts."""
    def offset(self, value: int):
    def spacing(self) -> int:
        """Gets or sets the interval at which the tick labels are drawn.
        The property has effect for text category and series axes. It is not supported by MS Office 2016
        new charts. Valid range of a value is greater than or equal to 1.
        Setting this property sets the :attr:`AxisTickLabels.is_auto_spacing` property to ``False``."""
    def spacing(self, value: int):
    def is_auto_spacing(self) -> bool:
        """Gets or sets a flag indicating whether to use automatic interval for drawing the tick labels.
        The default value is ``True``.
        The property has effect for text category and series axes. It is not supported by MS Office 2016
        new charts."""
    def is_auto_spacing(self, value: bool):
    def alignment(self) -> aspose.words.ParagraphAlignment:
        """Gets or sets text alignment of the axis tick labels.
        This property has effect only for multi-line labels.
        The default value is :attr:`aspose.words.ParagraphAlignment.CENTER`.
    def alignment(self, value: aspose.words.ParagraphAlignment):
    def font(self) -> aspose.words.Font:
        """Provides access to font formatting of the tick labels."""

class ChartAxis:
    def format(self) -> aspose.words.drawing.charts.ChartFormat:
        """Provides access to line formatting of the axis and fill of the tick labels.
        Fill of chart tick marks can be changed only for pre Word 2016 charts. Word 2016 charts do not support this."""

A new public class ChartDataTable has been implemented. A property data_table of this type has been added to the Chart class:

class ChartDataTable:
"""Allows to specify properties of a chart data table."""

def show(self) -> bool:
    """Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the data table will be shown for the chart.
    Default value is ``False``.
    The following chart types do not support data tables: Scatter, Pie, Doughnut, Surface, Radar, Treemap,
    Sunburst, Histogram, Pareto, Box and Whisker, Waterfall, Funnel, Combo charts that include series of
    these types. Showing a data table for the chart types throws a System.InvalidOperationException

def show(self, value: bool):

def has_legend_keys(self) -> bool:
    """Gets or sets a flag indicating whether legend keys are displayed in the data table.
    The default value is ``True``."""

def has_legend_keys(self, value: bool):

def has_horizontal_border(self) -> bool:
    """Gets or sets a flag indicating whether a horizontal border of the data table is displayed.
    The default value is ``True``."""

def has_horizontal_border(self, value: bool):

def has_vertical_border(self) -> bool:
    """Gets or sets a flag indicating whether a vertical border of the data table is displayed.
    The default value is ``True``."""

def has_vertical_border(self, value: bool):

def has_outline_border(self) -> bool:
    """Gets or sets a flag indicating whether an outline border, that is, a border around series and category names,
    is displayed.
    The default value is ``True``."""

def has_outline_border(self, value: bool):

def font(self) -> aspose.words.Font:
    """Provides access to font formatting of the data table."""

def format(self) -> aspose.words.drawing.charts.ChartFormat:
    """Provides access to fill of text background and border formatting of the data table."""

class Chart: 

def data_table(self) -> aspose.words.drawing.charts.ChartDataTable:
    """Provides access to properties of a data table of this chart.
    The data table can be shown using the :attr:`` property."""
from aspose.words import Document, DocumentBuilder
from aspose.words.drawing import DashStyle
from aspose.pydrawing import Color
from aspose.words.drawing.charts import ChartType

doc = Document()
builder = DocumentBuilder(doc)
shape = builder.insert_chart(chart_type=ChartType.COLUMN, width=432, height=252)
chart = shape.chart
series = chart.series
x_values = [2020, 2021, 2022, 2023]
series.add(series_name="Series1", x_values=x_values, y_values=[5, 11, 2, 7])
series.add(series_name="Series2", x_values=x_values, y_values=[6, 5.5, 7, 7.8])
series.add(series_name="Series3", x_values=x_values, y_values=[10, 8, 7, 9])
data_table = chart.data_table = True
data_table.has_legend_keys = False
data_table.has_horizontal_border = False
data_table.has_vertical_border = False
data_table.font.italic = True
data_table.format.stroke.weight = 1
data_table.format.stroke.dash_style = DashStyle.SHORT_DOT
data_table.format.stroke.color = Color.dark_blue"Charts.DataTable.docx")