
If so you can download any of the below versions for testing. The product will function as normal except for an evaluation limitation. At the time of purchase we provide a license file via email that will allow the product to work in its full capacity. If you would also like an evaluation license to test without any restrictions for 30 days, please follow the directions provided here.


Aspose.Imaging for .NET 22.3

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  • 下载:
  • 18
  • 文件大小:
  • 38.5 MB
  • Posted By:
  • samer.el-khatib4aspose
  • 浏览量:
  • 20
  • 添加日期:
  • 3/7/2022


DICOM 标签导出

存在一个问题,即 DICOM 的原始标签在导出时丢失。现在这个问题已经解决了,原始的 DICOM 标签在导出后会被保留。

using (DicomImage image = (DicomImage)Image.Load("IMG-0001-00001.dcm"))

    using (DicomImage imageSaved = (DicomImage)Image.Load("output1.dcm"))
        bool isSuccess = Math.Abs(imageSaved.FileInfo.DicomInfo.Count - image.FileInfo.DicomInfo.Count) < 5;

APS 到矢量化 PSD 导出

实现了通过 API 从“APS”导出为矢量化“PSD”格式的功能。

//Export vector image to PSD format keeping vector shapes

//Aspose.Imaging allows to export vector image formats such as CDR, EMF, EPS, ODG, SVG, WMF to the PSD format, 
//while keeping vector properties of the original, utilizing PSD Shapes, Paths //and Vector Masks.
//Currently, export of not very complex shapes is supported, whithout texture brushes or open shapes with stroke, 
//which will be improved in the upcoming releases.

//Export from the CDR format to the PSD format preserving vector 
//properties is as simple as the following snippet:

using (Image image = Imaging.Image.Load("sample.cdr"))
    PsdOptions imageOptions = new PsdOptions()
        VectorRasterizationOptions = options,
        VectorizationOptions = new PsdVectorizationOptions()
            VectorDataCompositionMode = VectorDataCompositionMode.SeparateLayers
    imageOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions.PageWidth = image.Width;
    imageOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions.PageHeight = image.Height;

    image.Save(outputFileName, imageOptions);

以透明模式将 PNG 导出为 32 位 BMP

以前在某些 PNG 到 BMP 32 位导出实例中,透明度正在丢失。现在这个问题已经解决了。

var sourcePath = "input.png"; // png image with alpha
var outputPath = "output-bmp.bmp";

using (Image pngImage = Image.Load(sourcePath))
    pngImage.Save(outputPath, new BmpOptions());

有关此版本中的功能、增强和错误修复的完整列表,请访问 Aspose.Imaging for .NET 22.3
