Aspose.3D for Java 20.4发行说明
此页包含Aspose.3D for Java 20.4的发行说明信息。
钥匙 | 摘要 | 类别 |
THREEDNET-663 | Add Linux渲染支持 | 07610341新功能 |
THREEDNET-661 | 使用自定义顶点声明获取数据 | 增强 |
THREEDNET-652 | Add轨道运动控制 | 增强 |
THREEDNET-653 | Add A3DW格式的行支持。 | 增强 |
THREEDNET-655 | Add TriMesh的渲染支持 | 增强 |
THREEDNET-656 | 光线渲染在web渲染器中是不正确的。 | Bug |
\* Read the vector4 field
\* @param field The field with a Vector4/FVector4 data type
public Vector4 readVector4(VertexField field);
\* Read the vector4 field
\* @param field The field with a Vector4/FVector4 data type
public FVector4 readFVector4(VertexField field);
\* Read the vector3 field
\* @param field The field with a Vector3/FVector3 data type
public Vector3 readVector3(VertexField field);
\* Read the vector3 field
\* @param field The field with a Vector3/FVector3 data type
public FVector3 readFVector3(VertexField field);
\* Read the vector2 field
\* @param field The field with a Vector2/FVector2 data type
public Vector2 readVector2(VertexField field);
\* Read the vector2 field
\* @param field The field with a Vector2/FVector2 data type
public FVector2 readFVector2(VertexField field);
\* Read the double field
\* @param field The field with a float/double compatible data type
public double readDouble(VertexField field);
\* Read the float field
\* @param field The field with a float/double compatible data type
public float readFloat(VertexField field);
Scene s = new Scene("test.stl");
Mesh mesh = (Mesh)s.getRootNode().getChildNodes().get(0).getEntity();
//create a VertexDeclaration so we can get the TriMesh with memory layout exactly we want.
VertexDeclaration vd = new VertexDeclaration();
VertexField pos = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.POSITION);
VertexField normal = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.NORMAL);
VertexField uv = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR2, VertexFieldSemantic.UV);
//construct the TriMesh using specified vertex layout
TriMesh m = TriMesh.fromMesh(vd, mesh);
//print each vertex's position, normal and uv
for(Vertex vtx : m)
Vector3 v_pos = vtx.readVector3(pos);
Vector3 v_normal = vtx.readVector3(normal);
Vector2 v_uv = vtx.readVector2(uv);
System.out.printf("(%s), (%s), (%s)\n", v_pos, v_normal, v_uv);
Scene s = new Scene("test.STL");
var mesh = (Mesh)s.RootNode.ChildNodes[0].Entity;
var originalTriMesh = TriMesh.FromMesh(mesh);
//create a VertexDeclaration so we can get the TriMesh with memory layout exactly we want.
VertexDeclaration vd = new VertexDeclaration();
VertexField pos = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.POSITION);
VertexField normal = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.NORMAL);
VertexField uv = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR2, VertexFieldSemantic.UV);
//If the original TriMesh's memory layout is not what you wanted, you can use CopyFrom to get a new instance
//with specified memory layout
TriMesh m = TriMesh.copyFrom(originalTriMesh, vd);
//print each vertex's position, normal and uv
for(Vertex vtx : m)
Vector3 v_pos = vtx.readVector3(pos);
Vector3 v_normal = vtx.readVector3(normal);
Vector2 v_uv = vtx.readVector2(uv);
System.out.printf("(%s), (%s), (%s)\n", v_pos, v_normal, v_uv);
* Create TriMesh from raw data
* @param vd Vertex declaration, must contains at least one field.
* @param vertices The input vertex data, the minimum length of the vertices must be greater or equal to vertex declaration's size
* @param indices The triangle indices
* @param generateVertexMapping Generate {@link com.aspose.threed.Vertex} for each vertex, which is not necessary for just serialization/deserialization.
* @return The {@link com.aspose.threed.TriMesh} instance that encapsulated the input byte array.
public static TriMesh fromRawData(VertexDeclaration vd, byte[]vertices, int[]indices, boolean generateVertexMapping)
Scene s = new Scene("test.stl");
Mesh mesh = (Mesh)s.getRootNode().getChildNodes().get(0).getEntity();
VertexDeclaration vd = new VertexDeclaration();
VertexField pos = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.POSITION);
VertexField normal = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.NORMAL);
VertexField uv = vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR2, VertexFieldSemantic.UV);
TriMesh originalTriMesh = TriMesh.fromMesh(vd, mesh);
//If the original TriMesh's memory layout is not what you wanted, you can use CopyFrom to get a new instance
//with specified memory layout
byte[]verticesInBytes = originalTriMesh.verticesToArray();
int[][]indices = new int[1][];
TriMesh m = TriMesh.fromRawData(vd, verticesInBytes, indices[0], true);
for(Vertex vtx : m)
Vector3 v_pos = vtx.readVector3(pos);
Vector3 v_normal = vtx.readVector3(normal);
Vector2 v_uv = vtx.readVector2(uv);
System.out.printf("(%s), (%s), (%s)\n", v_pos, v_normal, v_uv);
\* Create a render target that renders to the native window.
\* @param parameters Render parameters to create the render window
\* @param handle The handle of the window to render
public abstract IRenderWindow createRenderWindow(RenderParameters parameters, WindowHandle handle);
//Renderer renderer = ... your renderer instance
//RenderParameters renderParameters = ... your render parameters
//Control control = ... your control for rendering.
//window = renderer.getRenderFactory().createRenderWindow(new RenderParameters(), shell.handle);
//The above code should be fixed like the following line, pass a Win32 handle.
window = renderer.getRenderFactory().createRenderWindow(new RenderParameters(), WindowHandle.fromWin32(shell.handle));
\* Write the vector to the binary writer
\* @param writer Target binary writer
\* @param v Vector to write
public static void write(BinaryWriter writer, Vector2 v)
throws IOException;
\* Write the vector to the binary writer
\* @param writer Target binary writer
\* @param v Vector to write
public static void write(BinaryWriter writer, Vector3 v)
throws IOException;
\* Calculate the inner angle between two direction
\* Two direction can be non-normalized vectors
\* @param dir The direction vector to compare with
\* @param up The up vector of the two direction's shared plane
\* @return inner angle in radian
public double angleBetween(Vector3 dir, Vector3 up);
\* Calculate the inner angle between two direction
\* Two direction can be non-normalized vectors
\* @param dir The direction vector to compare with
\* @return inner angle in radian
public double angleBetween(Vector3 dir);