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Aspose.ZIP for .NET 21.10 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
ZIPNET-711Support lzip archives.Feature
ZIPNET-768Compose cpio archives.Feature
ZIPNET-803Properly extract RAR with subfolder in Unix-like systems.Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public types were added:Description
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchiveThis class represents Lzip archive file.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchiveSettingsThe class contains setting of particular lzip archive.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioArchiveThis class represents Cpio archive file.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioEntryRepresents single file within cpio archive.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioFormatEnumeration with supported formats of cpio.
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.#ctor(Stream sourceStream)Initializes a new instance of the LzipArchive class prepared for decompressing.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.#ctor(string path)Initializes a new instance of the LzipArchive class prepared for decompressing.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.#ctor(LzipArchiveSettings settings = null)Initializes a new instance of the LzipArchive class.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.SettingsSetting of particular lzip archive.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.Extract(Stream destination)Extracts lzip archive to a stream.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.Extract(FileInfo fileInfo)Extracts lzip archive to a file.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.Extract(string path)Extracts lzip archive to a file by path.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.Save(Stream outputStream)Saves lzip archive to the stream provided.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.SetSource(Stream source)Sets the content to be compressed within the archive.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.SetSource(FileInfo fileInfo)Sets the file to be compressed within the archive.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.SetSource(string path)Sets the file to be compressed within the archive.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.Save(string destinationFileName)Saves lzip archive to destination file provided.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchive.Save(FileInfo destinationFileInfo)Saves lzip archive to destination file provided.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchiveSettings.#ctor(int dictionarySize, int maxMemberSize)Initializes a new instance of the LzipArchiveSettings with particular dictionary size.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchiveSettings.FastestSpeedInitializes a new instance of the LzipArchiveSettings class with dictionary size equals to 65536 bytes in LZMA filter.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchiveSettings.FastSpeedInitializes a new instance of the LzipArchiveSettings class with dictionary size equals to 1 megabyte in LZMA filter.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchiveSettings.NormalInitializes a new instance of the LzipArchiveSettings class with dictionary size equals to 16 megabytes in LZMA filter.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchiveSettings.HighCompressionInitializes a new instance of the LzipArchiveSettings class with dictionary size equals to 32 megabytes in LZMA filter.
Aspose.Zip.Lzip.LzipArchiveSettings.MaximumCompressionInitializes a new instance of the LzipArchiveSettings class with dictionary size equals to 64 megabytes in LZMA filter.
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarFormat.PaxTar format defined in POSIX.1-2001 standard.
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarArchive.SaveLzipped(Stream output, TarFormat? format = null)Saves tar archive to the stream with lzip compression.
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarArchive.SaveLzipped(string path, TarFormat? format = null)Saves tar archive to the file by path with lzip compression.
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarArchive.FromLZip(Stream source)Extracts supplied lzip archive and composes TarArchive from extracted data.
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarArchive.FromLZip(Stream source)Extracts supplied lzip archive and composes TarArchive from extracted data.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioArchive.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the CpioArchive class.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioArchive.EntriesGets entries of CpioEntry type constituting the archive.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioArchive.CreateEntries(string sourceDirectory, bool includeRootDirectory = true)Adds to the archive all the files and directories recursively in the directory given.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioArchive.CreateEntries(DirectoryInfo sourceDirectory, bool includeRootDirectory = true)Adds to the archive all the files and directories recursively in the directory given.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioArchive.CreateEntry(FileInfo fileInfo, bool openImmediately = false)Create single entry within the archive.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioArchive.CreateEntry(string name, FileInfo fileInfo, bool openImmediately = false)Create single entry within the archive.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioArchive.CreateEntry(string name, string sourcePath, bool openImmediately = false)Create single entry within the archive.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioArchive.CreateEntry(string name, Stream source)Create single entry within the archive.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioArchive.Save(string destinationFileName, CpioFormat cpioFormat = DefalutFormat)Saves archive to destination file provided.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioArchive.Save(Stream output, CpioFormat cpioFormat = DefalutFormat)Saves archive to the stream provided.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioEntry.ParentGets the archive the entry belongs to.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioEntry.LengthGet length of entry in bytes.
Aspose.Zip.Cpio.CpioEntry.NameGets name of the entry within archive.