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Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 24.9 Release Notes
Major Features
There are 76 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:
- Group Shape Insertion: Added new public methods DocumentBuilder.InsertGroupShape.
- Structured Document Tag Insertion: Added a public API to insert StructuredDocumentTags using the DocumentBuilder class.
- Enhanced Radial Chart Rendering: Implemented the rendering of graduations on radial charts.
- Digital Signature Improvements: Added the ability to sign documents with XAdES-EPES level XML-DSig signatures.
- Markdown Formatting: Incorporated an option to recognize underline formatting when loading Markdown documents.
- Footnote/Endnote Separator Access: Provided public access to footnote/endnote separators.
Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release
Expand to view the full list of issues.
- Provide a feature to get details for format revision
- Allow creating DML GroupShape
- Provide API to Remove the Footnote Endnote Separator Line
- Add feature to format FootnoteSeparator/EndnoteSeparator
- Provide API to Detect and Manipulate Content of Footnote Endnote Separators
- Implement custom falloff for the path gradient rendering for .NET Standard
- DOCX to PDF: output has more pages (because Open Type Ligatures is not supported)
- Support of Sensitivity Labels
- Contents are shifted up to the page in output PDF
- Body of Pages render a little above than the original Position
- “Step down” logic returns incorrect position when line is wrapped around square and tight-wrapped floaters
- DOCX to PDF: Footer content pulled down
- DOCX to PDF: Header truncated to half the size
- Modifying paragraph style of the footnote separator and footnote continuation separator
- Save PDF to WEBP directly without intermediate flow layout
- Save PDF to EPS directly without intermediate flow layout
- DOCX to PDF: Accessibility should read the page number of visited document
- Space after the floating shape in the header is less than in the original document
- Content is misplaced upon rendering document
- Incorrect line Y after text wrapping
- Incorrect text position after converting to PDF
- Content position is changed in output PDF
- Tick marks are lost upon rendering radar chart
- EMF image is rendered a little darker than in the source document
- Add feature to handle documents labeled and/or protected by Microsoft Azure Information Protection Services
- Layout issue for document with Cambodian
- Newly added content control does not inherit “Caption” style
- Structural destination in PDF 2 structure is not created correctly in case of bookmark parent node spans over pages
- InvalidCastException is thrown upon comparing document
- Images overlap after rendering
- Code blocks are improperly imported from markdown
- HTML is not interpreted while loading Markdown
- MailMerge field does not behave correctly with SUM formula
- InvalidCastException is thrown upon using Document.ExtractPages method
- RTF to PDF: Extra ? Symbol added
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown upon updating fields
- Chinese becomes Arabic numbering after conversion to HTML
- Public key token i null in Aspose.Words.Pdf2Word
- Add direct conversion from PDF to PCL format
- Incorrect displaying table content after extracting page
- FileCorruptedException is thrown upon loading DOCX document.
- Charts are rendered improperly when PdfCompliance.PdfA1a is used
- Text is barely visible after rendering document to PDF
- TestCorruptedJpeg is red on .NET Standard
- InvalidOperationException is raised when saving document optimized for Word 2013 with added Word 2016 charts
- Critical memory leak when splitting document into separate pages
- Exception thrown during rendering of tables with diagonal borders
- Pie charts slices re invisible after rendering
- Extra paragraph added after open/save document
- TestUI deletes temporary files earlier than necessary
- Missed headings in navigation pane after conversion to EPUB
- Remove obsolete properties of ChartAxis class
- DOCX to PDF: Chart legend not rendered correctly
- Incorrect rendering underline for formulas with fractions
- Cannot add Word 2016 chart using Aspose.Words
- XML to DOC: Footer structure changed
- PDF produced by Aspose.Words does not pass PDF/UA validation
- Aspose.Words duplicated table properties in rows in
element - LowCode.Converter does not produce multi-page tiff from PDF
- DocumentBuilder.EndTable sets DocumentBuilder.Font properties unexpectedly
- DocumentBuilder.EndTable sets DocumentBuilder.Font.Bold to true
- Different Font color after builder.EndTable in 17.7 and 14.1
- Issue when changing Font immediately after DocumentBuilder.StartTable
- TOA broke after updating the fields
- Incorrect font metric is written when embedding font in SVG
- DOCX to MD: Conversion raises ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- Borders of a text box are rendered whereas they should not
- InvalidOperationException when calling AddConverterFeatureIfNeeded()
- List style is changed after merging documents and calling Document.Cleanup method
- Incorrect direction for Arabic text
- Error “The type initializer for ‘XY’ threw an exception” in Docker Container
- Number format behavior has been changed after 24.5 version in Norwegian culture
- Rar achieve is detected as TXT
- PDF to DOC to PCL: Adds new page with PCL XL error
- Allow English text to wrap in the middle of a word
- Chinese glyph is missed after rendering
Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes
This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 24.9. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as regression and modifies the existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.
Added ability to sign documents with XAdES-EPES level of XML-DSig signature
Added a new xml_dsig_level public property to Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatures.SignOptions class, and XmlDsigLevel public enumeration in aspose.words.digitalsignatures namespace.
This use case explains how to specify XAdES-EPES level of XML-DSig signature:
certificate_holder = aw.digitalsignatures.CertificateHolder.create(file_name=MY_DIR + 'morzal.pfx', password='aw')
sign_options = aw.digitalsignatures.SignOptions()
sign_options.xml_dsig_level = aw.digitalsignatures.XmlDsigLevel.X_AD_ES_EPES
input_file_name = MY_DIR + 'Document.docx'
output_file_name = ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'DigitalSignatureUtil.XmlDsig.docx'
aw.digitalsignatures.DigitalSignatureUtil.sign(src_file_name=input_file_name, dst_file_name=output_file_name, cert_holder=certificate_holder, sign_options=sign_options)
Added an option that allows to recognize underline formatting while loading Markdown
Implemented new import_underline_formatting public property in Aspose.Words.Loading.MarkdownLoadOptions class.
This use case explains how to recognize underline formatting while loading Markdown:
bytes_ = '++12 and B++'.encode(encoding='ascii')
with io.BytesIO(bytes_) as byte_stream:
load_options = aw.loading.MarkdownLoadOptions()
load_options.import_underline_formatting = True
doc = aw.Document(byte_stream, load_options)
para = doc.get_child(aw.NodeType.PARAGRAPH, 0, True).as_paragraph()
self.assertEqual(aw.Underline.SINGLE, para.runs[0].font.underline)
load_options = aw.loading.MarkdownLoadOptions()
load_options.import_underline_formatting = False
doc = aw.Document(byte_stream, load_options)
para = doc.get_child(aw.NodeType.PARAGRAPH, 0, True).as_paragraph()
self.assertEqual(aw.Underline.NONE, para.runs[0].font.underline)
Added new public methods DocumentBuilder.InsertGroupShape
A new insert_group_shape public methods has been added to DocumentBuilder class:
def insert_group_shape(self, shapes: List[aspose.words.drawing.Shape]) -> aspose.words.drawing.GroupShape:
"""Groups the shapes passed as a parameter into a new GroupShape node which is inserted into the current position.
:param shapes: The list of shapes to be grouped.
The position and dimension of the new GroupShape will be calculated automatically.
VML and DML shapes cannot be grouped together."""
def insert_group_shape(self, left: float, top: float, width: float, height: float, shapes: List[aspose.words.drawing.Shape]) -> aspose.words.drawing.GroupShape:
"""Groups the shapes passed as a parameter into a new GroupShape node of the specified size which is inserted into the specified position.
:param left: Distance in points from the origin to the left side of the group shape.
:param top: Distance in points from the origin to the top side of the group shape.
:param width: The width of the group shape in points. A negative value is not allowed.
:param height: The height of the group shape in points. A negative value is not allowed.
:param shapes: The list of shapes to be grouped.
VML and DML shapes cannot be grouped together."""
This use case explains how insert group shape:
doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
shape1 = builder.insert_shape(shape_type=aw.drawing.ShapeType.RECTANGLE, width=200, height=250)
shape1.left = 20 = 20
shape1.stroke.color =
shape2 = builder.insert_shape(shape_type=aw.drawing.ShapeType.ELLIPSE, width=150, height=200)
shape2.left = 40 = 50
shape2.stroke.color =
# Dimensions for the new GroupShape node.
left = 10
top = 10
width = 200
height = 300
# Insert GroupShape node for the specified size which is inserted into the specified position.
group_shape1 = builder.insert_group_shape(left=left, top=top, width=width, height=height, shapes=[shape1, shape2])
# Insert GroupShape node which position and dimension will be calculated automatically.
shape3 = shape1.clone(True).as_shape()
group_shape2 = builder.insert_group_shape(shapes=[shape3]) + 'Shape.InsertGroupShape.docx')
Added new public option DocumentBuilderOptions.ContextTableFormatting
A new public option context_table_formatting has been added in DocumentBuilderOptions class.
This use case explains how to specify the desired behavior for content formatting:
doc = aw.Document()
builder_options = aw.DocumentBuilderOptions()
builder_options.context_table_formatting = True
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc, options=builder_options)
# Adds content before the table.
# Default font size is 12.
builder.writeln('Font size 12 here.')
# Changes the font size inside the table.
builder.font.size = 5
builder.write('Font size 5 here')
builder.write('Font size 5 here')
# If ContextTableFormatting is true, then table formatting isn't applied to the content after.
# If ContextTableFormatting is false, then table formatting is applied to the content after.
builder.writeln('Font size 12 here.') + 'Table.ContextTableFormatting.docx')
Added public access to footnote/endnote separators
Added a new FootnoteSeparator and FootnoteSeparatorCollection public classes, and FootnoteSeparatorType public enumeration.
Added a new footnote_separators public property to DocumentBase class.
This public API changes allows manipulations of footnote/endnote separators. Footnote/endnote separators inherit Story type therefore any actions allowed for Body/HeaderFooter can be applied for FootnoteSeparator objects.
This use case explains how to remove endnote separator line:
doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Footnotes and endnotes.docx')
endnote_separator = doc.footnote_separators.get_by_footnote_separator_type(aw.notes.FootnoteSeparatorType.ENDNOTE_SEPARATOR)
# Remove endnote separator.
This use case explains how to modify separator line formatting:
doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Footnotes and endnotes.docx')
footnote_separator = doc.footnote_separators.get_by_footnote_separator_type(aw.notes.FootnoteSeparatorType.FOOTNOTE_SEPARATOR)
# Align footnote separator.
footnote_separator.first_paragraph.paragraph_format.alignment = aw.ParagraphAlignment.CENTER
Added public API to insert StructuredDocumentTag using DocumentBuilder class
Added a new insert_structured_document_tag public method to DocumentBuilder class.
New public API method mimics Microsoft Word behavior when StrucruredDocumentTag (called “Content Control” in Microsoft Word UI) object is inserted at cursor. Only following StructuredDocumentTag types are allowed for insertion: SdtType.PLAIN_TEXT, SdtType.RICH_TEXT, SdtType.CHECKBOX, SdtType.DROP_DOWN_LIST, SdtType.COMBO_BOX, SdtType.PICTURE, SdtType.DATE. Markup level of inserted StructuredDocumentTag will be detected automatically and depends on position being inserted at. New StructuredDocumentTag will inherit paragraph and font formatting from cursor position.
This use case demonstrates StructuredDocumentTag insertion at different cursor positions:
doc = aw.Document(file_name=MY_DIR + 'Rendering.docx')
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc=doc)
# Note, that only following StructuredDocumentTag types are allowed for insertion:
# SdtType.PlainText, SdtType.RichText, SdtType.Checkbox, SdtType.DropDownList,
# SdtType.ComboBox, SdtType.Picture, SdtType.Date.
# Markup level of inserted StructuredDocumentTag will be detected automatically and depends on position being inserted at.
# Added StructuredDocumentTag will inherit paragraph and font formatting from cursor position.
sdt_plain = builder.insert_structured_document_tag(aw.markup.SdtType.PLAIN_TEXT) + 'StructuredDocumentTag.InsertStructuredDocumentTag.docx')
Removed obsolete properties of ChartAxis class
The following obsolete properties have been removed from the ChartAxis class:
- tick_label_position
- tick_label_offset
- tick_label_spacing
- tick_label_spacing_is_auto
- tick_label_alignment
Instead, you should use the corresponding properties of the AxisTickLabels class, whose instance is provided in the ChartAxis.tick_labels property.
For details on replacements for the removed properties, see the messages in the Obsolete attributes above.