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Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 4.5.0 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 4.5.0. Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 4.6.0 supports Aspose.Words 15.4.0.
What’s fixed:
- Bug WORDSRPT-127 (Incorrect Page breaks in output Doc/Docx)
- Bug WORDSRPT-187 (Extra table’s cell appears after conversion from RDL to Doc/Docx)
- Bug WORDSRPT-199 (Contents are missing after conversion from RDL to Doc)
- Bug WORDSRPT-201 (WORDSRPT-187 is not resolved in v4.4)
- Bug WORDSRPT-203 (Textbox does not visible after exporting RDL to Docx/Doc)
- Bug WORDSRPT-205 (RDL to Docx issue with table’s hidden rows white space)
- Bug WORDSRPT-206 (Grouping number value with HTML does not generate correct output)
- Bug WORDSRPT-208 (Long text is splitting on pages and causes empty space on pages)
- Bug WORDSRPT-212 (SSRS rendering fails to hide a tablix row based on a custom row visibility function)
- Bug WORDSRPT-215 (U+2625 or ? appears while converting RDL to Txt)
- Bug WORDSRPT-217 (Tablix border issue in output Doc/Docx)
- Bug WORDSRPT-218 (Page break issue Tablix)
- Minor fixes and improvements