
If so you can download any of the below versions for testing. The product will function as normal except for an evaluation limitation. At the time of purchase we provide a license file via email that will allow the product to work in its full capacity. If you would also like an evaluation license to test without any restrictions for 30 days, please follow the directions provided here.


Aspose.Cells for .NET 19.11 (DLLs Only)

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  • 下载次数:
  • 156
  • 文件大小:
  • 63.5MB
  • 发布者:
  • 赵西蒙
  • 浏览次数:
  • 369
  • 添加日期:
  • 11/14/2019



此 ZIP 文件仅包含 Aspose.Cells for .NET 程序集。这些程序集与同一版本产品的 MSI 安装程序中的程序集相同。如果您想在没有 MSI 安装程序的情况下使用 Aspose.Cells,请下载此文件,例如,您可能无法在 Mono 或某些其他环境中运行 MSI 安装程序。此 ZIP 下载不包含 MSI 安装程序中包含的 Microsoft 帮助格式的用户文档。