Aspose.3D for Java 19.6发行说明
此页面包含以下内容的发行说明Aspose.3D for Java 19.6
钥匙 | 摘要 | 类别 |
THREEDNET-511 | 增强圆柱体的创建 | 新功能 |
THREEDNET-507 | 在打开RVM文件时丢失一些材料 | Bug |
THREEDNET-508 | 系统有时可能无法在Vulkan渲染器中分配描述符集 | Bug |
请参阅对公共API所做的任何更改的列表,如添加、重命名、删除或不推荐使用的成员,以及对Aspose.3D for Java所做的任何非向后兼容的更改。如果您对列出的任何更改有疑问,请在Aspose.3D支持论坛。
* Gets the vertices transformation offset of the top side.
public Vector3 getOffsetTop();
* Sets the vertices transformation offset of the top side.
* @param value New value
public void setOffsetTop(Vector3 value);
* Gets the vertices transformation offset of the bottom side.
public Vector3 getOffsetBottom();
* Sets the vertices transformation offset of the bottom side.
* @param value New value
public void setOffsetBottom(Vector3 value);
Scene scene = new Scene();
Cylinder cylinder1 = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
cylinder1.setOffsetTop(new Vector3(5, 3, 0));
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(cylinder1).getTransform().setTranslation(10, 0, 0);
Cylinder cylinder2 = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
scene.save("test.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
左边的有OffsetTop设置为 (5,3,0),很容易看到顶盖移动了,整个躯干也受到了影响。
* Gets whether to generate the fan-style cylinder when the ThetaLength is less than 2*PI, otherwise the model will not be cut.
public boolean getGenerateFanCylinder();
* Sets whether to generate the fan-style cylinder when the ThetaLength is less than 2*PI, otherwise the model will not be cut.
* @param value New value
public void setGenerateFanCylinder(boolean value);
Scene scene = new Scene();
Cylinder fan = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(fan).getTransform().setTranslation(10, 0, 0);
Cylinder nonfan = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
scene.save("test.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
左圆柱体具有GenerateFanCylinder = false,右圆柱体具有GenerateFanCylinder = true。
在class com.aspose.threed.Cylinder中添加了新的属性ShearTop
* Gets of the shear transform of the top side, vector stores the (x-axis, z-axis) shear value that measured in radian, default value is (0, 0)
public Vector2 getShearTop();
* Sets of the shear transform of the top side, vector stores the (x-axis, z-axis) shear value that measured in radian, default value is (0, 0)
* @param value New value
public void setShearTop(Vector2 value)
在class com.aspose.threed.Cylinder中添加了新的属性ShearBottom
* Gets of the shear transform of the bottom side, vector stores the (x-axis, z-axis) shear value that measured in radian, default value is (0, 0)
public Vector2 getShearBottom();
* Sets of the shear transform of the bottom side, vector stores the (x-axis, z-axis) shear value that measured in radian, default value is (0, 0)
* @param value New value
public void setShearBottom(Vector2 value);
显示ShearBottom(ShearTop) 用法的示例代码:
Scene scene = new Scene();
Cylinder cylinder1 = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
cylinder1.setShearBottom(new Vector2(0, 0.83));//shear 47.5deg in xy plane(z-axis)
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(cylinder1).getTransform().setTranslation(10, 0, 0);
Cylinder cylinder2 = new Cylinder(2, 2, 10, 20, 1, false);
scene.save("test.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ);
左圆柱体具有剪切底部到 (0,0.83),而右圆柱体是序数圆柱体。