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Aspose.ZIP for .NET 22.1 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
ZIPNET-832Extract Z archives.Enhancement
ZIPNET-841Bug on cpio extraction.Bug
ZIPNET-840Bug on tar extraction.Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Zip.Z.ZArchive.Extract(Stream destination)Extracts Z archive to the stream provided.
Aspose.Zip.Z.ZArchive.Extract(FileInfo fileInfo)Extracts Z archive to a file.
Aspose.Zip.Z.ZArchive.Extract(string path)Extracts Z archive to a file by path.
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarArchive.FromZ(Stream source)Extracts supplied Z format archive and composes TarArchive from extracted data.
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarArchive.FromZ(string path)Extracts supplied Z format archive and composes TarArchive from extracted data.