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Aspose.ZIP for .NET 22.3 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
ZIPNET-858Run program after self-extracting archive is extracted.Feature
ZIPNET-865Fix wrong offset of local file header for zip64 archives.Bug
ZIPNET-859Fix bug with delayed extraction.Bug
ZIPNET-869Fix extracting encrypted RAR5 in .NET6.Bug
ZIPNET-766Extract CAB archives compressed using LZX and Deflate algorithms.Feature

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public types were added:Description
Aspose.Zip.Cab.CabArchiveThis class represents cab archive file.
Aspose.Zip.Cab.CabEntryRepresents single file within cab archive.
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Zip.Cab.CabArchive.#ctor(Stream sourceStream)Initializes a new instance of the CabArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive.
Aspose.Zip.Cab.CabArchive.#ctor(string path)Initializes a new instance of the CabArchive class and composes entries list can be extracted from the archive.
Aspose.Zip.Cab.CabArchive.EntriesGets entries of CabEntry type constituting the archive.
Aspose.Zip.Cab.CabArchive.ExtractToDirectory(string destinationDirectory)Extracts all the files in the archive to the directory provided.
Aspose.Zip.Cab.CabEntry.LengthGets the length of the entry in bytes.
Aspose.Zip.Cab.CabEntry.NameGet the name of the entry within archive.
Aspose.Zip.Cab.CabEntry.Extract(Stream destination)Extracts the entry to the stream provided.
Aspose.Zip.Cab.CabEntry.Extract(string path)Extracts the entry to the filesystem by the path provided.
Aspose.Zip.Cab.CabEntry.Open()Opens the entry for extraction and provides a stream with entry content.