Aspose.3D for .NET 22.4发行说明
此页包含Aspose.3D for .NET 22.4的发行说明信息。
钥匙 | 摘要 | 类别 |
THREEDNET-1116 | 节点的euleangle混淆导致模型旋转后的错误位置 | 错误修复 |
THREEDNET-1137 | 从FBX导入的LayeredTexture可能会生成无效的GLTF文件 | 错误修复 |
THREEDNET-1119 | 支持GLTF自定义顶点属性 | 新功能 |
THREEDNET-1129 | GLB到U3D转换导致方向错误 | 新功能 |
THREEDNET-1121 | 点云出口支持在USD/USDZ | 新功能 |
THREEDNET-1122 | 点云导入支持在USD/USDZ | 新功能 |
THREEDNET-1113 | 加载OBJ模型丢失纹理坐标vt | 错误修复 |
THREEDNET-1107 | 当应用程序构建为单个可执行文件时,无法加载许可证。 | 错误修复 |
/// <summary>
/// Semantic of the vertex field
/// </summary>
public VertexFieldSemantic Semantic { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Alias of the vertex field
/// </summary>
public string Alias { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Initialize a <see cref="SemanticAttribute"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="semantic">The semantic of the struct's field.</param>
/// <param name="alias">Alias of the field.</param>
public SemanticAttribute(VertexFieldSemantic semantic, string alias)
新添加的构造函数允许您为顶点字段指定别名,该别名可用于在支持的导出器 (如GLTF) 中导出自定义字段名称。
/// <summary>
/// Add a new vertex field
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataType">The data type of the vertex field</param>
/// <param name="semantic">How will this field used for</param>
/// <param name="index">The index for same field semantic</param>
/// <param name="alias">The alias name of the field</param>
public VertexField AddField(VertexFieldDataType dataType, VertexFieldSemantic semantic, int index = -1, string alias = null)
/// <summary>
/// Alias annotated by attribute <see cref="SemanticAttribute"/>
/// </summary>
public string Alias { get { return alias; } }
public struct Vertex
public FVector3 position;
public FVector3 normal;
public FVector2 texcoord;
//Specify the Alias of this field to "_BATCH_ID"
[Semantic(VertexFieldSemantic.UserData, "_BATCH_ID")]
public float batchId;
public Vertex(FVector3 position, FVector3 normal ,FVector2 texcoord, float batchId)
this.position = position;
this.normal = normal;
this.texcoord = texcoord;
this.batchId = batchId;
private unsafe static void ExportCustomFieldToGLTF()
//Prepare the vertices and indices:
var vertices = new Vertex[]
new Vertex(new FVector3(1, 0, 0), new FVector3(0, 1, 0), new FVector2(0, 0), 1),
new Vertex(new FVector3(1, 1, 0), new FVector3(0, 1, 0), new FVector2(0, 1), 2),
new Vertex(new FVector3(0, 1, 0), new FVector3(0, 1, 0), new FVector2(1, 0), 3),
new Vertex(new FVector3(0, 1, 1), new FVector3(0, 1, 0), new FVector2(1, 1), 4),
var indices = new int[]
0, 1, 2,
1, 2, 3
//Convert the vertices into raw bytes
var verticesInBytes = new byte[vertices.Length * sizeof(Vertex)];
fixed(Vertex* pSrc = vertices)
Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(pSrc), verticesInBytes, 0, vertices.Length);
//Create a vertex declaration from reflection:
var vd = VertexDeclaration.FromType<Vertex>();
//construct a TriMesh from raw bytes of vertices and indices
var mesh = TriMesh.FromRawData(vd, verticesInBytes, indices, false);
//create a scene with the mesh
var scene = new Scene(mesh);
//export the scene to a binary glTF file
scene.Save("test.glb", FileFormat.GLTF2_Binary);
// The GLTF primitive generated in the test.glb will be:
// {"attributes" : {"POSITION" : 0, "NORMAL" : 1, "TEXCOORD_0" : 2, "_BATCH_ID" : 3}, "mode" : 4}