Aspose.3D for Java 19.8发行说明
此页面包含以下内容的发行说明Aspose.3D for Java 19.8
钥匙 | 摘要 | 类别 |
THREEDNET-528 | 在Wavefront OBJ中添加点云支持 | 新功能 |
THREEDNET-531 | Aspose.3D的安全审查 | 增强 |
THREEDNET-536 | DRC到STL转换失败 | Bug |
THREEDNET-537 | 将PLY转换为GLB的问题 | Bug |
THREEDNET-539 | 大点云可能产生不正确的数据 | Bug |
请参阅对公共API所做的任何更改的列表,如添加、重命名、删除或不推荐使用的成员,以及对Aspose.3D for Java所做的任何非向后兼容的更改。如果您对列出的任何更改有疑问,请在Aspose.3D支持论坛。
在类com.aspose.threed.ObjSaveOptions中添加了新的getter/setter PointCloud
* Gets the flag whether the exporter should export the scene as point cloud(without topological structure), default value is false
public boolean getPointCloud();
* Sets the flag whether the exporter should export the scene as point cloud(without topological structure), default value is false
* @param value New value
public void setPointCloud(boolean value);
Scene scene = new Scene(new Sphere());
ObjSaveOptions opt = new ObjSaveOptions();
scene.save("sphere.obj", opt);
* Create a polygon with 4 vertices(quad)
* @param v1 Index of the first vertex
* @param v2 Index of the second vertex
* @param v3 Index of the third vertex
* @param v4 Index of the fourth vertex
public void createPolygon(int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4);
* Create a polygon with 3 vertices(triangle)
* @param v1 Index of the first vertex
* @param v2 Index of the second vertex
* @param v3 Index of the third vertex
public void createPolygon(int v1, int v2, int v3);
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
mesh.createPolygon(new int[]{ 0, 1, 2 }); //The old CreatePolygon needs to create a temporary array for holding the face indices
mesh.createPolygon(0, 1, 2); //The new overloads doesn't need extra allocation, and it's optimized internally.
\* The JSON content of GLTF file is indented for human reading, default value is false
public boolean getPrettyPrint();
\* The JSON content of GLTF file is indented for human reading, default value is false
\* @param value New value
public void setPrettyPrint(boolean value);
Scene scene = new Scene(new Sphere());
GLTFSaveOptions opt = new GLTFSaveOptions(FileFormat.GLTF2);
//opt.prettyPrint = true; //Old code
opt.setPrettyPrint(true); //Use setter to change this configuration.
scene.save("sphere.gltf", opt);