
Aspose.3D for Java 19.7发行说明


THREEDNET-526在Google Draco中添加点云导出支持增强
THREEDNET-524在Google Draco中添加点云导入支持增强
THREEDNET-523 以PLY格式添加点云支持增强


请参阅对公共API所做的任何更改的列表,如添加、重命名、删除或不推荐使用的成员,以及对Aspose.3D for Java所做的任何非向后兼容的更改。如果您对列出的任何更改有疑问,请在Aspose.3D支持论坛





     * Decode the point cloud or mesh from specified file name

     * @param fileName The file name contains the drc file

     * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance depends on the file content


    public Geometry decode(String fileName)

        throws ImportException;


     * Decode the point cloud or mesh from memory data

     * @param data The raw drc bytes

     * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance depends on the content


    public Geometry decode(byte[]data)

        throws ImportException;


 PointCloud pointCloud = (PointCloud)FileFormat.DRACO.decode("pointCloud.drc");



     * Encode the entity to specified stream

     * @param entity The entity to be encoded

     * @param stream The stream that encoded data will be written to

     * @param options Extra options for encoding the point cloud


    public void encode(Entity entity, Stream stream, DracoSaveOptions options)

        throws IOException;


     * Encode the entity to specified stream

     * @param entity The entity to be encoded

     * @param stream The stream that encoded data will be written to


    public void encode(Entity entity, Stream stream)

        throws IOException;


     * Encode the entity to specified file

     * @param entity The entity to be encoded

     * @param fileName The file name to be written


    public void encode(Entity entity, String fileName)

        throws IOException;


     * Encode the entity to Draco raw data

     * @param entity The entity to be encoded

     * @param options Extra options for encoding the point cloud

     * @return The encoded draco data represented in bytes


    public byte[]encode(Entity entity, DracoSaveOptions options);


     * Encode the entity to Draco raw data

     * @param entity The entity to be encoded

     * @return The encoded draco data represented in bytes


    public byte[]encode(Entity entity);


 FileFormat.DRACO.encode(new Sphere(), "sphere.drc");

在类com.aspose.threed.DracoSaveOptions中添加了新的getter/setter getPointCloud/setPointCloud


 * Export the scene as point cloud, default value is false.


public boolean getPointCloud();


 * Export the scene as point cloud, default value is false.

 * @param value New value


public void setPointCloud(boolean value);


 DracoSaveOptions opt = new DracoSaveOptions();


FileFormat.DRACO.encode(new Sphere(), "sphere.drc", opt);



 * Encode the entity and save the result into the stream.

 * @param entity The entity to encode

 * @param stream The stream to write to, this method will not close this stream

 * @param opt Save options


public void encode(Entity entity, Stream stream, PlySaveOptions opt)

    throws IOException;


 * Encode the entity and save the result into the stream.

 * @param entity The entity to encode

 * @param stream The stream to write to, this method will not close this stream


public void encode(Entity entity, Stream stream)

    throws IOException;


 * Encode the entity and save the result into an external file.

 * @param entity The entity to encode

 * @param fileName The file to write to

 * @param opt Save options


public void encode(Entity entity, String fileName, PlySaveOptions opt)

    throws IOException;


 * Encode the entity and save the result into an external file.

 * @param entity The entity to encode

 * @param fileName The file to write to


public void encode(Entity entity, String fileName)

    throws IOException;


 FileFormat.PLY.encode(new Sphere(), "sphere.ply");



 * Decode a point cloud or mesh from the specified stream.

 * @param fileName The input stream

 * @param opt The load option of PLY format

 * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance


public Geometry decode(String fileName, PlyLoadOptions opt)

    throws IOException;


 * Decode a point cloud or mesh from the specified stream.

 * @param fileName The input stream

 * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance


public Geometry decode(String fileName)

    throws IOException;


 * Decode a point cloud or mesh from the specified stream.

 * @param stream The input stream

 * @param opt The load option of PLY format

 * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance


public Geometry decode(Stream stream, PlyLoadOptions opt)

    throws IOException;


 * Decode a point cloud or mesh from the specified stream.

 * @param stream The input stream

 * @return A {@link com.aspose.threed.Mesh} or {@link com.aspose.threed.PointCloud} instance


public Geometry decode(Stream stream)

    throws IOException;


 Geometry geom = FileFormat.PLY.decode("sphere.ply");

将getter/setter getPointCloud和setPointCloud添加到类com.aspose.threed.PlySaveOptions


 * Export the scene as point cloud, the default value is false.


public boolean getPointCloud();


 * Export the scene as point cloud, the default value is false.

 * @param value New value


public void setPointCloud(boolean value);


 PlySaveOptions opt = new PlySaveOptions();


FileFormat.PLY.encode(new Sphere(), "sphere.ply", opt);
