
Aspose.3D for Java 18.9-2018年9月


FBX ExportException-高多边形计数Bug


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     * Per-node asset info

     * @param value New value


    public void setAssetInfo(com.aspose.threed.AssetInfo);


     * Per-node asset info


    public com.aspose.threed.AssetInfo getAssetInfo();

某些文件类型可以具有每个节点的资产信息。 在FBX中,根节点的AssetInfo属性包含FBX文件中定义的全局设置。


         //Access GlobalSettings in FBX file, more properties can be found by opening the ASCII FBX files in a text editor.

        //And FBXHeaderExtension/SceneInfo inside FBX file will be mapped to Scene.AssetInfo

        Scene scene = new Scene("test.fbx");

        AssetInfo globalSettings = scene.getRootNode().getAssetInfo();




类 ‘com.aspose.threed.Scene’ 增加了10个新方法:




     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.

     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.

     * @param format File format.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws ImportException;


     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.

     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.

     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(Stream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws ImportException;


     * Opens the scene from given stream

     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(Stream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;


     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

     * @param fileName File name.

     * @param format File format.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;


     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

     * @param fileName File name.

     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(String fileName, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;


     * Opens the scene from given path

     * @param fileName File name.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(String fileName, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;


     * Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.

     * @param format Format.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the save task


    public void save(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws ExportException;


     * Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.

     * @param options More detailed configuration to save the stream.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the save task


    public void save(Stream stream, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws ExportException;


     * Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.

     * @param fileName File name.

     * @param format Format.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the save task


    public void save(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;


     * Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.

     * @param fileName File name.

     * @param options More detailed configuration to save the stream.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the save task


    public void save(String fileName, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;



         final Cancellation cts = new Cancellation();

        Thread thread = new Thread(() -> {

            try {



            } catch(InterruptedException e) {

                throw new RuntimeException(e);




        Scene scene = new Scene();

        try {

            scene.open("test.fbx", cts);

            System.out.println("Import is done within 1000ms");

        } catch(ImportException e) {

            if(e.getCause() instanceof CancellationException) {

                System.out.println("It takes too long time to import, and we have canceled the importing.");


