
Aspose.3D for Java 19.11发行说明


THREEDNET-575  Add .ATT文件导入支持。07610341新功能
THREEDNET-578  Add .ATT文件导出支持07610341新功能
THREEDNET-577  重构财产制度在Aspose.3D 增强
THREEDNET-583  实施了不受支持的RVM实体类型  增强
THREEDNET-580  FBX导入例外情况 增强
THREEDNET-582 RVM转换的 问题 Bug
THREEDNET-585  修复了生成的glTF文件的验证错误 Bug




在Aspose.3D 19.11中,您可以使用fbxloadopions中的KeepBuiltinGlobalSettings来关闭此功能,并保持GlobalSettings中的所有内容都不过滤。


 //This will output all properties defined in GlobalSettings in FBX file.

Scene scene = new Scene();

FBXLoadOptions opt = new FBXLoadOptions();


scene.open("test.FBX", opt);

for (Property property : scene.getRootNode().getAssetInfo().getProperties()) {






 * The RVM Format


public class RvmFormat extends FileFormat



     * Load the attributes from specified file name

     * @param scene The scene where the attributes will be applied to

     * @param fileName The file's name that contains the attributes

     * @param prefix The prefix of the attributes that used to avoid conflict of names, default value is "rvm:"


    public void loadAttributes(Scene scene, String fileName, String prefix)

        throws IOException;


     * Load the attributes from specified file name

     * @param scene The scene where the attributes will be applied to

     * @param fileName The file's name that contains the attributes


    public void loadAttributes(Scene scene, String fileName)

        throws IOException;


     * Load the attributes from specified stream

     * @param scene The scene where the attributes will be applied to

     * @param stream The stream that contains the attributes

     * @param prefix The prefix of the attributes that used to avoid conflict of names, default value is "rvm:"


    public void loadAttributes(Scene scene, Stream stream, String prefix)

        throws IOException;


     * Load the attributes from specified stream

     * @param scene The scene where the attributes will be applied to

     * @param stream The stream that contains the attributes


    public void loadAttributes(Scene scene, Stream stream)

        throws IOException;







     * Gets the prefix of which attributes that will be exported, the exported property will contains no prefix, custom properties with different prefix will not be exported, default value is 'rvm:'.

     * For example if a property is rvm:Refno=345, the exported attribute will be Refno = 345, the prefix is stripped.


    public String getAttributePrefix();


     * Sets the prefix of which attributes that will be exported, the exported property will contains no prefix, custom properties with different prefix will not be exported, default value is 'rvm:'.

     * For example if a property is rvm:Refno=345, the exported attribute will be Refno = 345, the prefix is stripped.

     * @param value New value


    public void setAttributePrefix(String value);

    private String attributePrefix;


     * Gets the file name of attribute list file, exporter will generate a name based on the .rvm file name when this property is undefined, default value is null.


    public String getAttributeListFile();


     * Sets the file name of attribute list file, exporter will generate a name based on the .rvm file name when this property is undefined, default value is null.

     * @param value New value


    public void setAttributeListFile(String value);


     * Gets whether to export the attribute list to an external .att file, default value is false.


    public boolean getExportAttributes();


     * Sets whether to export the attribute list to an external .att file, default value is false.

     * @param value New value


    public void setExportAttributes(boolean value);


 Scene scene = new Scene();

        Node node = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode("Box", new Box());

        node.setProperty("rvm:Refno", "=3462123");

        node.setProperty("rvm:Description", "This is the description of the box");

        RvmSaveOptions opt = new RvmSaveOptions();

        //The RVM attribute's prefix is rvm:, all properties that starts with rvm: will be exported to .att file(the prefix will be removed)



        scene.save("test.rvm", opt);



     * Gets the collection of all properties.


    public PropertyCollection getProperties();



 * The collection of properties


public class PropertyCollection implements Iterable<Property>



     * Gets the count of declared properties.


    public int size();


     * Gets the property by index.

     * @param idx 


    public Property get(int idx);


     * Finds the property.

     * It can be a dynamic property (Created by CreateDynamicProperty/SetProperty)

     * or native property(Identified by its name)

     * @param property Property name.

     * @return The property.


    public Property findProperty(String property);


     * Gets the value of the property by property name.

     * @param property The name of the property


    public Object get(String property);


     * Sets the value of the property by property name.

     * @param property The name of the property

     * @param value New value


    public void set(String property, Object value);


     * Removes a dynamic property.

     * @param property Which property to remove

     * @return true if the property is successfully removed


    public boolean removeProperty(Property property);


     * Removes a dynamic property.

     * @param property Which property to remove

     * @return true if the property is successfully removed


    public boolean removeProperty(String property);


     * Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.



    public Iterator<Property> iterator();



场景场景 = 新场景 (相机.fbx)

材质材质 = 场景getRootNode()getChildNodes()get(0)getMaterial()

PropertyCollection props = material.getProperties();

// 使用foreach列出所有属性

对于 (属性道具: 道具)


System.out.printf("% s = % s \ n", prop.getName(), prop.getValue());


// 或者使用序数进行循环

对于 (int i = 0; i< props.size(); i++)


                Property prop = props.get(i);

                System.out.printf("%s = %s", prop.getName(), prop.getValue());


            //Get property value by name

            Object diffuse = props.get("Diffuse");


            //modify property value by name

            props.set("Diffuse", new Vector3(1, 0, 1));

            //Get property instance by name

            Property pdiffuse = props.findProperty("Diffuse");


            //Since Property is also inherited from A3DObject

            //It's possible to get the property of the property

            System.out.printf("Property flags = %s\n", pdiffuse.getProperty("flags"));

            //and some properties that only defined in FBX file:

            System.out.printf("Label = %s\n", pdiffuse.getProperty("label"));

            System.out.printf("Type Name = %s\n", pdiffuse.getProperty("typeName"));

            //so traversal on property's property is possible

            for(Property pp : pdiffuse.getProperties())


                System.out.printf("Diffuse.{0} = {1}", pp.getName(), pp.getValue());

