Aspose.3D for .NET 17.8发行说明
钥匙 | 摘要 | 类别 |
THREEDNET-279 | 将场景渲染成6个面的立方体地图。 | 新功能 |
THREEDNET-280 | 添加等矩形投影的后处理。 | 新功能 |
THREEDNET-281 | 渲染立方体贴图到鱼眼。 | 新功能 |
THREEDNET-276 | 将OBJ转换为GLTF和GLB不正确。 | Bug |
请参阅对公共API所做的任何更改的列表,如添加、重命名、删除或不推荐使用的成员,以及对Aspose.3D for .NET所做的任何非向后兼容的更改。如果您对列出的任何更改有疑问,请在Aspose.3D支持论坛。
在17.8之前,所有纹理单元 (由渲染器使用) 都由接口ITextureUnit表示,但是此设计对于未来的多维数据集贴图和3D纹理效果不佳 (尚未实现),因此这些方法都被标记为过时,为了确保代码不会破坏编译器,开发人员应该使用ITexture1D/ITexture2D/ITextureCubemap中具有相同名称的方法。
interface ITextureUnit
void Load(TextureData bitmap);
void Save(string path, ImageFormat format);
void Save(Bitmap bitmap);
Bitmap ToBitmap();
/// <summary>
/// Each face of the cube map texture
/// </summary>
public enum CubeFace
/// <summary>
/// The +X face
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The -X face
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The +Y face
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The -Y face
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The +Z face
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The -Z face
/// </summary>
此类是一个通用类,用于描述每个cubemap face的数据,例如文件名或位图。
/// <summary>
/// Cube map texture
/// </summary>
public interface ITextureCubemap : ITextureUnit
/// <summary>
/// Load texture content from specified files
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileNames"></param>
void Load(CubeFaceData<string> fileNames);
/// <summary>
/// Load texture content from specified <see cref="TextureData"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
void Load(CubeFaceData<TextureData> data);
/// <summary>
/// Load the data into specified face
/// </summary>
/// <param name="face"></param>
/// <param name="data"></param>
void Load(CubeFace face, TextureData data);
/// <summary>
/// Save the cube's sides texture content to external files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">File names to save.</param>
/// <param name="format">Image format</param>
void Save(CubeFaceData<string> path, ImageFormat format);
/// <summary>
/// Save the texture content to memory.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bitmap">Result bitmap to save.</param>
void Save(CubeFaceData<Bitmap> bitmap);
/// <summary>
/// Save the specified side to memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="side"></param>
/// <param name="bitmap"></param>
void Save(CubeFace side, Bitmap bitmap);
/// <summary>
/// Convert the texture unit to <see cref="Bitmap"/> instance
/// </summary>
Bitmap ToBitmap(CubeFace side);
//The model used in this sample can be found at https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/master/1.0/VC/glTF-Binary
string path = @"D:\Projects\glTF-Sample-Models\1.0\VC\glTF-Binary\VC.glb";
//load the scene
Scene scene = new Scene(path);
//create a camera for capturing the cube map
Camera cam = new Camera(ProjectionType.Perspective)
NearPlane = 0.1,
FarPlane = 200,
RotationMode = RotationMode.FixedDirection
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(cam).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(5, 6, 0);
//create two lights to illuminate the scene
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(new Light() {LightType = LightType.Point}).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(-10, 7, -10);
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(new Light()
Color = new Vector3(Color.CadetBlue)
}).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(49, 0, 49);
//create a renderer
using (var renderer = Renderer.CreateRenderer())
//Create a cube map render target with depth texture, depth is required when rendering a scene.
IRenderTexture rt = renderer.RenderFactory.CreateCubeRenderTexture(new RenderParameters(false), 512, 512);
//a viewport is required on the render target
rt.CreateViewport(cam, RelativeRectangle.FromScale(0, 0, 1, 1));
//now lets get the cubemap texture
ITextureCubemap cubemap = rt.Targets[0] as ITextureCubemap;
//we can directly save each face to disk by specifing the file name
CubeFaceData<string> fileNames = new CubeFaceData<string>()
Right = "right.png",
Left = "left.png",
Back = "back.png",
Front = "front.png",
Bottom = "bottom.png",
Top = "top.png"
//and call Save method
cubemap.Save(fileNames, ImageFormat.Png);
//or we just need to use the render result in memory, we can save it to CubeFaceData<Bitmap>
CubeFaceData<Bitmap> bitmaps = new CubeFaceData<Bitmap>();
bitmaps.Back.Save("back.bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp);
// this is an overloaded version for method IRenderTexture CreateRenderTexture(Aspose.ThreeD.Render.RenderParameters parameters, int targets, int width, int height) with targets to 1
public Aspose.ThreeD.Render.IRenderTexture CreteRenderTexture(Aspose.ThreeD.Render.RenderParameters parameters, int width, int height)
//Create a render target that will render the scene into a cube map
public Aspose.ThreeD.Render.IRenderTexture CreateCubeRenderTexture(Aspose.ThreeD.Render.RenderParameters parameters, int width, int height)
// allow user to create ITexture1D/ITexture2D/ITextureCubemap manually
public Aspose.ThreeD.Render.ITextureUnit CreateTextureUnit(Aspose.ThreeD.Render.TextureType textureType)
public void Execute(Aspose.ThreeD.Render.PostProcessing postProcessing, Aspose.ThreeD.Render.IRenderTarget result)
//The model used in this sample can be found at https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/master/1.0/VC/glTF-Binary
string path = @"D:\Projects\glTF-Sample-Models\1.0\VC\glTF-Binary\VC.glb";
//load the scene
Scene scene = new Scene(path);
//create a camera for capturing the cube map
Camera cam = new Camera(ProjectionType.Perspective)
NearPlane = 0.1,
FarPlane = 200,
RotationMode = RotationMode.FixedDirection
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(cam).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(5, 6, 0);
//create two lights to illuminate the scene
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(new Light() {LightType = LightType.Point}).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(-10, 7, -10);
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(new Light()
Color = new Vector3(Color.CadetBlue)
}).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(49, 0, 49);
//create a renderer
using (var renderer = Renderer.CreateRenderer())
//Create a cube map render target with depth texture, depth is required when rendering a scene.
IRenderTexture rt = renderer.RenderFactory.CreateCubeRenderTexture(new RenderParameters(false), 512, 512);
//create a 2D texture render target with no depth texture used for image processing
IRenderTexture final = renderer.RenderFactory.CreateRenderTexture(new RenderParameters(false, 32, 0, 0), 1024 * 3 , 1024);
//a viewport is required on the render target
rt.CreateViewport(cam, RelativeRectangle.FromScale(0, 0, 1, 1));
//execute the equirectangular projection post-processing with the previous rendered cube map as input
PostProcessing equirectangular = renderer.GetPostProcessing("equirectangular");
//Specify the cube map rendered from the scene as this post processing's input
equirectangular.Input = rt.Targets[0];
//Execute the post processing effect and save the result to render target final
renderer.Execute(equirectangular, final);
//save the texture into disk
((ITexture2D)final.Targets[0]).Save("panorama.png", ImageFormat.Png);
//The model used in this sample can be found at https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/master/1.0/VC/glTF-Binary
string path = @"D:\Projects\glTF-Sample-Models\1.0\VC\glTF-Binary\VC.glb";
//load the scene
Scene scene = new Scene(path);
//create a camera for capturing the cube map
Camera cam = new Camera(ProjectionType.Perspective)
NearPlane = 0.1,
FarPlane = 200,
RotationMode = RotationMode.FixedDirection
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(cam).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(5, 6, 0);
//create two lights to illuminate the scene
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(new Light() {LightType = LightType.Point}).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(-10, 7, -10);
scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(new Light()
Color = new Vector3(Color.CadetBlue)
}).Transform.Translation = new Vector3(49, 0, 49);
//create a renderer
using (var renderer = Renderer.CreateRenderer())
//Create a cube map render target with depth texture, depth is required when rendering a scene.
IRenderTexture rt = renderer.RenderFactory.CreateCubeRenderTexture(new RenderParameters(false), 512, 512);
//create a 2D texture render target with no depth texture used for image processing
IRenderTexture final = renderer.RenderFactory.CreateRenderTexture(new RenderParameters(false, 32, 0, 0), 1024, 1024);
//a viewport is required on the render target
rt.CreateViewport(cam, RelativeRectangle.FromScale(0, 0, 1, 1));
//execute the fisheye projection post-processing with the previous rendered cube map as input
//the fisheye can have field of view more than 180 degree, so a cube map with all direction is required.
PostProcessing fisheye = renderer.GetPostProcessing("fisheye");
// we can change the fov to 360 instead of the default value 180.
fisheye.FindProperty("fov").Value = 360.0;
//Specify the cube map rendered from the scene as this post processing's input
fisheye.Input = rt.Targets[0];
//Execute the post processing effect and save the result to render target final
renderer.Execute(fisheye, final);
//save the texture into disk
((ITexture2D)final.Targets[0]).Save("fisheye.png", ImageFormat.Png);
向struct Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.FVector3添加了方法:
//Calculate the normalized vector of the FVector3, equivalent implementation of Vector3.Normalize
public Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.FVector3 Normalize()
//Calculate the cross product of two FVector3, equivalent implementation of Vector3.Cross
public Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.FVector3 Cross(Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.FVector3 rhs)
请查看Aspose.3D Wiki docs中添加或更新的帮助主题列表: